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Everything posted by billsfan1959

  1. I think you must be related to jrober38... Or maybe you are jrober38
  2. In reading through your posts, I have concluded there are two issues that prevent you from reaching any kind of reasonable, intelligent conclusion:. First Issue: This is exactly the problem with people like you. You absolutely cannot distinguish between the things Trump says and the things he does. For some reason, you get so spun up over his outrageous statements or bombastic personality that you are literally unable to objectively look at his actual actions. He did NOT personally take over any programs outlined in the bills, nor did he change the oversight determined by congress in the bills. If you can provide specific evidence that he did either one of those things, please share. If you can't provide any specific evidence, then maybe you should just STFU about it. Second Issue: You're an idiot
  3. Whether you want expert instruction on neurosurgery, blacksmithing, or jet engine repair, world-renowned expert on all things Greta Thunberg will be there to lecture you. "This will be a huge step up in quality for us," said David Rogier, CEO of the online learning site. "We thought about bringing her on to teach one class on global warming, but then we thought, 'Heck, let's just have her teach everything!' There is nobody more brilliant than Greta Thunberg. This is what the planet needs right now!"
  4. He didn't do that. Regardless of what he said, he did not step in, take over the process, and administer the loans. Can you understand the distinction between words and actions? As far as writing the bills, he didn't do that either. If you have a problem with that, why don't you take it up with your wonderful Speaker of the House, who held up the process, on two separate bills, and then stood up on national television telling everyone that she and her fellow democrats made sure the bills would have appropriate oversight?
  5. Who in the **** cares what he said. Tell me what he did. Or do you actually believe Trump personally oversaw every loan granted under the bills - even though there were specific guidelines as to how the loans would be administered and who would be responsible for monitoring the process? This is beyond idiotic.
  6. It's as if SectionC3 and Warren Zevon were brother and sister and had a child...
  7. You do realize it is not the government infringing upon your rights when your company wants to drug test you?
  8. The government can just show up at your door and take your blood, hair, or urine to test for whatever they want? Link?
  9. I'm not deflecting at all. You said Trump lost us 6 trillion dollars and then you reference stimulus bills that were written by congress (again with Democrats taking all kinds of credit for them being what they wanted) and administered as mandated by the bills. You made the claim. So, tell us, what specifically did Trump do, in connection with the stimulu bills, or in any other way, that lost us 6 trillion dollars?
  10. No argument there, my friend. Kind of a strange choioce to sit on a panel like that, but, to each their own
  11. WTF are you going on about? Are you saying that Trump started Covid-19 to force a shutdown of the US economy, so that trillion dollar stimulus bills would have to be passed by congress (after being held up by the Dems to make sure they were exactly what they wanted), and then administered in the way mandated by the bills? Is that how he lost us 6 trillion dollars? Please, tell us more. This is fascinating.
  12. I never tire of seeing this
  13. And this explains how Trump lost us 6 trillion dollars how? Honestly, this response is nonsensical.
  14. Is this complete ignorance or intentional ass hattery? Inquiring minds want to know....
  15. The program is literally titled, “Coronavirus: Facts and Fears.” (1) If you are going to talk facts about a virus, inherent in that is the idea that you are going to put on "experts" or at least people very nowledgeable on the topic. (2) What possible legitimate contribution could Greta Thunberg make to a higher level discusion of the coronavirus? My guess is that you are right, her contribution is going to be about fear, and she will let us all know how, “Like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis." Because, clearly, this is all about saving the children....
  16. I am not arguing the merits of the Patriot Act, nor am I interested in what the FBI could have done. My point was, and still is, that they lied to the FISA Court in their applications to go after US citizens for political reasons. This, and this alone, should concern every single citizen in this country.
  17. No, it doesn't. The FBI can conduct a surveillance on someone if they are the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation and it is related to the offense. To listen in on any typ of conversations requires authorization from a court, which is a a pretty extensive process. The process is even more stringent when it comes to surveillance of US citizens for issues that are non-criminal and related to counter-terrorism/ national security/etc. The Patriot Act broadened powers and loosened restraints somewhat; however, there is still a process and that process still places a heavy burden on the government to justify surveilling a US citizen.
  18. No, the IG stated every problem they found in the FISA Applications was a "mistake." Those kinds of "mistakes" do not happen in FISA Applications if the process is followed legitimately.
  19. The FISA Application process is pretty detailed with layers of checks and balances. It was established for a reason: to preclude abuses by the government in spying on US citizens. The Patriot Act did nothing to diminish the probable cause required to obtain a warrant.
  20. Oh, ok, you could have said the FBI lying to the courts and the American people is fine and left it at that....
  21. A simple question. Do you approve of the FBI lying to the FISA Court. Yes or no. C'mon, stand up for what you believe. It couldn't be any simpler of a question or response. Yes or no?
  22. Quit evading the question. I will make it very simple. It has been pretty well documented that the FBI lied to the FISA Court to obtain warrants to spy on US Citizens. Are you ok with the FBI lying to the FISA court? Grow a pair of balls and openly stand behind your convictions.
  23. You must have missed the news over the last 6 months or so to not know what the FBI did. Of course, we all know you are well aware. You are just too much of a coward to actually admit you are ok with the FBI lying to a FISA court in order to spy on US citizens for political reasons - as long as their targets are people you do not like.
  24. Still haven't directly answered the question of whether or not you are ok with what the FBI did. Indirectly, your approval is inherent in your lack of a response. However, if so, just be open about it and actually say it.
  25. You two are hilarious. You are outraged over someone lying to a government official, yet not a peep about a government agency manipulating probable cause in FISA Applications, literally changing the content of documents, lying to courts in order to spy on US citizens, all to set up that same person in order to get to Trump. LOL
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