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Everything posted by JPS

  1. And 10 years ago, if the Bills just woulda taken Tom Brady in the 6th instead of Leif Larsen... Hindsight like this will drive you crazy and it means absolutely nothing.
  2. +1. If Fewell was the coach, we'd be at least 1-7 and this board would be flaming Ralph for hiring off the Jauron tree. Fewell is along for the ride in N Y with good talent.
  3. +1. I trust Andy Reid more than you jamokes.
  4. Miami, 1980. I think Nick Mike-Mayer kicked the winner. I'll never forget Mike-Mayer as he was the reason we lost Super Bowl 25. Connect those dots.
  5. Ganther is not there to play running back. He's there to replace Andre Anderson as our 3rd RB because he's a special teams guy. How you could link Quinton Ganther and CJ Spiller is beyond me.
  6. Did you see the one pass they counted 6.5 seconds Cutler had to find someone. INT's are directly related to sacks and QB pressures. What's the question again??
  7. I have never been a huge Fitz fan, but he has won me over. Rob Johnson could make all the throws. So could JP and Edwards for that matter. The difference is: Ryan Fitzpatrick knows how to read a defense and knows where the best place to put the football. Yeah, he's missed a few, but he's a lot better than I ever thought he would be and I give him a legit chance of being the Bills QB over the next 3 years. I don't think the pressure or the situation caused him to short arm anything. So I don't think he choked. I think he'll learn from each pick and get better. He's certainly going to be better next year than anyone they draft.
  8. These are the dumbest posts on this board. While you're at it, why not mention we coulda had Rod Woodson with the Shane Conlan pick? Who gives a crap about history. We know it sucks. The Bills are 0 and freakin 8. Lets all agree that they've drafted poorly, Lee Evans is not a true #1 WR, Lil Donte Whitner is a bad football player and Ryan Fitzpatrick is 2 mistakes per game short of being thee QB. Why some these posters wallow in this crap is beyond me. Hey, Stevie Johnson and Kyle Wms looked pretty good. How did Wrotto look? Talk about something new. Something RELEVANT.
  9. I actually agree with you. Half of the reason for Jackson's decline in yardage is having a halfway decent QB who takes what the defense gives them. You mix in run against the 7 or 8 man front just to keep them honest, but other than that, this offense has done an excellent job of taking what the defense gives them. If that results in lower ##s for Jackson, so what?? If Fitz would stop making the key mistakes that lose them the game, the LBs would back off and Jackson (and Spiller) would do better. It's not like Jackson is missing holes out there. Do people watch the game or just look at the stat line??
  10. With few exceptions, rookie defensive linemen suck.
  11. Amen. Was Barry Switzer the reason the Cowboys won the Superbowl? I am sure Brain Billick thinks he is the reason for the Ravens success, but talent makes the coach, not the other way around. And do not discount the postive effect Eli Manning has had on that defense. The Giants offense keeps the ball, scores points and puts the D in a position to succeed. That being said, I thought Perry Fewell HC and Chan Gailey OC would have been acceptable.
  12. I'd bet that Philly re-signs Vick. I think he's smart enough to stay in a system that makes him look good and Philly is pretty good at keeping their talent. They'll either keep Kolb or get a 2nd or 3rd for him. Winning organizations seem to do smart things. Funny/tragic watching how the other half does it.
  13. I thought Poz was very good in that game. He actually made 5-7 tackles in the hole (when it was small enough that he could fill it). Torbor shows why he needs a job every year and Kelsay consistently shows why he should be looking for a job. Maybe, the Bills will just eat the $2M signing bonus and cut Kelsay. How much bad film can one guy possibly produce before Gailey says ENOUGH!! Poz and Moats are the only Bills LBs that should be kept. Why would a free agent sign in Buffalo?? The Bills were and are in no position to add a 30+ year old "cherry on top" free agent and all free agents know this.
  14. That would be me and I think there's history on my side. The Bills have always stayed away from the "look at me" types and/or character risks. Carl Pickens might have won them a Super Bowl. Warren Sapp. Randy Moss. Anyone drafted by the Bengals in the last 8 years. Even Lynch, who is an interesting character with some issues, is a quiet and hard working guy. I can't think of anyone they drafted who is "neon", "lights out" or similar. That team is a bunch of choirboys. So I am glad I cracked you up, but for the purposes of this discussion, please show me otherwise. As far as making it a waiver claim, I wonder if it makes sense from this perspective: You pick him up, play him for 9 weeks and then let him walk. Doesn't that entitle the Bills to a compensatory draft selection? I know it depends also on who we sign, but you can bet it's going to be someone who will make less than Merriman did this year.
  15. Good link. I voted YES, but if all that is true, he's not a Bflo Bill. Loud, flamboyant dude who dates strippers and porn stars. I just don't see that flying at OBD. I'm okay either way.
  16. As McEnroe would say "You can't be serious"! Fitz hits Spiller on that go route, that game is won half hour ago. Gailey can't block or throw. How 'bout Ftz's pick?? Hali made Cordero Howard look weak. But the Bills lost by a foot (the kick) AT KC. Not a bad showing.
  17. But he's not a true #1 (we're due for a Lee Evans is not a rue #1 WR discussion). It's been 9 days, right?
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