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Everything posted by wide_right

  1. oh yeah, heard some of their stuff on the radio in the 80's. didn't know their name. might as well get flock of seagulls and thompson twins instead, best of that genre
  2. a lot of the aig bailout money went directly to foreign institutions. but hey we're not allowed to know how much and to whom. nice govt we've got here in america. NOT
  3. what if 6 turned out to be 9?
  4. who is he? link?
  5. reed never had anyone near moss' caliber to draw attention away. you got moss on your team, at best your #2, period. in most cases reed was #1.
  6. flamenco is not rock
  7. there were those rumors he putted from the rough
  8. is that right? that no good POS is the reason we lost Ted? what a freaking defensive genius LOL ... he was one blown call away from losing the NFC champ game at home last week too. that rotten turd. anyway, i'd take Thurman -- a player that was a top back, receiver and blocker -- is more important than a qb. if you want to know why the offense ran well under reich too, look no further. parcells said he was the only bill that scared him in the super bowl. on defense ill go with bruuuuuce. gaurantted pressure on the qb every game is money
  9. carter had terrific hands but he was slow as molasses. a lot of his catches came near the sidelines where the ball was thrown so he either caught it (which he most often did) or it went out of bounds. there was no point calling post routes or crossing routes for him since he wasn't fast enough to get deep, nor a good enough runner to get YAC
  10. nice to know all that bailout money is being put to good use!! http://www.businessinsider.com/busted-bank...es-on-tv-2010-2
  11. Dean, you sound like a player. did you play in any buffalo bands?
  12. othet than rice, i wouldnt take any of those guys ahead of reed on my team
  13. "home at last" good stuff
  14. steely dan loved guitar and brought out the best in many a great studio musician. even becker's solos were quite good
  15. well Simms has a point. The unit was probaby over rated due to the presence of Smith. Take him away and everyone else looks rather average.
  16. How about Walt Corey? He fits our bend don't break style. He'll also be 72 this year so he meets the minimum age requirement.
  17. who's gordie johnson?
  18. why is everyone so sure seymour wont be a raider?
  19. top 10 rbs no particular order: emmitt oj payton sanders sayers dickerson brown dorsett thomas campbell
  20. i dont think any bill olineman was as respected, so yes, joe d as far as olinemen
  21. LOL as he tossed a goal line pick from the pocket that cost AZ the super bowl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mggnKtpQfM...feature=related
  22. raiders. when they were good people hated them because they were dirty. now that they suck people hate their owner so much to the point they can only get unproven scrubs to coach. and oh yes, the fans in halloween costumes provide fodder whether the team is good or bad
  23. i dont see any case why we need to waste a mid to late round pick on a qb when we have sooooo many needs to fill. a qb taken outside the initial rounds is by definition a long shot and a project. we have too much of that already. let's fill out the team on both sides and THEN see what a QB can do
  24. i'd rather see us get peyton manning
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