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Everything posted by offyourocker

  1. I think Benjamin will be a 1000 yard receiver once we get a QB. We need help at DT. I like where this team is headed. Huge improvement in game management and player discipline.
  2. Agree. He has some solid years ahead of him
  3. People wide open and Taylor does not see them. So frustrating
  4. What a ridiculous statement. It is a clear pass interference
  5. I think we need a QB more than anything
  6. Had to get a good old Tolbert run in there. Are the coaches !@#$ing blind???
  7. For sure. The one place you want Tolbert. Or Kyle h
  8. If Mularkey gets canned. Do we want him as an OC. He has a good history of success in that position.
  9. She looks like she would give a solid work out
  10. Just like that his hopes are granted
  11. Watched the end of the Ravens game at Dolphins Stadium with about another 500 Bills fan going crazy
  12. I just scored some free tickets. Would love to hang out with Bills fans prior
  13. I totally support him. Love the guy. Don’t support the team starting him.
  14. Tolbert is really giving the Pats a chance
  15. You must be listening to the radio. Last time in the end zone one we was open by 10 yards
  16. Can we stop the non sense. The guy does not throw the ball. They would never have acquired Benjamin if they had any thought of keeping Tyrod. I love the him as a team player but he is a good backup.
  17. Some people do not have much going in life so they take having a lot of post and seniority on a blog as meaningful.
  18. Taylor is tired of taking a lot of risk with those 4 yards passes and is switching to safer -1 yard plays
  19. Am I the only one that feels like Taylor will never use Benjamin
  20. I predict a big game for Taylor. 90 yards and 1 passing TD
  21. Would be hardpressed to find a better candidate to push a car out of the snow haha
  22. Not airplane parts fortunately
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