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Posts posted by wide_right

  1. Just curious for opinions. Here is mine. Moorman would've started over Tuten or any other punter we had during that stretch. Lindell would've started over Norwood but not Christie. Stroud would've started over Wright. I think McGee would've started over Odomes. Schobel would've started over Seals...and perhaps even Hansen. That's it. There are some borderline ones. Maybe Byrd would've gotten the nod over Kelso but I bet not, since the coaches loved having the brainy Kelso out on the field. Maybe Lee Evans would've started over Beebe in a 3-WR set.


    Any others? Agree, disagree?

    Evans over Beebe, no doubt. Bills find a way to get him on the field. I don't think Stroud even comes close to starting over Wright. Stroud might be a little bigger but he's slow and Wright makes a lot more plays. I think our entire secondary is better now other than Strong Safety.

  2. Here's a list of the UFA QBs in 2010

    Chad Pennington, Miami Dolphins (34)

    Charlie Batch, Pittsburgh Steelers (35)

    Kyle Boller, St. Louis Rams (29)

    David Carr, New York Giants (31)

    Daunte Culpepper, Detroit Lions (33)

    Rex Grossman, Houston Texans (30)

    Joey Harrington, New Orleans Saints (31)

    Jon Kitna, Dallas Cowboys (37)

    Chris Redman, Atlanta Falcons (33)

    if i were going to take a flyer on any of them, it would be grossman. he throws a nice deep ball. and when he preps properly he can mamage a game. his issue in chicago was maturity, if he's grown up some he could be a legit starter. certainly better than anything we currently have

  3. I totally agree. The one thing that there were more of than hits on Favre, where mistakes made by the Vikings. That is why they lost, not cheap hits (that weren't cheap) or bad calls, they fumbled, penalized and threw interceptions to lose.

    even though the head of officiating agrees it was a blown call, and it hobbled favre for the remainder of the game?


    if anything, Childress and Favre were way too passive during this .... if that were a Cowher or Brady they would have had a sh#t fit, and rightfully so. then maybe they would have gotten the officiating straight and we would have had a fair game.

  4. Just funnin' with you...sorry that "I loved Charles Nelson Riley on Matchgame as kid" comment was hanging in the shoutbox too long...it was screaming for a smart ass comment...peace!




    Odyssey is good...I like my girls better! :huh:


    btw- I don't recall Pat Benetar really playing the guitar...her husband, Neal Gerrardo (sp?) was the resident wank in that band..

    he was a good guitar player .... see "hit me with your best shot"

  5. I agree that putting this out there (baited or not) is not very wise, but there is a line between wishing injury and hoping someone doesn't want to get back up.


    A linebacker I knew at ND, Brandon Hoyte, once absolutely demolished Tennessee QB Erik Ainge and knocked him out for the season. Ainge respected the hit and Hoyte put it very well in a post-game quote:




    Clean, hard hits that make a guy writhe on the turf and want to call it a day are what football is all about.

    there was nothing clean about one guy holding farve up high and another drilling him in the legs from behind

  6. In his four years with the Skins, 1 year with the Jags, and 1 year with the Saints, his defenses' average ranking has been 15.5 out of 32. He's overrated, and I think it's partly because he sucks up to national media (e.g.., ESPN).

    his defenses are very predictable. he's gotten bailed out this year because of all the points the saints score. give bills D that same offense and i promise you they at least get to the conference finals


    even with the saints having the #1 offense this year greggo still only managed a 20th ranked defense

  7. This might be the dumbest of all your dumb posts, Moon, Namath, Griese, Aikman....none of those guys were demonstratively better than Warner. I love Kelly as much as anyone, but if you put Warner with the talent the Bills had, he may have done just as well. Not sure how he would run the no huddle, but he sure would be able to hit Reed and Lofton all day.

    oh really? running the no huddle in the buffalo winter? i call BS on that one. we had a glimpse of warner in an outdoot cold weather stadium with the Giants, and he stunk up the joint

  8. lmao, one of the worst arguments anyone could have possibly made...I mean you literally just compared a QB who had marginal stats in his best years to one of the most prolific passers of all time who led some of the greatest offenses of all time and went to 3 SB's, 2 MVP's, etc etc...


    Warner is hands down a frist ballot HOF'er

    here's the list of QBs in the Hall whose careers began no later than 1965 (Namath) ... before that I didn't have a chance to see any of them:


    Troy Aikman, Terry Bradshaw, John Elway, Dan Fouts, Bob Greise, Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, Joe Montana, Warren Moon, Joe Namath, Roger Staubach and Steve Young.


    which one(s) would you take Warner ahead of for Bills QB? none for me. i simply dont see him in that class

  9. trent dilfer won A super bowl, but did not put up a ton of numbers every year and lead the best offenses in the league. the rest of his stats dont look like a HOF career. so probably not. again, you have to look at the FULL body of work.


    Kelly went to FOUR super bowls, and lead one of the best offenses ever.


    Brad Johnson might end up getting in years and years from now, but highly highly doubtful.


    i think you are dismissing Warner's accomplishments and stats just because he wasnt a "popular" player from the start of his career.


    Warner is in a class much closer to Kelly than Dilfer/Johnson.

    well maybe, but when i look at things like poise in the pocket, reading the defense, a leader on the field, game awareness ... i dont see it in warner. what i see is a guy that had some success when he was on an offense with terrific WRs where he could just step back and put the ball up. a lot like an arena football style. when he had average WRs like NY, he got cut. he was frustated in the super bowl when he faced a smart D like New England.

  10. HOF isnt about "intangibles". We arent drafting the dude.


    The HOF selection is based on your career performance and accomplishments. Not if you were a blue-chip prospect or a hot free agent.


    He has done the work, and won the games, that qualify someone as a HOFer.

    trent dilfer won the super bowl, jim kelly didn't. do you take dilfer over kelly? brad johnson won a super bowl and had a long career with pretty good numbers. does he go into the hall too?

  11. I just read something about that, actually. Apparently there are two Simons...Cowell, and another guy who produces Idol (and I think also created it). My understanding is that they are friendly but very competitive. Simon is going to be bringing Paula to host X-Factor with him next year, and the producer Simon guy said he's going to spend as much money as he has to in order to bring in the best replacement for the Idol show after Cowell leaves.


    I think you'll probably see the same thing happen here that happened in the UK....Idol will phase out and XFactor will sort of take over.

    Cowell really seems like a big d-bag, That show made him and now he's out to destroy it

  12. By the same standard, Marc Bulger & Matt Leinart also had those WR's on their respective teams and they did not have the same success that Warner had with them.


    Also the Giants put more of an emphasis on the run in their offense.

    The Rams were getting old and injured and losing FAs by the time they put Bulger in. Leinart didn't have much time with the 1st teamers. And he was an over hyped rookie anyway

  13. Actually, Warner can be knocked for certain things, but by any account there's no guy in recent NFL history who has been more willing to accept the blow that comes with intense pressure in order to deliver the ball at the last possible moment.

    "Frazzled by pressure" gets it backwards.

    and coughing up the untimely pick or fumble.


    the guy had the best WRs in Saint Louis and the best WR Fitzgerald in AZ. when he was with Giants and the WRs were good but not great he struggled mightily

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