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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I disagree with anyone who says either line played even decently. That O-line got absolutely NO push in the running game, got beat for sacks and held to negate anything that did go right. I saw Wood get blown up. Hangartner can hold his point, but that's not his job. He did nothing to open any holes. The defensive line was slightly better, but still ineffective. Trent Edwards. I can't believe he'll be the starter much longer if he plays like that.
  2. Combination of no separation and Edwards "deer in the headlights" act. I have defended TE more than once, but he was brutal. The only thing I can say in his defense is the O-line sucked. I saw Wood get blown up, Green get blown around and absolutely no push in the running game. I don't care who you put in there, it's going to be a long year with that kind of line play. But Yeah, TE froze. He sucked. I hate Stroud even more. 300 lb blocking sled. Was in on one play.
  3. What does Phil Simms know? What does Bill Cowher know? Edwards sucks because he sucks. Gailey should be selling cars. We suck. We're doomed cause Ralph is so cheap. Sorry guys, just summarizing the negative crap posted over the summer. It is nice to read something positive from those who have a clue.
  4. That is a FACT!! Thanks to guys like Spiller, Evans, Jackson, Wood and the DBs, I don't see them as bad as Hank Bullough's boys in the mid 1980s and I don't think we can say they are on their way UP yet like the teams of the late 1980s. I expect interceptions and long TDs will net this team 5-7 wins this year followed by another major housecleaning after the season. We're not done building yet. One thing is for certain, I will be loud on Sunday.
  5. Never get into challenge of death with a Sicilian?
  6. Just how are the Bills WORSE than last year? They lost Owens and Schobel. I would argue that the Dolphins losing Crowder, Porter, Ferguson, Taylor and Will Allen should have a bigger impact. How does Brandon Marshall make up for that? I guess we'll know by next Sunday.
  7. I was going to respond, but this Edwards conversation has been SOOO beat to death. If he does well, he'll play. If he doesn't, Chan has no loyalty and the revolving door will spin.
  8. Whether or not Urbik developed enough to stay on the Steelers roster, he has talent. There was some discussion of him going in the 2nd round last year and he went in the 3rd. I think the Bills brought him in to upgrade their talent and depth and he does that. If Bell falters, I have to believe they'll kick out Levitre and draft an OT next year.
  9. Refreshing to see someone even open to being wrong.....
  10. Along with our friend Stroud, I was paying special attn to Maybin the last couple of games. He does that duck the shoulder edge rush move on most plays and is usually to wide. And his spin move, that I saw only twice, was hideous. I fear he is too much finesse and not enough power for today's game. Works great in the Big 10, but not on Sundays. My guess is that he has 16 games to prove something to Gailey, then gone if he stays on his current course.
  11. +1. Congrats on ANY NFL career....and living through playing at the Rockpile.
  12. Echo that. Even great WRs touch the ball 10 times a game. I think Spiller should be AT LEAST in the 15-20 range. I think Donald Jones has had a respectable pre-season. Without looking at the preseason stats, I'd bet he was closer to the middle in receptions than the bottom. Decent size. He's a return guy. If he could be a gunner, you maybe surprised when they keep a guy like Jones. Somebody has to play ST.
  13. Okay guys. Just keep an eye on him during the season and ask yourself big #99 is a strength or a weakness. I agree that he will probably be there on September 12, but I think this is just an indication of how little talent we have on D (other than back 4).
  14. If he doesn't, get him out of here. Would Belichick, Parcells or Cowher tolerate a player who takes plays off. In practice, pre-season or live action, play the game right. If it's a high motor guy with talent, yes. I'd rather have Kyle Williams than someone who look like Tarzan, play like Jane. You guys can dismiss this all you want. Ring the Bell. Cut me off. Doesn't matter to me. I do find it interesting that not one poster came back with a list of what Stroud does well. Anchor? Penetrate? Slide down the Line? All I know is: If he plays the season like he did against Cincy, our run defense will be putrid....just like last year.
  15. If you read it again, I only defend Kelsay's effort. He may ultimately be clueless....might suck and get cut. But I can't believe I was the only guy seeing Stroud walk backwards the whole 1st half and that I guess everybody can get past that 'cause he looks good.
  16. It has to be 1. Evans 2. Stevie J. 3. Parrish 4. Jackson 5. Hardy Jones, Nelson and Roosevelt have looked good, but do they have what it takes to go against a real NFL defense this year? I say 2 out of 3 go on the practice squad. The only surprise to me is if they cut bait on Hardy. If they do that, it comes down to who adds more to the team. Special teams ability and his speed advantage put Jones over Roosevelt for me. Nelson stays on the pratice squad. The only way Nelson makes the final roster is if they cut Chad Jackson AND James Hardy. It will be the most interesting position in the final cuts.
  17. Oh my god. I can't believe anyone thinks that. With all due respect, there are reasons our defense stinks. There are reasons everyone runs on us at will. After watching Stroud the last 2 weeks, he's produced more evidence that he is part of the problem that part of the cure. Answer this: What does Marcus Stroud do well? I am open to being convinced. Perhaps Kelsay is confused because our line is getting blown off the ball. Or maybe he is just confused. But at least he shows up on every play with effort.
  18. We all know the defense is going to stink...at least initially as we figure out who can play the 3-4 and how well. But if you are not alarmed by the special teams, you are in denial.
  19. #40 - JD Hill. Had a newspaper poster of the guy on my wall as an 8 year old.
  20. Both of those guys are Wally Pipp. Keep one as a power back, send the other one to Seattle for a conditional 3rd. I'd rather keep Lynch as a talent, but Jackson as a person with less risk of implosion.
  21. I thought Stroud looked the same in the Cincy game as he did most of last year. He may be in fantastic shape, but it seems to me he gets moved at the O-line's will and just makes very little diffeerence out there. Do you guys really thing he's that good? Maybe I'm delusional. I dunno.
  22. I just watched the Bills-Bengals game and I thought Stroud looked awful. For a 300 lb man, he was pushed around easily and just couldn't hold the point of attack at all. Anyone else notice?? I just kept asking myself what does Stroud well? My question: Is Marcus Stroud's position on this team safe?
  23. I think the thought is teams will try to tighten up the payroll in preparation of the lockout...and the Flozells and other high priced FAs will be on the market longer than usual until their contact demands line up with a pre-lockout budget.
  24. Could Parrish play the Welker role in the offense? Skill set seems similar.
  25. Good for Gailey. If nothing else, it shows conviction and cajones. It's more of a statement about him than Edwards, but I guess that was lost on the "you suck" crowd. Whatever....
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