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Everything posted by wide_right

  1. i'm pretty sure that's who he meant by "van halen" in his 1st sentence. but seriously, how about reb beach of winger fame! reb beach
  2. why not turn on the emergency flashers? and if the car had a flare in trunk, light it behind the vehicle?
  3. one is exploiting animals for entertainment, the other is exploiting them for food. i guess you could make the argument in the latter case at least they're not forced into violence and their death is more humane than drowning, but at the end of the day its a miserable existence either way
  4. vick throwing to TO and Evans, handing off to Jackson and Lynch, scrambling in goal line situations, playing behind a solid Oline ... sounds good to me. that offense definitely puts points on the board
  5. nice find. on their best pick wilfork, when it's all said and done, our pick of evans may turn out the better player.
  6. there was a brief period when a lot of people had Howe circled as the best due to his eclectic style. mood for a day, nice acoustic piece
  7. she's probably caused some straight women to switch to the other team too!
  8. with all the needs bills and lack of depth + no real stars of their own to trade, how can they possiby trade multiple anything for just one player?
  9. lots of factors go into making the playoffs: luck, coaching, what division you're in, free agent moves, etc etc. i bet if you went over the most successful playoff team in our division over that period the pats with a fine tooth comb, you'd also find a very disappointing drafting record
  10. he prefers massive floods to cold? not to be insensitive, im just saying
  11. what a complete d-bag. we gave him his 1st (and only) chance at head coaching, his record was terrible, and this is how he thanks us? and some believe this d-bag wasnt purposely trying to hurt favre?
  12. how about dime bag darrell of pantera, robby krieger of the doors, Elliot Easton of the cars? seems silly to put greg lake in your top list and not even mention these guys.
  13. that may be novel and she's kind of cute and all, but NO she can't shred
  14. i'll take coach jeff fischer's call that it was illegal and a blown call any day over some guy posting on the web who has henry winkler for an avatar
  15. 2 eyes and a brain, the latter of which you don't possess
  16. son of course. but if his team lost, it would still be a good day.
  17. greg williams is a POS trying to purposely injure favre. true scum of the earth
  18. LOL Kyle Orten highlight reel
  19. And his team still sucked. NO TEAM game plans around stopping Orten. NONE. He's a wimpy, weak armed non-factor. LOL Orten ,,, still having a good laugh over that one.
  20. I hear toward the end of his career with Deep Purple, we was soooo stoned on heroine he could barely play. His live solos were often just a repetitive one or two notes. Everyone kept waiting for him to bust out like his earlier work with Cobham, but it never happened.
  21. Exactly, why does there have to be a "splash"?
  22. dont know. dont keep a catalogue of picks in my mind.
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