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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. But it seems as if they are not and don't want to be assimilated into the countries culture, they want to come in and change it as we have done here . Use to be that was part of wanting to have a better life going to another country keeping your heritage but assimilating onto the country you go to way of living but incorporating the life styles . Which in some ways here is all said by what people call them selves as Mexican American, or African American, it now seems instead of America first as it use to be meaning "I am a American of German decent" it is now as i said earlier and seems as if every one wants to change America into their personal view of how it should be . If that makes sense ? Same in Sweden . This is just me, that first guy that kicked those folks should have had his ass whipped right there on the spot !!
  2. For what ever the reason i thought that the Diggs money came off the cap this last season & going into the 2025 season the Bills were suppose to have quite a bit of room under the cap to spend the way they saw fit ? But i guess i misunderstood something some where .
  3. Just for the commercials NO ! I took it as all part of the Super Bowl game day experience but now every body is in such a big dam hurry to see everything before the actual game to me it's like not watching the Bills game when they are playing recording it & then having someone come up and tell me that they won or lost so even though you can go and watch it you already know the out come so it's not nearly as 🤔 I don't know the term but it's just not the same . Some of the commercials can be quite funny ! One that has always stuck out to me was the baby talking about Etrade that just struck me as funny and there have been even more over the many years I'm sure there has to be a least 1 SB commercial that you have seen that gave you a chuckle while watching it . And now the halftime shows are pretty lame to me, I use to be a musician YEARS ago and although i can appreciate the talent of those that perform it doesn't mean that i'm a fan of that particular artist which in a really good Super bowl all of the content to me is part of the over all experience but maybe that's just me ?
  4. So then we just keep going down the same road we have been on for the last say 30+ yrs and let China continue to take over the US & it's economy with out firing one missile, because the US won't stand up and grow a set to stop the bleeding ? Great plan !! Before the last POTUS the US was selling as much of more Natural gas and such to other countries than we were buying, but then all the sudden that changed & our strategic oil reserves were depleted (by a certain someone) only to then starting to have to import more oil than we sold and now those tariffs from other countries because we import more than we sell will hurt us, but if we weren't importing more no need for those tariffs hurting our economy . THANK YOU !! Matter of fact by now we probably would have had the Keystone completed and been able to tell Saudi Arabia and others to go eat a booger, and been (Here's a old thought) MORE INDEPENDENT of foreign oil only to help not just the US but Canada too ! Wow now there's something Biden never considered ... The thing that none of these weak wrist'd folks think about is after selling out what was once a independent country that the US use to be to foreign countries all in the name of a "Global Economy" we have made our selves in some way weaker & totally dependent on those countries !! If no one learned anything at all during the pandemic & now from the supply chain shortages, which are once again being talked about with the tariffs it's a wonder those of you complaining about it can walk and chew gum at the same time !! Global Economy and supply chain shortages go hand in hand, then on the other hand Economic Independence is much more likely to not have to worry about the so called supply chain shortages but America would rather make more money than be independent !! If this "Global Economy" that was so strived for and is a huge reason why the US job market pretty much sucks because of it (not to mention the crappy job market here) and is the reason why we can't in times of the pandemic and now stand on our own resources and not worry about how the other countries holding back goods or charge tariffs will impact us and how it has made us weaker as a country and in the world of economics, but we have all become so soft because of this Global economic mind set that making any kind of sacrifice is like trying to win a triathlon to Americans . Then the person that realizes what & how this has made our country weaker finally has the balls to do something about it is the bad guy and all those that came before him that allowed this to happen in the name of greed are the good guys . Go Figure ...
  5. See this is another reason why i don't want to watch the game it's like premature E jack a late sion !! I use to watch the game to see all of the cool commercials and by social media putting them out prior to the game it's like what's the sense . Which in some ways is why i probably won't watch the game too is because i feel that some way some how the Chiefs will wind up winning by some kind of BS call or something so knowing what commercials are going to be played and feeling the way i do about the outcome of the game what's the sense ? The only thing too that use to be killer was the halftime show which i don't even know who is playing & is more than likely a group that i don't care for . Every one thought the Black Eye's Peas were great i thought they sucked & thought the Who sucked and was wondering when they would get some good music during half time which told me those folks just don't know iconic music when they here it . OMG I'VE TURNED INTO MY OLD MAN !!! PLEASE SEND HELP ASAP .....😪
  6. Still pissed, still not interested in anything (including the Super bowl) out side of anything Bills related, i look on the Bills app & listen to 1 Bills Live and the rest of the NFL can go eat a booger !! Just hard to want any part of it after getting screwed the way the Bills did and by watching any of it i feel i would be supporting the Bills getting F'd over . So i keep my self else where and not watching anything not pertaining to the Bills !!!
  7. I plan on not watching it and put out a post if the Bills fans plan on boycotting it which no one reply'd to they can and do bust my balls for spelling mistakes but can't answer a legit pole but that's another discussion . The only way we as fans can change anything is by changing the NFL's bottom line but even then i'm not sure that it would make that big of a difference because Roger is incorporating out of country games and such continuing to increase their bottom line so we will no longer matter as much as we have to Roger & the owners .
  8. Sounds like what they did with Tre,Hyde, & Po pretty much but unfortunately guys get older & lose a step and here we are it's just finding those type of players 2.0 . I think Benford could be a part of it but the safety position is not nearly what it was, Cole got some good reps this season and i think will be a starter next year & then another really good CB possibly in FA . I wish they would have given Edwards more reps when he finally got healthy but he wanted to play can't blame him for that he thought that's why they brought him here & knowing the Chiefs the way he did might have been the extra they needed .
  9. It almost seems to be the same with any smaller speed guy the Bills get on the team, at least little dirty had a couple of games that he was money for the team but he has been about the only one but he wasn't consistent from game to game .
  10. Won't be promoting any games by watching them out side of the US , not even the Bills !!
  11. I totally believe it ! Years ago i use to call senators and congress members in DC if i thought my opinion didn't line up with where they wanted to go on certain subjects, I was never nasty, never cussed, but that year i called probably more than 20 phone calls to voice my opinion . That same year which was the only time in my entire life that the IRS held my refund check for almost the entire next year, my CPA wrote 3 letters to the IRS and called multiple times to ask why they were holding my refund they said they would get back to him on it and never did then one day out of the blue my refund was deposited in my account . I told this to a very liberal person at work and they said OH it's just a coinsidence I said yah right 1 time in 35 years of filing my taxes and this particular year they just for no reason decided to hold it back with out a good reason or explanation . Okay SURE they did 😜 ... The deep state is very real !! IMHO .
  12. So america funds it then feels the need to go in and stop it, then has a war in the 48 states on drugs - BRILLIANT !! Politics at it's finest This and the American health care system have a lot in common by the sounds of it, keeping people sick so they can cure their sickness by causing side effects to make them sick ...
  13. I get it , you must have missed the part where i said i don't agree with the tariffs on Canada . To me makes no sense what so ever bu tthere's not a lot i can do about it .
  14. If the Chiefs win which i think there is a HUGE possibility they will given what we all have seen in the AFC Championship game that he will retire and walk off into the sunset and become a pod cast/WWE/Swift body guard fixture as hobbies ini his retirement . If they lose which i don't see happening he may come back .
  15. As i said i do not agree with as you said just dropping the hammer on Canada especially but they along with every one else have to know that what has been happening will no longer be tolerated and i think that is the message with this . The other gov't can come to the table or at least reach out and say lets talk if they want to help the situation . When he was in office before he did the same thing to Mexico and they came to the table and helped to stop some of those coming through their country to get to America and it did make a difference but then along came Joe, slow talkin Joe Slow walkin Joe to change it all and then it became historically bad . So someone has to draw a line in the sand and be strong in their conviction . I hope by him being this strong it doesn't come back & bight us in the ass which is a possibility but i would rather have some one be strong than be the push over that was and has now left others to clean up the mess which is in part a huge piece of this problem .
  16. Jimmy Dore is fast becoming a favorite ! He calls them out and shows us just how crooked they all are .
  17. Then your just like to B**CH about anything and would rather be dependent on other countries than have American made products to support our economy rather than say China's Right ? I don't agree with the Tariffs on Canada being as they have been a partner in keeping ours and their economy strong, but if they are willing to let people cross into our country illegally then something needs to be done to stop America from becoming the welfare country and we need someone with a set to say NO MORE . which Biden didn't . Everything in life in general comes with a certain amount of sacrifice but that is something that is no longer in the American vocabulary sacrifice has been replaced with Entitlement and that's a huge part of the problem .
  18. Well if any of you yahoo's injected any common sense at all it your thought pattern (which we know you don't) you might realize that he is trying to have us buy American made products ! And possibly have those companies that because of greed have have moved their manufacturing to China & allowed them to take over manufacturing and own our economy . How soon we forget what happened during the pandemic when every one was afraid they wouldn't be able to wipe their own A** because of a toilet paper shortage, i know of at least 3 paper plants that have been shut down in Ga. right off of I-75 that just maybe use to produce paper products but not any more . This country use to be able to stand on it's own 2 feet and no matter what happened else where we knew we didn't need any one to take care of our own but due to American (Laziness) entitlement mentality & greedy companies now that have went else where instead of here on American soil which has hurt our labor force and our economic independence . But what the hell as long as we can sit on our a** and collect our welfare checks it's all good because we know the Federal gov't would never let us go with out because they can just print more money and pay for us all including any of those that want to come here illegally and get free stuff too - right ? If they made those collecting gov't assistance have to do anything for what they receive and have jobs here that they could go to to get off public assistance instead of making a life of living off the gov't "Free bees" things might be a bit different but it's not . I know plenty of small towns that are flat A** broke where i grew up Lockport use to be a city that had plenty of work for those that lived there and now doesn't have the money to keep up the roads but by god Walmart built a brand new store on transit to sell Chinese made goods to all of those that don't have a job any more so they can go there with their free gov't money to support the Chinese economy . The collective American mind set today in a huge part of a lot of people - is give me my EBT card, my welfare check, my free health care, my free cell phone, pay for my housing, and electric, water, and internet just because I'M AN AMERICAN AND I DESERVE IT JUST BECAUSE I'M AMERICAN !!! Use to be health care was a perk, cell phones and internet was a luxury item, but no more EVERY BODY GETS A TROPHY ... So if he is at least trying to bring jobs and production back here i'll pay a bit more for what i use to buy American ! I always try to look for American made when i shop any way and i have sworn off Walmart too and try to shop elsewhere if at all possible, because i am a Old School American that has a little True American pride left unlike many others ...
  19. Orange man Bad !!! Biden good man !!! He no lie, he tell truth .
  20. I bet those parents of Laken Riley, & Jocelyn Nungaray's family's would and if you were in their shoes your tune would change pretty dam quick i bet !! If you could find any American's that didn't feel they were to entitled and the job was below them being an American ! That's why a lot of these people want to allow those folks in because unlike the way it use to be "American's" have grown spoiled rotten and lazy and instead of them being willing to work for a living they would rather have a immigrant do the work for them while they sit back and fleece the system while sitting behind their computer's at a desk and watch tik tok video's all day ...
  21. Seeing as you voted for Biden your a F N ###### that probably still licks the windows on the short bus but we understand ...
  22. If it is fake news then you need to tell ABC, NBC & CBS because they had it on every night for the first week after the fires couldn't be contained . Not to mention every time i've been out there in the past 5+ meaning before and after the pandemic i have seen with my own eyes the signs about the gov't shutting off the water supply all because of a guppy and why the gov't has created a dust bowl so i will have to say you are FOS because you haven't a clue . But i am personally so glad that you are the preeminent authority on fake news ! But i will hold to my personal opinion that you are you FOS with some of your answers ?
  23. Thank you ! I watched some of the RFK & Patel's hearings and that is exactly what i took away from both, it was like little kids pissed off because their favorite toys were being taken away . I think mostly it was because they are scared that the power that they had to do what ever they wanted in getting rid of those they didn't want around or needed to be gone is now in jeopardy . Elizabeth Warren railed on RFK about vaccines and called him a liar but RFK never brought up the fact that her campaign got money to the tune of $800k from big pharma Bernie Sanders did the same thing ... All of them are a bunch out for revenge and are trying to keep as many nominees out of those positions as they can any way they can ...
  24. From what i have heard it is so both the northern and southern border get more help from those countries in stopping illegal immigrants from coming into our country and as long as they help i would think that those tariffs would be & should be lifted . It's the same as it was when he was in office the first time but you apparently misremembered the previous num nuts lifted all of that to allow a historic amount of migrants to illegally enter the country which is in need of being cleaned up & now gives you more to complain about saying that the orange man is spending to much money to send them back but if they weren't allowed in in the first place the money wouldn't have to be spent . ANd these tariffs wouldn't have to be put in place now . Right ? Pretty much common sense if you use it - Thanks Joe ...
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