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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Mine is - Will Millano come back to be his old self again this season or will his injury plague his play both mentally & Physically ? I sure hope not because with him & Bernard i think they could be the top 2 LBers in the league given how they play & can play off of each other this could be a Hyde/Poyer match up but in the LB position for a long time coming ...
  2. So basically the American disinformation campaign continues in all it's glory ! This is something the US gov't has been doing for a lot longer than any of us would like to admit . Just look at Vietnam, Iraq & Iran, Afghanistan , and so on & so on . The only thing that is different now is social media brings this to the people in ways they never use to have to worry about so the lies are more out in the open but still get squashed by the powers that be . Nothing new here folks just drink the kool aid and all is good in the good ole USA !!!!
  3. Where have we seen this before ? Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Nashville ??
  4. No Seeing as it's the politicians that got us where the deficit is we should immediately fire every one of them especially those that have been career politicians and take their pay checks from here on out & their retirement of all of those that are retired and pay down the deficit because if they weren't so freaking fiscally stupid the country wouldn't be where it is . But this is all part of the plan started with the Federal Reserve act of 1937 - Thank you Woodrow you POS !! Another Dem ... Just saying .
  5. Hey this could be exactly turned around to Joe, just change Putin to Zelinsky, he's also a pathological Liar, pathological Plagiarist, Instigated the uprise of huge inflation in the US, he should be convicted of lying about not knowing a thing about his sons Business dealings, and taking the money he did plus being a creepy old man that can't keep his hands to him self around young women & little girls . And then as a leader needs to grow a set of his own or remember where he tucked them in his depends . I'd say they are about even
  6. This is the kind of BS that no one needs to see especially kids & if as "Adults" the gay people that put this up can't understand why then they are the problem !! And the folks at Disney that are taking these folks money allowing their moral standards to sink to this level being a company basically paid for by children wanting to go there should be ashamed to allow that kind of thing to be on their property . I went to Disney once with my grand kids & if this is what they allow i'll never spend another dime on Disney anything !!
  7. It may get to that eventually in the game . Just have a bunch of robots out there and when they hit each other so hard they brake on the field just have the automatic robot vacuum/sweeper go out and sweep up the parts & get a new robot out there to take his place .
  8. He must really be a loser if he blew through $36 million ! I don't know why these guys making that kind of cash just can't make it last . Lets do a experiment, give me $36 million & i'll show you just how long i can make it last a long time . Blow through that kind of money that you have to steal money from a high school donation that's pretty low down !!
  9. If he continues as he has with other teams not putting what it takes on the field for the team it will be Dead Pool 4 .
  10. Given every thing that has happened in the last 3 years since Joe took over some due to covid others not so much, you can bet there is one business sector that will more than likely vote again for Joe because since he has been in office their potential earning have went straight through the roof . Those that are in charge of selling houses the realtors are cleaning up ! If any of you have even been the slightest bit interested in buying a new home the prices have more than tripled since Joe has taken office . So while the rest of us can't afford the uptick in the housing like say those graduating from college or newly weds the realtors are loving it . I know that they said my same house that i bought 8 years ago for $66k is now worth $230k which yah that sounds great and i could make back a lot of the money that i put in it if i buy another or a newer house you just can't do it ! I looked today at a 1500 Sq Ft. 3 bed 2 bath house on a quarter acre lot in Nashville renovated of course was $660K . i told them there's a fool born every day !!!! There is a trailer up the street on a acre going for $240k, then if you go down the road a piece a developer bought a bunch of property just farm land & has built 7 or 8 houses on the land, a 2100 to 2800 Sq Ft home on 1 acre of property is selling for (Starting at) $650k to up to $800k , what type of job do you have to have to bust that nut every month ?? I don't know how it can keep going because the pay at the jobs that are available just can't keep up . Hell the cost of a 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment is $1800+ a month what young person coming out of high school or college can afford that ? Realtors are eating it up, the houses are no longer going the way it use to be every house people get into a bidding war & the person that has the most money to offer wins & that is nothing like it use to be . I remember when i sold my home in Fl. some 12 yrs ago the realtor couldn't take another bid until the perspective buyer making the bid said he couldn't go there then & only then would the realtor take another bid because of their supposed "Realty Code of Ethics" Where did those all go right out the window when the cash started to be thrown at them . So those counting who's voting for who can go & count those realtors as voting for JB this coming election, they are cleaning up & their retirement is looking really good all thanks to Bidenomics ... That being said i don't know if anyone could correct it now no matter who is in office with out a market correction . It's only a matter of time before the market has to reset itself & it will be 2008 all over again this just can't continue the way it's going there's just no way that the "Average Wage" in America can handle this type of pricing and expect to be normal it can only hurt in the long run ...
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  11. I agree on a lot of your points especially that Sherfield & Harty had no reason being on the field, given the expectations that they had for them . It woud have been a perfect time on at least a couple of games to bring up Hamler or Isaballa to see how they played at game speed . Some guys just seem to be better when the lights are on & that could have been what those 2 needed was to be in when it counted to show what they could give but the kept Sherfield on despite his total lack of input all in hopes that the light would come on . At least they did get one really needed TD out of him & Harty so i guess in some ways those 2 moments in their time with the Bills did help the cause but it would have been nice given all the other time to check out other players if for nothing else for a future reference .
  12. 100% agree !! Jerry Butler was a bad man & his career was basically robbed from him due to injury ! He was definitely a favorite of mine for sure !!
  13. I'll bet this will go over as much as let's say 🤔 White history month would ?? But I am all for it ! Why not have a little equality when it comes to sex, we can let every one know which way we swing weather they care or not ....
  14. And don't forget the most important one of all . Every post from you is usually total biased BS !!!!
  15. I for one would hope he would sit on some of it to see who might come available when the cuts come down . A lot of really good players that might have lost a half step but are still really good dependable depth players come available after cuts are made when they can't beat out a younger player on the rise . Plus i think by then Mika might have made a decision on what he wants to do and would play for a very cap friendly contracgt as more of a player/coach of the younger players & a kind of "safety" (pun intended) blanket type player .
  16. Sounds as if the love highway ends when it comes to a court case for millions with Jocelyn ! But Baby i loved you when ...
  17. Seeing as he - Torrence was a rookie in his first year i'm thinking he McGovern with 5 years in the NFL probably should have been better than Torrence . If Torrence continues to do better than he did last season the O line will be a major strength for a long time Beane is making sure of it ...
  18. I don't need any sympathy from a flaming lib so save it ! It's just because your a complete A Hole that has no common sense and a huge part of why this country is in the S**tter like it is .
  19. To add to your post then there are those that are sick & tired of having to pay increased taxes on every thing they do and are made to buy health ins, SS, and what ever other mandated gov't things they may not agree with and this is their way of saying FU to all of it !!
  20. When will Tibs & BT jump on the band wagon against this guy because he's not taking others feelings into consideration and speaking as a proper, & caring politician . Can we order one of these guys to run here in the US ?? PLEASE ???
  21. He's a liberal POS P**SY ... Don't ask if you don't want to know !!
  22. Easy - Moulds ! Put his production on this team with what Josh could do for it he may have been the best all time Bills receiver with Josh throwing to him & possibly another Bills HOF player - OMG !
  23. But is he any good ! What were his stats in high school, where was he ranked amongst those HS players inquiring minds want to know ??
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