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Everything posted by JPS

  1. With Zero pressure a combo of Prime Time and Rod Woodson would look like Elvis Patterson.
  2. Just stop the talk of the Bills offense. STOP IT! That defense is not talented, not well coordinated and can't stop anyone. We can win with the offense as we have enough playmakers. But that defense....my god!!!
  3. I am more concerned with the defense's inability to get off the field. I don't care if we had Kelly in his prime, 20 minutes of possession will NEVER win a game.
  4. Puhlease. Don't lawyer up around here. Does this mean we can bring AK47s to the game as well because that's protected? The issue is not what our constitutional rights are, it's when to have the class and common decency to restrain the use of extreme (and I mean EXTREME) vulgarity around those who deserve a little respect.
  5. Bulls**t. Your "always" must be about 4 years. I love the comparison to a Phish concert. The drunken youts use it as an excuse to just get hammered these days. That was NEVER the case even 10 years ago. Did you have drunks. Yes. Bad lingo. Of course. But the number of "fans" aged 20-30 who are there just to drink is way higher than it used to be.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I guess maybe I am getting old. To answer the question of whether it was reported, an older guy next to me reported it in the third quarter and a coupla yellow shirts came down to stop the madness. I tried to use that texting thing, but isn't kinda ironic that cell phones don't worl in the stadium? At least in 131 they don't.
  7. You are looking for an excuse to accept losing. I don't buy it.
  8. She is 16. And it's not just her. I did not want to hear it.
  9. Guess you had to be there. I've been going to games for 35 years and I've never seen or heard anything like it. It's not just the f bomb here and there. It was consistent and grossly offensive stuff said regardless of who was around them. Hocchuli was a c-sucker. Ryans wife sticks her toes somewhere. All with fbombs laced in. For 3 solid quarters. That...and guys were just flat out hammered. You guys are okay with all that? Maybe I am getting old.
  10. That would be a negative. But the buy was also yelling for Sanchez to clean the s**t off his lip.
  11. Forget about the game. That was brutal enough. I brought my family and a few friends in section 131 and there were fantastic displays of public drunkenness and about 10 people who inserted the F work in front of virtually everything. I am hoping it was an anomaly, but I just shouldn't have to apologize to my friends and explain to my daughter what a dirty Sanchez is. Are we Bills fans really that bad?
  12. Consider the possibility that some of the Bills injuries opened the door for better players.
  13. What have the Bills done over a 16 week season in recent memory that says any different? How can any of you be surprised with a skeptical media? Please.....
  14. I'm with the OP. If the Jets lose in Baltimore and against the Pats, the media will start calling him on the bravado. It's all really cute when you win....but start losing and the NY media will have Ryan on the cover of the NY Post in a tootoo (sp?).
  15. Once again, the stats tell you the Bengals played lower ranked offenses because the Bengals helped put those offenses lower. Likewise, the Bills played lower ranked defenses because the Bills helped put them there. OP has excellent info on the matchups. Can out now seemingly consistent O-line hold up against a great front 7? That's the only question, that, if the Bills answer in the affirmative, they will win.
  16. The Bengals have a nasty defense. They beat Cleveland in Cleveland. I'm trying not to raise my expectations too high. C'mon, beat that Red Rifle!!
  17. +1. For Peter King and for all of us. BTW - King has been giving the Bills decent press since the pre-season.
  18. It's weird that there's very little to be critical about at this point. Even #21 had a pick.
  19. That is some stat. I can't remember the last QB we had to support such good receiving stats.
  20. +1. Nice undercut on Ocho, who may have played his last NFL game.
  21. I know it's fun around here to poke at Belichick, but he's a great coach who hates to lose. Thats what I saw. Good win.
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