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Everything posted by JPS

  1. The interesting thing about Kolb is what Philly did in 2010 in giving him a 1 year extension. This gives Philly equity in this player whether they use him or not. They could have let him walk or traded him last year, but they thought enough of him and Vick to give them both a longer look. I hope the Bills front office starts locking up players the way winning franchises do. Take Whitner, for example. I know he is controversial, but he MIGHT be a good player behind a decent front 7. I think a good front office extends him...and Poz for that matter, LAST year so at least they can get something in a trade if they decide Whitner needs to be moved. As far as trading with Philly again, forget about it. Gailey loves Fitz and I don't think he's going to give up part of the Bills' future for Kolb. Lee Evans? Philly has better versions of him in #s 18 and 10.
  2. So what. Glazer. Schein. Lacanfora. They are entertainers. If they knew more about football, they'd be in football. Just because they have the assistant clubhouse manager on speed dial doesn't mean they know anything. They might have a little knowledge, but you know what they say about that....
  3. Please don't draft based on scheme. That's how you let guys like Ngata go. Take the best guy.
  4. Cut to the chase whiners. The Bills shoulda drafted Bulaga. Spiller sucks and should be traded. Nix has no idea what he's doing. I've seen Bulaga about 6 times this year and think he looks like a rookie. But he will get more consistent and start for years on that team.
  5. Maybe Ralph wanted some accountability for the crappy defense and it landed on Cross. Considering the Bills defensive performance, who cares?
  6. Who is Jay Glazer? Really. Who is he? At least half of what we hear is BS. I would suggest this belongs in that half.
  7. This is the best thread started around here in a while. Good discussion. As Gailey said on the Thurman Thomas Show, 'Fitz is our QB for 2011'. Gailey did acknowledge areas that Fitz needs to improve, but there was no wavering in his support. Fix the _efense.
  8. Conversely, if you can't play, you're not depth. Cut Stroud.
  9. McCargo is gone, but he was a non-factor. I agree that Stroud needs to go. Between the unknown replacement and Stroud, I'll take the unknown. I know what Stroud brings to the table. Which is not much.
  10. If Fairley is gone, you're right....good call. Can anyone have a decent discussion about the Bills without falling into "we suck" mode? If the beast DLs are gone and someone wants to move up 3 slots for AJ Green or Peterson, I could see it happening. If our guy is gone, it makes sense on many levels.
  11. #74 seems to be in control on every play. The draft buzz might push Moffitt up a bit. I will never question the Bills drafting a lineman like that. And if Blount and Ivory showed me anything....please don't spend any more draft picks on RBs.
  12. If you listen to Gailey, he knows where the holes in this team are and that's where the picks will go. He thinks the offense has a chance to be very good next year. He offered no such optimism on the defense and said stuff like "we have a long way to go", "it's a process" and "we found out what some guys can't do that we thought they could do". Other than OT and TE, I expect all the picks to be used on defense and major overhaul. I dunno who's any good on that defense, but it's clear the Bills are way behind on having any defensive talent. I think that will be the PR move. Give us HOPE on defense.
  13. I think being a good pass rusher is more about speed, strength and leverage than size. How else could you explain Elvis Dumervil or Freeney? But...coulf the Bills take another OLB so soon after Maybin? The Bills D-Line sucks.
  14. Tony Sparano for DC. He'll be pissed at Miami.
  15. You sure he's not the next James Harris or Doug Wms? Akili Smith was a scatterarmed smaller QB who was much slower than Newton, but other than that, he's exactly the same. Don't worry, the Bills are not taking a QB at 3. No way. They have a starter and need a _efense. If it's not front 7, I will be more blown away than when they took John Fina over Carl Pickens. More shocked than Whitner over Ngata or Tommy Harris. Maybe even more shocked than Tony Hunter over Jim Kelly/Dan Marino.
  16. Not being a wiseass, but what is Draftek? I'm just unfamiliar with it and don't know what goes into your rankings.
  17. Yet another reason why January mock drafts are useless. I'm going to print off a few now and compare them to the final mocks that are done after real pick info leaks out in April. I would guess that 1/2 of the 1st round changes. Maybe I can look at last year.....
  18. Dunno how you evaluate any of the back 7 if the line is getting blown off the ball.
  19. I see, as with most posts on this wasteland, you really didn't read what I said before responding. Again, duplicates die quick enough and are less annoying than big bro. Thanks for invitation. I had no idea and feel completely liberated.
  20. First of all, I do searches all day in real life. I don't come to this mindless board and research before I post. It's a stream of thinking blog. 2nd - Mallett, Make me a believer is not the same as Mallett, You Suck. Finally, there is no need to annoy almost everyone and end threads. Duplicate threads end organically. And if they don't, what's the harm? If you really just want this to be a blog for you six mods, just let us know. You are the only one who needs this.
  21. Well so have I. But that doesn't mean I know anything. It just means I read a lot the days before the draft. Nawrocki, as well as all the "guru sensai" types provide very little insight in January...or at all. He, like all gurus changed to Spiller after word out of Bflo had them taking Spiller. If you listen to Gailey and Nix, they'll almost tell you who they're going to draft. I love Gailey's pressers.
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