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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Don't judge the season based on 2 games. If they stink this bad in late November, okay. But I still think it's early and the staff is finding out what personnel does well in game conditions. It'll take 1 win for optimism to explode around here.
  2. Santayana does not apply to the NFL....unless you like his quote about his one that goes something like 'Sanity is craziness put to good use'. That's not an exact quote, but it does try to explain the Bills opening up '09 with the no-huddle and currently playing the 3-4 with no linebackers.
  3. That is like having a hunch Poland will beat the Germans.
  4. My point in all this was more about the defensive coordinator than Kelsay. If you were running that defense, how would you coordinate it to give yourself a shot? If I ever see Kelsay out in space again, Edwards just was out-thought on that play. The other thing severly handicapping the left side is Stroud getting blown off the ball. Since they just don't have the personnel, I'd like to see them play more 4-3 with Stroud and Troup on the inside, Kelsay and Edwards on the out. It was SO less embarrassing. Get to the 3-4 next year when we have 2 professional linebackers on the squad. I hate to be one of the negative whiners around here, but, really??? Kelsay on Driver??? If that is so, doesn't that say something about the defensive coordinator?
  5. New England has a couple of talented tight ends and a smart coach. Do you think there's any chance they will try to isolate Kelsay in coverage the way Green Bay did with Jermichael Finley? When I saw Kelsay line up in front of Finley, I was yelling "NOOOO" at the screen. Finley ran free and basically uncovered for a 35 yard gain. I point this out not to rip Kelsay, because he does what he does and he is what he is. I point this out because I am looking to see if our DC is smart enough to avoid that matchup tomorrow. Coordinators put their players in a position to succeed and cover faults. I'm really looking to see if George Edwards can do this. In the mean time, I am claiming all NE tight ends off the waiver wire in FFL.
  6. I'm a big fan of Syd Finch. Cannon for an arm. Should be available.
  7. The truly interesting thing is that the curse has followed Wade Phillips to SD and Dallas. Now, the Bills haven't had talent since 1999, so the curse idea doesn't wash, but San Diego and Dallas flaming out?? Surely the football Leprechaun is responsible.
  8. What is the max you can get on the SAT?? I was a little shy.....
  9. Thank you!!! With all the week 2 talk of next April's draft, I was trying to come up with Snead's name and, for the life of me, couldn't remember his name. Snead is the reason you don't talk draft in September. Well, you can, but the picture morphs from week to week and god knows what it looks like in February. So I can waste time getting worked up over Dan LeFevour?? No thanks. I dunno how you guys can think draft. We have no idea who is going to be there, and we're currently kinda playing football now.
  10. There's only 1 stat any of us cares about. And that QB does not currently reside in Bflo.
  11. With all the "get er done Buddy's" around here, I'm guessing people just don't listen to what he says. I remember him saying that you build through the draft. With Whaley on board, I expect them to do that even more. Keep them till they're free agents, let them leave, get supplemental picks. Rinse, repeat. I don't remember the Steelers giving up picks to get players or selling off their talent to rebuild faster. The only player I can remember San Diego going after in a trade was Chris Chambers from Miami for a #2 pick, and that failed miserably. I just don't expect this regime to be that active buying...or selling. And giving Lynch away for a 3rd is almost more stupid that previous suggestions to go after Jason Campbell or Matt freakin Moore.
  12. +1 C'mon. You know the Bills are going on that mid year winning streak to put them at pick #11. Why guess now? Or even think about it.
  13. I think Lynch has the higher ceiling. Jackson does most things well, but he's never going to kill you. It's nice to have them both. That being said, if they don't start getting the kid involved, why the hell did they draft him?
  14. Jesus Christmas!!! Name a great team that was built with someone else's players. Name a trade that brought a team out of the depths of dispair to respectability. The only thing I can think of is when the Bills raped the 49ers in the OJ trade and when the Cowboys raped the Vikes in the Herschel Walker trade. Be patient. Build through the draft.
  15. Trade a proven talent for a possibility of proven talent. How stupid is that?? You don't rebuild by getting rid of your most talented players. If they trade Lee Evans, they don't have even 1 PROFESSIONAL wr. Then, all the sudden, the Bills get distracted in the draft for that CAN'T MISS, next Randy Moss with the 5th pick in the draft and our lines are passed over again. If they trade him, it better be for a high 2 or a package including a 2.
  16. Whitner is a strength of that team (if they have one) and the least of our worries.
  17. God I hate these "mark my words" posts. It's like throwing spaghetti on the fridge. Bell was awesome against bartenders. And since he's no longer a Bill, I could care less about him.
  18. Losman's top end was about 8 wins, which makes him twice the QB as anyone else on the Bills roster.
  19. WAY too early to tell. WAAAY to early. If it's anything other than a position of need, I will be very angry.
  20. He didn't say Lou Gehrig was taking over for Wally Pipp. He inserted Ryan Fitzpatrick, who would not be in the league but for the Buffalo Bills. He has no idea where the ball is going. He may suck just as bad, but at least he'll be unpredictable (to everybody).
  21. Nice!! It's nice to have a laugh after these past 2 weeks.
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