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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Baloney!!! I'll admit that. I'm done thinking about QB, in the short term. Just finished watching the top 10 Defenses of all time....and that's what Bflo needs. Give that city a dominant defense. Draft LBs the way the Steelers do, early and often. Get 2 more Troups. Now, all that being said, if Luck is the next Elway, you take him.
  2. I'd like to argue with you, but you are probably right.
  3. I have no idea how to react to competency from the Bills QB. Be excited? Doubt it will continue? I am truly stumped, but really happy to see well executed plays.
  4. +1. Props to #13. Showed some Andre Reed work over the middle too.
  5. Here's a crazier thought provoking even more derision: Maybe something will click in this 22 year old kid and he'll realize his NFL future depends on him growing a pair and doing something different. Maybe he'll show SOMETHING someday. I'm a firm believer than football players show on day 1 like Pat Wms, Biscuit, Conlan, etc., but maybe this useless POS will show some upside. Put another way, the Bills are stuck with him and will give him at least 10 more opportunities than he has shown that he deserves and that prob includes all of next year.
  6. Thank you for setting me straight. So, 509 yards later....ah nevermind.
  7. After Golston and Maybin, am I wrong to be nnnnervous about drafting a Big Ten pass rusher? That being said, I don't think there's a clear cut #1 guy coming out and trying to figure who the Bills will take is impossible at this point. As the they've only played 6 games, they do not know what their needs are. You just don't know who might emerge as a player yet...or who might blow out a knee. I know draft talk is fun and I spend WAY more time on walterfootball.com than anyone should, but this draft chatter will prob seem almost funny at draft time it is so off base. I hope they take someone who justifiably sells a lot of jerseys and I don't care what position he plays.
  8. You just can't call a guy a bust after 6 games. Now Maybin....he needs to either beef up, shape up or ship him out for whatever.
  9. It's not a myth. It's a fact. Look at how many misses NE had over the last 5. I think the bigger problem with the Bills is the re-drafting of a position after you let a quality player walk. Sign Winfield, Pat Wms and Clements at the right time and you could have used those picks on O-line or QB instead of McCargo, McKelvin and Youboty. It's general team mismanagement. I didn't think looking at the draft history over the last 10 years was being intellectually lazy.
  10. Solid point. My initial reaction is Jake Long et al are not playmakers. The Qb is the ultimate playmaker. Yes, he can't make those plays on his back, so the line does have to be addressed, but you need more talent at QB. A good QB can make the line look better. I know there's reservations about Vick, but he's the most talented NFL starter available. He's also an expensive shortcut, so chances are the Bills will not pursue. Solid point on the line though.
  11. There's no such thing as a great team without a very good QB, so you might as well get the QB now.
  12. I was looking back to see how other sucky teams from the past built their team up to current respectability and 3 things struck me: 1. The draft truly is a crapshoot. Even teams like New England, as a percentage of players selected, miss way more than they hit. Maybe this is why Belichick likes numbers because he's missed an awful lot. You think the Bills have strung together bad drafts? They are not alone. Almost everyone has missed and missed big. 2. Obvious to all of us, but the better teams invest in the lines almost every year....bad teams draft guys who line up 20 yards from the ball. 3. The most important factor in bringing the dreggs out of dreggsville was the arrival of a QB. Atlanta (Ryan), Houston (Schaub), SD (Rivers), Washington (McNabb), Miami (Chads), St. Louis (Bradford). As much as I have argued with those who say we need a QB even without a good O-line, I apologize. Yeah, it is possible to pull a David Carr or JaMarcus Russell and still be left without a QB. But the Bills have to invest, invest and reinvest until they find their Bradford (draft), Brees (free agent) or Schaub (trade). Now, I am thinking we sign Vick AND draft a QB. Call me a convert. The site I was looking at: http://www.fftoday.com/nfl/drafttracker.php?o=by_team&TeamID=9000
  13. It means little to me when someone throws out these "just had a hunch" so maybe once per year they can say "I told you so". To be meaningful, please put some analysis behind it. (Ex. The new defensive alignment will shut down the run/Fitz will burn Ed Reed 3 times/Spiller will be featured) Anything will do. Forget about our offense because they will not factor in this game. I think the Bills have absolutely NO answer for the Baltimore running game and both backs will go over 100 yards and they'll hold the ball for 35-40 minutes. I'd put money on the Bills scoring less than 10 unless there's a ST touchdown. Revisit that on Monday.
  14. To me the solution is simple and it stands for every sport: If you injure a guy and it is deemed a wrongful hit, you are suspended as long as the injured guy can't play. Pominville out 2 weeks, Hjalmersson out 2 weeks. Todd Heap out 4 weeks, Brandon Merriweather out 4 weeks.
  15. Sorry. Missed your post. I'm just looking for anything to talk about rather than Lee Evans, Brian Orakpo or Hloti Ngata. I forgot about Wrotto. That's another big guy they brought in. Who knows, maybe one of these guys turns out to be serviceable.
  16. Altough the Bills have yet to invest high picks in the O-line, they have signed former high picks in Urbik and this guy, Chad Rinehart. I know the response is a big, collective "so what", but if you look at his size and his pre-draft hype, he fits what we need. He was a 3rd rounder, pretty well thought of coming out BUT had an Eric Wood style broken leg and a coaching change happen to him during his short stay in Washington. If he was coming out this year, this board would be all over him. See the draft notes below. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2008/profiles/chad-rinehart?id=300#player-profile-tab-set-1:player-profile-tab-analysis Maybe it's nothing, but at least we're grabbing these talented big uglies when they're available. I also thought DL/LB John Russell and LB Thomas Williams looked interesting.
  17. At least Gailey/Edwards is trying something..At least the coach is trying to do what he can with the "talent" on hand to make them effective. That being said, and it seems like lipstick on a pig to me, but I do believe the coaches know the "talent" better than us and are lining them up that way for a logical reason.
  18. You don't want Parcells as GM. You want the next Parcells as coach maybe, but he's had all the money in the world as a GM and has really assembled a good product at best. I want someone who does it the Steeler way and maybe that's Whaley. It seems year after year the Steelers have mjaor talent leave and it never makes a difference because the replacement is always on the roster. Head coach? Show me good talent and I'll show you a good head coach.
  19. I am sure the Bills turned down a bevy of great offers just because they feel good about what they got.
  20. I'm with you. I dunno what these guys get out of harping on missed opportunities. Who knows about Troupe, Carrington and Moats. But one thing is for sure: We can't go back and take Orakpo, Oher or Ngata. But maybe, just maybe if we talk long enough about it, it'll mean something.
  21. Nothing like beating a dead horse to death to death.
  22. I don't trade with Belichick. And unless the staff thinks Wood is THEE center, why invest in a guard with HUGE ??? at tackle?
  23. We do not have any players of value worth trading for. There will be no trades with the Buffalo Bills. I give a waaaayyy outside chance of them moving Terrence McGee to a cb depleted team, but I think the Bills are stuck with the current cast without adding add'l picks.
  24. Not sure if you all have seen the 2010 Buffalo Bills, but Marcus Stroud is horrible and not even worth 3 used footballs. Jacksonville fleeced the Bills getting a 3rd and a 5th for him. There's NO WAY a team trades for Stroud. It's more likely that he gets released.
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