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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I have serious doubts that it will ever happen.
  2. If Wood is better than Hangartner, I want him in a position to help out our crappy OTs....and that's at RG. And, as he's coming off a major injury, I am sure the thought of moving him anywhere is secondary o the thought of just getting back on the field.
  3. your picture is killing me. 10 y/o Daughter just causght a glimpse of it.
  4. I hear you. I'll just let it go at that. I thought Edwards looked good for the most part, but that out he threw to Evans will be returned for a DTD 50% on the time. He needs to throw it away. I thought Brohm's throw to Jackson was major league and the rest were safe slants. I'd love to see either guy throw to a TE or RB down the seems.....like Manning threw to Tamme.
  5. Evans isn't open without Edwards' ball fake to suck up the STARTING safety. If he underthrew him or missed him long, there would be 8 threads on it, so give credit where it's due. And when I read people disecting NFL QB mechanics on this board, it makes me throw up in my mouth. I personally like to see his elbow 2.5 inches lower, pointing his left foot perpendicular to the route with his throwing pinky pointing up and off the ball. Oops, I did it to myself.
  6. Would it be rude to throw condoms at him as he comes out of the tunnel? Maybe hold up big pictures of hot chicks to distract him. I'm not sure what it is, but there's an opportunity for humor there.
  7. Look at the positives with the O-line. At least we don't care if our QB gets hurt.
  8. Point well taken. I just get sick of folks expecting ALL of the above in one year. By the #9 pick, I think the LT issue was dead. Every team in the league was luke warm on Claussen. So, what would you have our guys do? Take the next Kyle Boller?? Winston Justice?? or take the next Tony Dorsett?? If Spiller is Tony Dorsett or even Reggie Bush, he's well worth the #9 and will justify the pick. I am judging these guys on what they do. And so far, I have no idea. We'll see.
  9. I never said the 2010 were anything but a joke. But so were the 1985 Bills. The question is: Are they moving forward? At this point, who knows.....
  10. I didn't say they were anything but a joke. But so what.
  11. Au contrare mon frere. You can B word and moan all you want, but the Bills are what they are. They are where they are. 10 years later, THIS IS WHAT WE GOT!! This is year one of this regime. They have had less than a year to assemble this team. That being said, if next year looks like last year, rest assured my season tix count will go down. I don't make excuses for anyone. But if you think that fans have anything to do with the direction of the team, you are delusional. Likewise, if you think they could have secured a QB, LT, RT, 2 WRs, a TE, a Defensive line and at least 2 starting LBs in 1 year, back off the hooka.
  12. And a #2 and #3 WR, a productive TE, 2 more stud LBs and production from our "land of misfit toys" defensive line. The ONLY place this team is set our kickers and DBs...well, maybe RB too. But this team is a LONG way from the playoffs.
  13. This team will not be built THIS year. It seems some people think it's possible. Let's find out what we have before kicking it to the curb and rebuilding again again. Just who the FA was or that stud LT in the 2nd round has escaped me. Face it, there is no feasible way they can plug all the holes this year. And even if they did, it would get us to about 8-8.
  14. Why would it influence it at all? The next time they play, their needs will be the same.
  15. The fact that anyone would throw out Billy Volek (he's so good, we can't even spell his name) at this point in time is further proof that we're in trouble this year. Let's just hope for healthy young guys playing alot, some excitement and about 11-13 one point losses. Since we're not going to compete for the Superbowl, I'm okay with sucking.....but suck ALL the way and don't embarrass the city with blowouts. I am truly okay with that...and I have season tix coming out of my ears.
  16. Wow. We suck for even thinking of or having this conversation.
  17. Is that Felton Huggins Sr. or Felton Huggins Jr.? I can't believe how long I've been hearing that name every August. Just another good camp player who just doesn't translate to Sunday
  18. If you watched the clip...when is the last time the Bills had a player who could do that?? He looks as elusive as Roscoe on punt returns with a lot more speed after he cuts. As opposed to our other talented RBs, Spiller makes guys miss and runs away from even the faster guys. If he stays remotely healthy, I think we're going to be bigtime Spiller fans by week 6.
  19. Nix and Gailey have hinted that they can't fix it all this year, but if they're moving in the right direction, that's all I care about. If LT and QB cost them as we suspect it will, I have faith it will be addressed next year (unless a REALLY good running back comes out...jk).
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