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Everything posted by billsfan1959

  1. No, your initial post was agreeing with two other posters and saying (in reference to Stopthepain's analysis that EJ is a bottom-half of the NFL QB and nothing more than a game manager), "Anyone who disagrees with the above either has no football knowledge at all, or is just a blind homer." You are welcome to any opinion you want. It is the complete dismissal of the credibility of anyone who might disagree with you that is bothersome. There is no need for that.
  2. I have to say, the Bears impressed me tonight. Losing five starters during the game and struggling, offensively, into the third quarter. They hung in there in a tough environment.
  3. LOL...goodnight my friend - it's all good
  4. "I can't believe we are not kicking your asses...you lost to the BILLS...at home!"
  5. Welcome aboard!
  6. I was watching the game and wondered how long it would take someone to diminish the Bills win last week based on how Chicago is playing tonight...on the road...in a place that is very difficult to win generally...against one of the best defensive teams in football (and one of the best teams period)...who are playing their home opener...in their new stadium...on national TV on a Sunday night game.... Based on that logic, we should be happy because we beat Miami, who must be a great team because they beat New England who looked unbeatable today.....
  7. Congratulations on your win. there is some real talent on your team and Pettine will have them playing aggressive, solid football.
  8. I don't believe Jerry Sullivan has ever given any indication he is (or ever has been) a fan of the Bills. As far as his pessimism, in his article about Pegula, Sullivan described himself as a "professional pessimist," which was not the first time I heard him say that. Which brings a couple of thoughts to mind: 1) He would probably get more respect if he took more pride in being a professional writer - as opposed to the pride he seems to take in being a professional pessimist; and 2) If he is, as he says, a professional pessimist, how can he objectively write about anything. I do not think most of us fans want Buffalo sports columnists or sports reporters who see the world through rose colored glasses. We also don't want a sports columnist who sees the world through a lens of cynical negativity.
  9. I am not certain; however, if you go back and look at the play where EJ missed Watkins for the TD, I believe the DB hit Watkins and slowed him down, making the throw look worse than it was.
  10. A very well written piece. Poetic license or not, it warms your heart to look at it in that way. Well done.
  11. I have no idea what happened. Given that it is a pretty well known burger place in Philly, as well as the likelihood they probably knew who it was that they were serving, I would be surprised if the service was horrible. Also, the owner's public explanation seems pretty genuine. However, maybe it really was bad service, or maybe something was said between the staff and McCoy's party.
  12. Strange behavior...he almost appeared to be under the influence of some sort of sedative or other medication???
  13. You might want to look up the concept of projection...
  14. Generally speaking, if you have to tell people that you are intellectually superior...it is because, deep inside, you know that you aren't. But hey, behavior is a function of consequence - which means we do things for a reason. If telling people you are intellectually superior to them makes you feel better about yourself, have at it. Who am I to deprive you of your happiness.
  15. You are missing the point. Goodell is not "any person" in the United States. He is the Commissioner of the NFL and he, himself, has gone about setting the standard of conduct for the players. He did not do his job in this instance. Period. End of story. He did not do his "due diligence" regarding behavior that, whether you like it or not, has much broader implications. As much as you would like it to be the case to support your simple arguments, things do not happen in a vacuum. They tend to be much more complex in nature. We can just agree to disagree on this point.
  16. I try to debate topics and I try to never get personal in posts. You know nothing about me and personally called me out for not doing my moral duty - even though it is absolutely irrelevant to the topic. I answered you and you give the above response. There really is nothing substantive in your posts to debate at this point.
  17. I spent 8 years in the military. I spent 23 years with the FBI. I currently assist prosecutors in murder, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence trials. I also provide training to law enforcement, prosecutors, and mental health professionals on offense, offender, and victim characteristics in intimate partner violence and sexual assault. I think I have spent a lifetime doing my moral duty. How about you? Care to comment?
  18. Goodell should be fired for not diligently doing his job on an issue that is as serious as any in our society - whether you like it or not.
  19. What is short sighted are opinions like yours. The NFL is part of the American society and the use of the national/international sports stage as a medium for making social statements goes back a long way (e.g., Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson) and continues up to the present (e.g., Donal Sterling). Opportunities arise in all walks of life to address important social issues. When those opportunities arise, they should be take advantage of. It is not Goodell's responsiblity as the NFL Commissioner. It is about his responsibility as a member of our society who has the forum and opportunity to do a greater good. The only moral superiority I see here is dripping from your posts.
  20. I have worked in the intimate partner violence arena for years and there is a very legitimate reason for people to care about this "stuff," and this case in particular, for a number of reasons: 1) You need only to observe the public reaction to the video, as opposed to the initial reports, to get a small glimpse into one of the major problems in dealing with domestic violence. For those who have never been around DV or DV victims, there is a tremendous difference in hearing about it as opposed to actually seeing it. This is a case where the nation got to observe what it actually looks like (and believe me, as sickening as that was - there are women in this country who endure far worse). For the first time, many people saw the reality of the violence. 2) You are right, this is not about football. However, Goodell had a chance to bring the NFL to the forefront of this issue - to seize the opportunity of setting a policy in place to deal with offenders in a way consistent with what we now understand about intimate partner violence. You may not believe that the NFL should get involved in social issues; however, they are inherently intertwined, and sometimes a stance needs to be taken regarding issues that are bigger than a game.
  21. It's all good. We traded responses in debating a point and it never got personal (it never should). You were very clear in your posts that you were not defending Ray Rice's actions or trying to minimize his behavior. Anyone who actually read your posts should have understood that. No worries my friend.
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