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Everything posted by billsfan1959

  1. I believe there are two distinct themes expressed by fans on this message board regarding the past 14 years of ineptitude. The first, in my opinion, is a fairly reasonable approach to the season that I see in the first sentence of your post: "I'll still be excited when kickoff happens, but I'm tempering expectations." The second is this approach by a small number of posters of beginning virtually every post with "They have sucked for 14 years" and ending with "They will suck again this year" - and, in between, giving reason after reason (usually beginning with EJ) why the team will suck. There is no optimism, no hope....only pure cynicism. Again, in my opinion, I just cannot see the fun of being a fan when, before the season even starts, you are already tossing it on the scrap heap of past failures. But, to each their own.
  2. You are welcome and encouraged to voice whatever your opinion may be. However, IMO, it is absolutely the height of arrogance to voice your opinion as fact, which is what you are doing. To say it is "painfully obvious" and that only a "homer" could possibly have any other view that is different than yours is pure condescension and belittling to those who disagree with you. Your opinion is merely that: an opinion. Believe it or not, individuals who are every bit as intelligent, rational, and thoughtful as you can actually have differing opinions on this topic. There is no need to be arrogantly dismissive of those who disagree with you.
  3. It won't because there are a VERY SMALL number of posters who refuse to objectively evaluate any information regarding EJ Manuel. For whatever reason, they are convinced he is not an NFL caliber QB and has no chance of ever being one. If you look through the history of their posts over the last four weeks or so, there isn't a QB out there that hasn't been promoted as an upgrade over EJ. They would literally rather have anyone over him - and they take every opportunity to say so, even in threads that are not related to EJ in any way. Their unrelenting desire for EJ to be gone was exemplified in the OP's post when Orton was signed in which he essentially hoped for EJ to "go down" with an injury so Orton could take over. There are many rational, intelligent posters on this forum who are on both sides of the EJ debate that engage in thoughtful debate and, in the end, can respectfully agree to disagree. It is unfortunate that, over the last month or so, this forum seems to have been dominated by a minority that have only one view and feel the need to post it over...and over...and over...ad nauseum
  4. i do not think that word means what you think it means....
  5. Absolutely right. I think he showed enough in the preseason to warrant a chance on a practice squad. However, it is going to be tough for this kid to land with another team and it is not his fault. I posted this in another thread, but it is appropriate here: I think Eric Wood was right to call out ESPN for their obsessive coverage of Michael Sam; however, it was more than just ESPN. I feel bad for Michael Sam. It should have simply been a feel good story of a young man who had the courage to be who he was, and an organization, in a sport that epitomizes traditional views of masculinity, giving him the opportunity to achieve his dream. At this point in time, an openly gay player joining an NFL team should have generated nothing more than such sentiments. Unfortunately, it was never going to be that simple. The collective media, in its never ending quest for sensationalism, rather than just reporting, did the very thing they would eagerly crucify anyone else for doing: singling him out for being different and hindering his chances for success because of it. I wish him well.
  6. I think Eric Wood was right to call out ESPN for their obsessive coverage of Michael Sam; however, it was more than just ESPN. I feel bad for Michael Sam. It should have simply been a feel good story of a young man who had the courage to be who he was, and an organization, in a sport that epitomizes traditional views of masculinity, giving him the opportunity to achieve his dream. At this point in time, an openly gay player joining an NFL team should have generated nothing more than such sentiments. Unfortunately, it was never going to be that simple. The collective media, in its never ending quest for sensationalism, rather than just reporting, did the very thing they would eagerly crucify anyone else for doing: singling him out for being different and hindering his chances for success because of it.
  7. What bashing I have heard from the media is nothing compared to what I have read on this board over the last four weeks. Personally, I am tired of all of it - because it is pointless. Whatever your opinion may be, he is the QB of the Bills and that is not going to change. It is what it is. All we can do is support him, see how he performs this season, and have a better idea at the end of the year of whether or not he is capable of being a long term answer at QB.
  8. IMO, I believe the FO does have a clue. It is clear, to me, that they have greatly improved the talent and depth on this team. In regard to some of their decisions that appear to some as signs of incompetence (as with the players you mentioned), it is never that simple. Whether or not players continue on a trajectory to reaching their potential, actually do reach their potential, or continue playing at that level once they do is dependent on so many different variables. To say it is an inexact science predicting how any given player will perform is, to say the least, an understatement. Going into traning camp and the preseason, most people who follow the Bills closely believed that, based on last year's performances, Lewis was developing as a very competent backup QB and Tuel could continue to be brought along as a developmental QB. There is no reason to feel the FO office was incompetent in believing the same thing and that both players would continue to improve. Similarly, Legursky played well in 2012 and really regressed in 2013. I also don't believe it is a matter of incompetence for them to believe he may bounce back from that regression and play to the level he played prior to last season. With Graham, what harm was there in giving him the preseason to show he was worthy of staying on this team? The Bills have a strong receiving corps and it is not as if he was taking up a spot of a potential starter out there. The fact is, none of those things happened and they got rid of all four players. Perhaps they waited too long; however, it is not as if there were many options by the time everyone realized those players were not getting better.
  9. Very well written post my friend. As I used to tell my children as they were growing into adulthood: You can believe whatever you want to believe and you do not need to have the same opinions as I do. However, whatever it is that you believe, be able to articulate your opinion based on a reasonable analysis of the facts regarding that particular issue - and don't make it personal when someone disagrees with you. Reasonable, intelligent people can and will still disagree with you on any given topic; but, at least they will respect your opinion.
  10. Well, let me see here. On one side is a poster who has been, IMHO, absolutely reasonable in his thoughts about EJ. On the other side is a poster who not only declares with absolute certainty that EJ will be a bust, but appears to enjoy doing so. I will side with The Dean all day long on this one.
  11. Who really cares...other than those people who (1) have such an incredible need to prove they are smarter than everyone else and (2) are so hell bent in proving the current Bills' organization is inept - that they do things such as cling to the fortunes of an undrafted wide receiver...hoping he makes it big for NO OTHER reason than to prove the points stated above.
  12. Nope, you are not the only one. I think he will be just fine.
  13. You are absolutely right. This is EJ's team and they will give him every opportunity and a reasonable amount of time to succeed. As it should be.
  14. You know what they say, the first step in getting better is recognizing you have a problem...So, instead of asking other people to do it,you need to say it yourself. It really isn't that hard...four simple words: "I am an ass."
  15. I find it interesting that going into training camp and the preseason, many posters believed Thad Lewis was more than a competent backup QB (and a number who actually proclaimed he should be the starter) based on his performance last year - and, now, some of those very same posters find it incredulous that the front office could have had the same thoughts coming into this year.... And we know that your method is such a wonderful idea that every team in the NFL employs it. Oh, wait...no NFL team has ever employed it...
  16. Yes, drafting a QB with your first pick every year is the very definition of commitment...
  17. Given the current climate of this board… This is absolute heresy...
  18. You would be an absolutely superb GM for any team in a league that has the ability to go back in time and re-draft players. Hindsight is so much more difficult than predicting…
  19. Kinda making the OP's point...
  20. Yeah, let's hope for EJ to go down. Classy...
  21. It's also possible neither are bad and everything will be fine. Why don't we just wait and see how things go this season.
  22. You are absolutely right. I admire Jim Kelly for the way he has handled all he has gone through on a personal level - and greatly respect what he accomplished in the game. However, his opinion is the just that: an opinion. He essentially said the same thing most of us have been saying (paraphrased): "I hope he improves enough to take advantage of the talent that now exists on this team - let's wait and see."
  23. This. There are pretty much two distinct camps on this board when it comes to EJ and most of us, regardless of what camp we are in, are not likely to be persuaded to believe otherwise at this point in time. The truth is that there isn't a single person who can say, with any degree of certainty, how good or bad EJ may be. We will all have a better idea at the end of the season. IMHO, there just doesn't seem to be enough evidence at the present time to give an informed opinion either way. While I do believe we are all entitled to our opinion, and this is certainly the place to give it, it seems, regarding EJ, this forum has just devolved into thread after thread after thread of the same points...over and over...ad nauseum...
  24. Clearly that is your opinion (as well as a number of other posters) and you are welcome to voice it all you want. However, please don't presume the vast majority of fans feel the same way you do
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