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Think about this for a minute & if nothing else humor me . The Buffalo Bills were founded Oct. 28th of 1959 so their first full year of existence was 1960, next year will be Super Bowl 60 🤔 correct ? Also the Bills actually being founded in 1959 would make the franchise 66 years old in 2025 and merger of the NFL with the AFL was announced on June 8th of 1966 🤔 & even though it actually took 4 years to phase in the merger of the 2 leagues which was in 1970 the announcement was made in 1966 coincidence ? Here's where it gets a bit wonky but stay with me - if you take into consideration that the Bills inception was in 59 but the merger announcement wasn't until 66 and you subtract those 2 numbers it takes it back to 60 years in the NFL "Technically Speaking" in my fantasy, which aligns with the first full year of the Bills being 60 years ago & this years SB being number 60 - I know it's a wiff but like i said humor me . Yes the Super Bowl next year will be actually in 2026 but the season is the 2025 season which will make it technically in full years, year 60 for the Bills as a franchise . Could the numbers being aligning, could there be something lining up here being the last year in the old stadium for the Bills to go out with a bang and give the old stadium a Super bowl win to help with the disappointments of the past, then to start a new in the brand new home of the Bills ? Given that the Bills didn't make it this season because of their short comings mostly on defense, might this be another reason to align it all this off season where Beane and McD get some reinforcements in Fa and the new additions to the defensive coaching staff to make the D more stout ? As we saw last night and the fact that Hurts said it last night after the game & many have said it in the past Defense wins championships, which was the one glaring weakness this year in the losses the Bills had . I know there are those of you crunching numbers to blow my fantasy out of the water and there will be those of you or all of you that have no comment what so ever, but it's all good !! This is my fantasy and i like it !! Plus If they could have stopped the Chiefs from getting 1 score or just 3 points (and the refs didn't help out the Chiefs) they would have made it to the big game could all of this be fate ? As stout as the Eagles D was i still believe the Bills would have been more apt to get beat this year because of their defensive short comings . The offense this year was the engine that made the Bills go . So i guess i'm just possibly day dreaming/fantasizing a bit but hey you never know right? Are the stars aligning and the numbers in my fantasy might be something for our Bills that they could be the Champs next year ? I guess we will have to wait and see but i can dream can't i ? GO BILLS !!!
Deebo Samuel Granted Permission to Seek Trade
T master replied to PauleeeWalnuts's topic in The Stadium Wall
But if we were to trade Samuel for Samuel it could be a upgrade yah think ? 🤔 -
I didn't watch much of the first half of the game last night at all until i saw that the Eagles were readily handing out a A** whooping to the Chiefs then i started watching but the commercials like the game really did nothing for me and i turned the channel completely during the half time show no interest what so ever ! I did watch the show that had Super Bowl commercials of the past and some of those are classics ! The Etrade one with the baby that throws up a little & the other with the 2 baby's & at the end the 1 starts to sing i think are my favorite i still laugh every time i see it . Just continues to let me know that a lot of things from our past were much better than the things of today ...
No you weren't, the effected area was on my vocal cords not in my actual esophagus . Seeing as i live near Nashville i went to Vanderbuilt medical center . The Doc had to cut most of the tissue from them and to this point all is good 🙌 . I feel i am very reasonable & use common sense to make my decisions and never try to rush to one end conclusion, sure i make mistakes and when i do i am willing to admit it after i research and find out that i did . I have went down the rabbit hole researching some of the travesties that our as you called them watch dog divisions of our gov't like the FDA & EPA allowed to be put into our food or cooking utensils or weed killers like POFA's, BPA's, and many many others but if they don;t do their job or get paid huge amounts of money to change or alter test results or just flat out lie like they have with round up then those that have been allowing this to happen need to be held accountable and quite possibly dismantle that particular division and start a new with new personal . When Monsanto which i call Monsatan made round up (and were the makers of Agent Orange) it had been BANNED in many European counties but not here in the good ole USA, please in your expert opinion tell me WHY that was ? Could it be because they make BILLIONS per year and they EPA was bought ? And that Gov't watch dog agency just doesn't give a S**T ? I'm thinking so !! But i'm sure you have a explanation for that right ? The gov't use to have a set of balls and would stop things with big pharma and other large companies produced if it proved to be harmful to those they were paid to protect from this stuff . In my early years they use to make Qualudes/orange sunshine and the gov't told Big Pharma to Stop making them NOW !! And they stopped . Unlike today they new 30 years ago red dye #3 was carcinogenic yet they allowed it to continue to be made for another 30 years, WHy shouldn't those folks be put in prison for all those that suffered with a family member that got cancer from it . A lot of those possibly being children because red dye in candy is huge . Yah your right there are naturally occurring carcinogens but why is cancer so prevalent now compared to years ago, not to mention a bunch of other disease that can be linked to modern chemicals because of preservatives and junk put in our foods and sprayed on them that over time has a effect on our bodies all in the name of CASH ... I also remember a certain steel company up home in WNY that while building a new plant buried radioactive materials under it only to have the workers come and stand over it while working in the plant and my father in law died from cancer because of it, sure they paid his family a bunch of money but WTF is that worth . Then you remember Love Canal ? I Do, so don't tell me that these big chemical companies & the EPA give a rats A** about you and me and wouldn't put something in a product to make money off of it that humanity would pay for with their lives if they thought they could make a buck . Man we could go on with this for ever but you do you & i'll do me !! Have a good one ... I'm out !!
Well to this point through many follow up visits to the Dr i am free of those cells through his testing glory to god !! Seeing as you categorized me as a being a maga I'll put it to you this way, you libs seem to be forgetting that if these chemicals were not put into our foods that we consume every single day big phrama and the medical machine wouldn't be nearly as large or needed the way it is . But because convenience, coupled with laziness has engulfed this country and cancer is no longer the OMG disease it use to be it is now - Oh you have it too ! And now because of that laziness along with the fact of corporate greed round up has now been found in wines in Cali which means it's in the aquifer and in everything else we eat, C8 is now in every blood stream in every single human being on the planet because of tephlon even new borns . So yes your opinion on risk verses reward may be valid but i feel if these chemicals were not put into all of these things there wouldn't be nearly the amount of that needed . America is considered one of the sickest & most obese nations on the planet and if you change your intake you can and will change your health but convenience is much more important than health . Did you watch the first 3 minutes of that video by chance or any of it at all or are you just relying on your book learning ? Or have you even considered watching any of the others i mentioned which i will remind you of . The Devil we Know - about Dupont Tephlon The people vs Agent Orange - Poison Papers Then being a Doctor from what i have taken in these back and forth's that we have been having you can get back to me on those too and debunk them to what you have leaned despite others eye witness accounts . Please don't bet your house on anything to do with me because i'm going to do what i feel i need to do no matter what SOME of the books or EXPERTS say i need to and do my own type of investigation to what i decide to do because after all it is my body and so far it along with gods help has done me pretty good !!
China and Russia own Ka$h Patel
T master replied to Homelander's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Trump needs to follow up & tell him to get out of anything to do with it or your fired !!! Edit; And i believe if it is brought to his attention that is exactly what he would do . -
Thanks for this info i will have to do my own research on this . Even with what this says i still do not in most any way trust the American medical institution there are many doctors out there that have said that the US is not health care system but a sick care system, if you watch any kind of TV commercial EVERY night has a new pill that has 14 different side effects . I just went through 4 throat surgeries a little over a year ago to get rid of cancerous sells found, my doctor a great person and Dr. wanted me to take a medication for heart burn which he said would help . Me being the person that i am i researched this medication only to find it had 2 1/2 PAGES of side effects !! In my next visit i asked the Dr. did you know this medication has 2 1/2 pages of side effects his response was "every medication has side effects" to which i told him, doc sorry but i'm not taking that i don't need to take this to cure 1 thing and get 14 others i'll just do a old fashion method to get rid of heart burn, Baking soda and water no side effects here . That is not the only time i've been to a Dr. that tried to push pharma on me !! i am now 63 years old and not on any meds glory to god for it !! I always look for a natural way to fix any health problems especially since i found out that the medical community make synthetic meds so they can patent them to make money which is BIG PHARMA, couple that with lazy Americans that think the perfect plan to health is to sell the American mind set that a pill for every thing is the way to go . That and the FDA, EPA, and other gov't agencies that were suppose to be there to serve as a watch dog for We the People that allow all kinds of chemicals in our every day life that are in our food, on our furniture, in the plastics we use, in our toothpaste, and everything we are surrounded by to continue to be utilized to help to keep us sick . I hope that is one thing that you do realize in todays world, if you do not then i can tell you you need to do your research because there are many companies out there that their only concern is getting your money and Big Pharma is one of the many that put their bottom line before your personal health ... But again thanks for this info i will check this out further and take my personal experiences to guide my path to health rather than a pill for everything being the way to a healthy life especially after the amount of family that i have lost and modern medicine only making their last years & days a terrible way to exist .
Conspiracy & Ridiculous with out looking at one of the documentaries i listed . You know i know a cop that learned everything he knows about Cannabis from the teachings that he read from a book with no hands on or practical experience, and although you can learn a lot from books i've always had to learn from hands on which is why the documentaries i mentioned i feel have more to them than the big money medical and pharmaceutical companies . Why would those people out & out lie when their child is dead ? On the other hand if those huge corporations lie they can continue to make BILLIONS just like Monsatan does with round up . Motive 🤔 . NAH what the hell am i talking about it could never be your right ...
Well i believe that you are getting your information from the medical community which during the pandemic IMPO found out that they were mostly FOS ! That being said seeing the history of 1 our gov't & 2 the medical community i have more than a large lack of trust in both but then again that might just be me . The AMA was founded back in the day and driven by the fact that they couldn't make money off of all natural herbs and such because being natural they couldn't be patented - introduce big pharma ! Then if you add into the equation the amount of money that the American Cancer society, & Cancer research in general stand to lose if there were a cure found is enough of a motive to keep it under raps . If you don't believe me look at the government's stand on Cannabis, they demonized it for years only to take out a patent on it while watching doctors do research in countries like Israel do research and find that is wasn't the demon that the US gov't made it out to be and i can personally tell you that isn't nearly as bad as alcohol but seeing as they now know how much money in taxes can be made from it both medically & recreationally they are starting to eat some crow about their supposed information from those like the FDA from years ago. Then in recent times i can remember when i was a kid there was argument about taking red dye #3 off the market because of the proof of it causing certain disease such as cancer but the gov't agency put in place to protect us from such things the FDA allowed it to stay in use and only now because of the possible appointment of RFK have they changed course on it but will allow it to stay in use for another 2 years when they have alternatives to it but that might piss off all those still pushing back door money into those in or related to the US gov't that have investments in those corporations . Then Round up a known beyond a shadow of a doubt to cause cancer and has killed some that have used it is still on the market because Monsatan is making billions on it plus it helps cancer be spread and it is BANNED in foreign countries but hey the EPA another agency paid to "Protect" the American people from such things still allow it to be manufactured and sold . WHY because the huge amounts of money that is being put to who knows who that might be invested and have been ever since vietnam which basically round up is only slightly different from agent orange if you would like to look at another great documentary that will give you some more insight on how these big businesses work watch "The people vs Agent Orange" and get back to me . I'm sure you have a lot more knowledge than i do on these things and by your response believe a lot of what has been put to you in those medical journals and such but the 1 thing that (If you would watch that entire documentary on Burzinski) is he didn't pay those folks that went in front of those gov't comities and testified about the loved ones that were spared by what he did for them when they were trying to put him out of business . And there were more than just a few of those folks just go listen to their testimony at those gov't hearings . I guess what i am trying to say is and what i was taught is don't believe everything you read or here especially when there is Billions of dollars involved, Hell Rumsfeld hired additional scientists in a gov't study about aspartame just so they would have the vote go in favor of the info that those that were gong to be making the money off of it wanted so it could pass for human consumption although it caused cancer in lab animals . Well i could go on & on but have rambled long enough i guess we will just have to agree to disagree because i know for a fact of medications that my family members have taken and are now passed that were suppose to be safe for humans that caused in some ways much more harm than good, and if you think the medical community including big pharma, American Cancer Society, American Medical Assoc., FDA, EPA has been & is on the up and up since their inception man i'm sorry ...
If you have the time it's a great watch ! It will tell anyone that thinks our gov't is all about "We the People" when it comes to the divisions like the FDA and others put in place to help us, it will show you just what a farce they really are and the lengths they will go to to keep the money rolling in ...
I just reread my post and i didn't find the quote where i said that the catholic church was steeling money please show me that quote . As usual your putting your twist on it to make someone look bad to follow your narrative . So as far as the false witness thing once again your wrong . Comprehension isn't your strong point !! Oh yah i forgot this is a english class sorry ...
Just watch the first 3 minutes of this could this possibly be why ? I watched the entire thing years ago when my brother died from a Gio, if you know anything about cancer glioblastoma in todays medical community is a death sentence ! Doctors just do protocol and don't go out side of the lines in fear of getting sued . I know you won't take the time to watch the entire documentary because you will find that it doesn't fit the narrative you are trying to push but this Doctor did everything by the book was & has saved many lives only for the US gov't to at every turn sue him and then finally put him in prison then steel his patents on the cure he had found, then when let out of prison his practice was under the watchful eye of the US gov't in a trail state . I believe there is a cure or multiple cures for this dreaded disease but if it was cured for a minute just think of how much money would be lost ! Medical colleges, equipment, insurances, hospitals, research grants for trials, and so on and so on . So before you go spewing your BS you should do a tad of research but we all know that your first and for most agenda is to make the orange man look as bad as you can instead of looking at something objectively and afterward give a responsible/common sense type of response . But don't worry we all understand where you always come from so then there's that ...
The big thing you always seem to forget is that if the monies that the US tax payers have to give that goes to things such as this wasn't used for BS reasons and given to those that truly don't need it and are just fleecing the system then these kind of actions wouldn't be necessary . The corruption over years with in the gov't as far as spending money like they can print it needs to be reeled in on all of it ! The US is always the first one expected to be there with their check book wide open and spend as much as is needed to help weather it is a war on drugs, war against who ever, or just someone sitting with their hand out because they know they can get over on the US . I'm sure if they could go at this in a case by case investigation and they could see that the monies given went to a cause that was truly in need of the funds they would continue but DOGE is in place to stop all of the useless spending of your tax dollars & mine . Unless your all for the deficit to continue to climb, what is it at now $39 TRILLION & climbing ? No country can continue to spend like that ! Here's a novel thought, how about lets put some people in place that can go there and teach them how to fend for themselves through knowledge instead of continuing to just give a open check to them for the leaders t o steel the money and continue to be rich off of our tax dollars ... That might be something they can do here to if you receive money you need to do something other than sit on you r ars to get it !!
Anyone else for using our draft capital for trades?
T master replied to SoonerBillsFan's topic in The Stadium Wall
I think a 1 & possibly a 2 would do it to get Garret but will the Bills have the cap space to make it work once he's here ? There are players that are here that i feel are core players that should be kept around going forward, if they can make it work with out being in the same place as the Saints in a couple of years then yah go for it !! -
I'm with her i'm not a huge Super bowl party guy i would rather just stay home, my wife has planned a birthday party for one of her kids that day & i'm not even sure if i'm going to watch yet but with the grand kids, and the entire family around i will probably be staying home even if i don't watch the game .
Yes he does & that's the first thing i believe i've read that you have posted that has any substance to it .
Sure ! If you want to have a large amount of possible voters that could vote for you turn away by 1 action to a situation she nailed it . Could this have been in part a reason why she was the biggest loser ? Your as sad a human as she is !!
One of the main things that every one opposing what Trump is doing is IF the laws and executive orders he put in place his first time in office would have been left alone i believe that things now would have been much different but we will never know because Joe came in and with little or NO common sense to his reasoning started getting rid of things that were working . The cost of eggs went up quite a bit under Biden and so did groceries in general, gas was at 1 point way up, inflation was at it's highest in history but none of you are remembering that, housing prices are now a feakin joke, automobile prices are just stupid & all of this happened prior to Trump taking office but now like before he will be the one to blame as joe rides off into the sunset in his wheel chair . So unless ya'll want to go tit for tat on what one did prior to & what is now go eat a booger ...
Bears owner Virginia Halas McCaskey Passes Away RIP
T master replied to BuffaloBillyG's topic in The Stadium Wall
Prayers up the her family - RIP !! -
Definitely a WOF Bills player for sure !! Thanks Micah for all the thrills you have given us as Bills fans ! Enjoy your retirement !! GO BILLS !!!
President Trump's Foreign Policy (2)
T master replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black ... -
Prepare For The Bills To Go International Regularly
T master replied to corta765's topic in The Stadium Wall
That should be their 1 game out of the country that counts toward their over seas game they would pack the stadium in Toronto for sure . It would be like a home game but what Roger wants to accomplish .