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Everything posted by billsfan1959

  1. You predicted the hospitals would be overwhelmed and people would be dying on gurneys in the hallways when it hit here. There hasn’t been, nor will there be, instances of people not getting a bed in ICU or ventilators if needed.
  2. I did call you crazy. I also said you were hysterical and looked for the worse case scenario around every tree. Yes that was me. All true.
  3. By your initial proclamations, it would be impossible to last another 10-12 months - as there would be nobody left alive after about 4-5 months
  4. It doesn’t look like you are going to reach that number of dead you were hoping for, Q-baby....
  5. No, you can’t. You can’t preach Armageddon and blame Trump for it, claiming he ignored science and did nothing at all, and then when that doesn’t happen give him no credit at all for doing something right
  6. I am better than that. You are not. You can’t have it both ways, Gary
  7. So, Trump is so good that he can wait too long to do anything at all and still crush every predictive model out there.... #NationalTreasure #LegendOfDonaldTrumpContinues So Trump did a fantastic job then? Thanks, Gary
  8. Hey, Nostradumbass, how is that whole “millions and millions of people are going to die” prophecy thing going for you....
  9. Shhhhh.... This is not going to go over well
  10. "I've got it!" he'd cried in the early morning hours on Sunday. "Hey Melinda -- I've figured out how to eradicate this nasty virus! Everyone mocked me for commenting on the virus while not even being a medical expert, but ha! I'll show them yet!" But just then, his monitor suddenly displayed a blue screen. A virus had infected his Windows 10 machine and crashed the whole thing, wiping out everything on his hard drive. Microsoft OneDrive would have backed it up, but Gates had kept dismissing the annoying message that popped up every few minutes on his computer, reminding him to set up his OneDrive account. The loophole this particular virus exploits had been closed in a recent Windows 10 update, but again, Gates kept putting off the update because the messages bugged him. "You know, it's kind of funny, in the end," an introspective Gates said as he stared out the window at his 220 acres of land. "I tried to cure the virus, but a virus got me in the end." "Ironic." Gates was last seen trying to sneak an Apple computer into his house.
  11. Haahaa! I remember his endless catastrophic predictions....
  12. Hey, Q-baby! have you settled yet on the number of people you secretly want to die so Trump doesn't get reelected? I know the last time we spoke about it you were unsure. Ummm, no. But thanks for playing
  13. It doesn't really feel like you are handling this very well. Maybe you should take a break before you have a nervous breakdown. Some people are equipped to deal with a crisis, and some people are not.
  14. I still remember the journalist in the WH Press Corps accusing Trump of peddling false hope with the drug, the MSM piling on, and Governors in numerous states refusing to allow doctors to use it - ALL from strictly a political stance. I wonder if anyone will start screaming about the lives lost because of their delays in allowing the drug to be used.....? That was a rhetorical question
  15. 1. Yes, focus on the actual numbers that mean anything. Our country is handling it as well or better than any country out there with any significant number of cases. That's what the numbers actually show. 2. It's amazing that Trump knew about this in November of 2019 when the WHO first said anything about it on December 31, 2019, or that China announced their first death from the virus on January 11, 2020. He must be omniscient. If so, then he also must know it will be ok 3. Every country in the world was ill prepared. 4. I don't like to see anyone die. However, did you carry on like this when 14,000-15,000 died from the swine flu? 5. Do you carry on like this over the 180,000+ people we lose each year to Influenza, pneumonia, and lower respiratory diseases? the 600,000+ people we lose each year to heart disease? the 600,000+ people we lose each year to cancer? the 140,000 people we lose each year to strokes? the remainder of the 2.7+ million people that die in this country each year - many of them preventable?
  16. That's all you got? C'mon, I gave you some legitimate numbers to calm your hysteria about "the U.S. has the highest number of cases on the planet!!!" Stop crying, put on your big boy pants, look at the numbers, and then tell us all what they mean, and why screaming about having the highest numbers of cases is not a very intelligent or helpful way to look at this. Just shout out the answers when you have them. If you need any help just ask. We all want to help you feel better.
  17. Ahhh....you lose an argument and throw a tantrum like a child. Honestly, you are exactly what I would expect if @Gary Busey and @Q-baby! were brother and sister and had a child...
  18. Calm down there. Just to put the numbers in a little perspective. Country Population Tests conducted Tests conducted per million Cases Deaths Deaths per million Cases per million Death Rate of confirmed cases Italy 60000000 619000 10316.67 128948 15887 264.78 2149.13 12.32% Spain 46000000 355000 7717.39 135032 13161 286.11 2935.48 9.75% France 65000000 101046 1554.55 93780 8093 124.51 1442.77 8.63% Belgium 11000000 22615 2055.91 20814 1632 148.36 1892.18 7.84% Germany 83000000 918460 11065.78 100770 1608 19.37 1214.10 1.60% UK 67000000 173784 2593.79 48451 4943 73.78 723.15 10.20% Total 332000000 2189905 6596.10 527795 45324 136.52 1589.74 8.59% United States 331000000 1500000 4531.72 338995 9683 29.25 1024.15 2.86% New York / New Jersey 28000000 160665 5076 181.29 5738.04 3.16% Rest of United States 303000000 178330 4607 15.20 588.55 2.58%
  19. She went on to guess that diamond earrings, a set of jet skis, and even a giant pile of cash were all free. Carey unveiled a package containing world-class healthcare and she said, "Definitely free." She was at one point puzzled by a stack of croissants but eventually guessed that they also were free. Ocasio-Cortez was never able to advance to the game proper, and as the credits rolled she appeared visibly upset. A hot mic picked up comments she made in frustration, claiming that the game was rigged by capitalism and that "everybody knows giant piles of money are free, that's like basic economics 101."
  20. I called the article bull**** because it made an accusation that Trump did nothing for 70 days and offered no evidence of when he should have acted. A point I clearly stated in the following reply. This is your reply below: Here is your original post of the article that I originally responded to as bull****. NOTICE THE FIRST SENTENCE IN THE TWITTER POST AND BOLDED PARTS IN THE ARTICLE YOU COPIED AND PASTED. So, let me recap: 1) You post an article, the point of which was to accuse the Trump Administration of failing to act for 70 days 2) I call it bull****, and provide a complete timeline of accurate, verifiable facts showing why it was reasonable for Trump and every other leader to not realize how substantial the threat outside of China was until late Feb. I ask you to tell us when you think he should have acted and why. 3) You refuse to answer my question. You respond that I called the article bull**** and ask me to prove it (even though I already did with the facts in the timeline). 4) I go through the article, AGAIN, and literally find nothing, AGAIN, that says WHY he should have done more. I point out to you that there is literally no evidence presented in the article to show there was a failure of Trump to act in that first 70 days. 5) Your response then is to actually say the article didn't claim Trump waited 70 days to act. You then stated it proves I didn't read it 6) It is in the actual twitter post you copied, in the very first sentence of the article you posted, and the ENTIRE POINT of the article. So, apparently YOU didn't read ANYTHING that YOU copied and posted. 7) You are an idiot, and I mean that in the kindest "you have a room temperature IQ" kind of way.
  21. Right. Wishing more was done sooner is much different than reasonably expecting Trump or anyone else to know what serious steps would need to be taken before the end of Feb. When you point out he did more sooner than any one else, like restrict travel from China, they counter with things like, “Well over 300,00 people who had been in China traveled here before he enacted the ban.” They fail to mention that most of them traveled here when there were few cases outside of China, the WHO was still telling the world there were no instances of human to human transfer of the virus, and that most Democrats were opposed to the ban. I have yet to have one of them provide what evidence they feel was compelling enough to them to say It is reasonable to believe Trump should have known how serious it was going to be and should have done more sooner.
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