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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Dude, New Jersey is a suburb of New York. The Jets have nothing to do with New York other than you can see it in the Blimp shots. I could care less who won yesterday and am now a HUGE Bear/Packer fan. Take yer olive branch.....
  2. Wow. Another one. I hope Whitner doesn't come back so I can stop reading these threads.
  3. You beat me to it. The Bills drafted Howard Ballard in the 11th round (I think), knowing that he was going to return to school for his 5th year of NCAA eligibility. And just like Bird, they signed him after his season, but before the next draft. Polian was heralded a genius (which he was/is) and the NFL closed that loophole the following year. For what it's worth, I cut this quote oute of a 1995 newspaper article that was not worth reading "The NFL requires those filing for its draft to renounce their eligibility to discourage players from returning to school if they don't like their draft positions or pro teams."
  4. Uhhhh....Sanchez was the 5th overall pick and had 3 TD passes today. I think the Jets would consider him a franchise QB.
  5. I disagree....In addition to those mentioned, you have Cameron Heyward, Cameron Jordan, JJ Watt, Kerrigan and about 5 others who will be drafted in or near the 1st round. That's a lot of D-line depth. If we can't find what we need this year, we never will. I personally like either Cameron. Both look Justin Tuck-ish to me.
  6. Isn't it about time you'all shift this to a "Lee Evans is not a true #1" crapstorm.
  7. I hope he does go to a team where he only has reponsibility for the tight end instead of covering up for the worst front 7 in the league. He'll be viewed as a solid player and, once again, the Bills will be viewed as the laughingstock of the league for letting their best players walk. Whitner's only problem is Twitter. And who gives a shite about Twitter....
  8. Actually, the Pats traded a 2nd and a 7th to Miami for Welker. That's a pretty steep price.
  9. As much as I realize the neccessity of a real franchise QB, the Bills have no business drafting ANY QB with the defense and the OLine looking like they do. Don't waste a 2nd on a question mark when it could be used on a pillar that this team sorely needs.
  10. The whole actress/supermodel thing...this is a positive, right?
  11. If we could get Bledsoe 2.0 in the 2nd with Gailey as OC, I'd take him. And who in THEE hell is Russ Lande? These guys come out of the woodwork.
  12. I'm a Bills fan for 40 years and I like Tom Brady. He's the best I've seen or at least in the team photo of best QBs ever. With all the chirping Rex and the Jets do every week, who could blame anyone for giving it back when they have the opportunity? Don't kids yourself about character and class. If the Bills had the bastard lovechild of Philip Rivers and Shannon Sharpe and he threw for 36 TDs and 4 Ints, you'd be wearing clothing with his name on it.
  13. For what it's worth the "point chart" would have the Pats giving Bflo #17, #32 and #33 for that #3 overall. Would you take that?? Maybe THAT team should.
  14. It shows the true colors of a guy like Kiper. They react. You watch what 4.29 does to AJ Green's stock in Kiper's eyes.(if he were capable) I'd be more impressed if he had Fairley there on Sunday. I miss Joel Buchsbaum.
  15. I hear you. But I've seen Fairley as well and he seemed to be in control at all times. After watching Stroud on rollerskates all year, the idea of a stout guy with quickness appeals to me. Acho looks like a solid football player. Dunno if he's strong enough at this point. But the Bills could use Fairley, Acho, Matthews, Miller, Bowers AND Peterson before Belichick will take them seriously. I'd like to see a DC who does as much with his "talent" as Chan did with the offense.
  16. And then those are those times you hit on a guy like Warren Sapp, Hloti Ngata, Bruce Smith that change the face of the franchise. Those guys don't usually come in the later rounds. It doesn't guarantee a difference maker, but a 1st rounder is nearly required to get one.
  17. I don't know anything about Acho, but I don't know how you can say that about Fairley. I thought he looked quick, powerful and mean. He's the #1 overall pick right now for a reason.
  18. Nnamdi to DENVER makes a boatload of sense to me. Not even he could cover behind the Bills front 7, so why waste the 15 mil?
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