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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Could this type of thing be what Beane saw in his crystal ball coming down the pike with Steph 🤔 and something like this was the biggest reason why he did what he did when he did it ?? HMMMM Vedy interesting ...
  2. the last big change i remember and love is going from not being in a play off for 17 years and now being in the play offs every season & winning the division for the last 4 i'd say that pretty huge and it's all because of the decisions that the Pegs have made . Plus they have input but don't over ride the GM & the coach . Plus they stick with their coach and went with w unproven one which was a pretty big chance unlike Ralph god rest his sole who never stuck with the coaches that were winners like Knox & Phillips, and then was trying to be a coach himself instead of letting those he hired do their job . So IMHO that is one heck of a lot of change since the Pegs took ownership if that is bland give me as much of it as i can get !! So i re read this and was wondering - Who would you suggest that would be so much better than Browny ? And if you think Browny sucks that bad man when Murph's voice use to squeak when he got excited you must have lost your freakin mind and not been a fan at all of his then correct ???
  3. That's called enthusiasm !!! Well i here the Chargers are in need of some fans, just saying ! It seems to me pretty apparent that if you see that much wrong with the Bills from ownership on down you might need to make a change ... Let me guess you also were one of the Fire McD guys too right ?? Just wondering ... That's why they put a off switch and a dial to change the station on the radio maybe you can try that it's just a suggestion .
  4. GIven his enthusiasm that i have heard in the broadcast since Browny took over it will be a definite step up & much closer to Van type game calling than Murph IMHO . Murph was very knowledgable but i just couldn't get into his groove, some are just more gifted in that respect . It's like the difference between Boomer on ESPN and some of the new people there . Just no the same . Browny has & will bring much more excitement to the radio broadcast & if E. Woods stays on as his color guy will be a huge step up for Bills radio !! I don't get the MEH or your opinion of it being the worst in sports radio in your post that's for sure ??? I don't believe you have listened to any of his calls last season because it was a ton better ... And i believe the over all thought would be the same if Bills fans were asked . Are you a McD hater too ? Just asking .
  5. Well if true then you should be loving it because you have the same opinion right ? If he see's things through the same biased lens as you you'll love it even more that just goes with the territory in your world .
  6. Well that's good . I know nothing about him and that's good to here i'm glad he isn't what i thought . I personally would have rather had Vivek if for nothing else so the wing nuts here & other places can't use the race card thing, because now it will be the - He's a "White supremacist" one here has already said he would pick the white guy but he's one of the wing nuts of which i speak that is here . And that's all we will here from him & others for the next 4 years if he pulls it off .
  7. Your a Richard ... But see we were both right ! I told you he wasn't smart enough to do something to shut you up & i nailed it ! He picked a milk toast type to sit back & not do a dam thing but agree with him so Continue on !!
  8. Oh come on now Tibs & BT have all the numbers on how good it is for the country & how much it helps to have them coming here by the millions it's not a burden, just ask those sanctuary cities that wanted them to come here they are still good with it now aren't they ??? LMAO !!!!
  9. If he pays attention to all the BS that people like you have been spewing about him being a "White Supremacist" and a hater of black and hispanic folks you would think he would make a choice such as Vivek . I would love to see the look on your face because then you would have to swallow all of the BS you been spewing the last 4 years+ . Probably not you would just say he's doing that because UH let's see okay here you go - He's just ***** that to try & trick all the minorities to vote for him he's doesn't really care about them !! Yah that's it ... He probably won't though (i don't think he's that smart to be honest) as you say, you won't have to worry you will be able to continue on your bias filled hateful rants as you have been so carry on . I bet you were pissed when he walked off the stage though weren't you ?? That would have solved all your problems but then you wouldn't have had anything to B**CH about ...
  10. I think they should bring Tibs & BT in for questioning .
  11. I would like to see Vivek as his running mate then the race card would be null & void all the way around . Even the wing nuts here would no longer have that argument if he is his pick . If it's Desantis it will be the "White Supremacist" card for the Republican party and those here will still spew their BS they have been trying to pin on him ever since his first term .
  12. My god Olbermann is a complete D**K !!!
  13. I'm not sure that they might not have things covered & may not need a high priced player to fill ay position . If the guys they have brought in play up to their capabilities and can stay healthy i think it's game on . I feel last season if Millano, Tre, & Von could have stayed healthy then if the other untimely injuries wouldn't have happened to Daquon, Bernard & Benford it would have been a lot different out come . Now with the other young bucks they have brought in & the vets along with them i can't wait to see it when they finally get it to click .
  14. I'm thinking it's more because of the Chiefs D . Buffalo has had those few failures on their D in those bigger games & if they would have stepped up it would have been different . I think given some of those new younger players Beane has brought in there is a better chance of this D being the deciding factor . Frazier was good as far as stats but he wouldn't tighten up in those moments when he needed to add a lot of pressure McD isn't afraid to dial up the pressure as we saw last season . Then in steps Babich, if he does to the D what he has done for the position groups he's led on the team since he's been here & McD gives him some of the Jimmy Johnson type things he learned from him while under him in Philly i think this D with some of the new young bloods could be all that & a order of hot wings !! Unfortunately Mika & Po have been on the down hill side of their careers for a couple of years but McD noticed and put the in position to be good still even as they declined, now with all the new younger talent on the team i think they will be faster, stronger, & healthier when they need to be in the later part of the year and that coupled with what they now have on the offense !!!! LET"S GO !!!!!
  15. I believe if he isn't the best ever he's at the top of the list even if the national media doesn't recognize it . After what he did last season to finish it off then the numbers he has put up since coming into the league there shouldn't be any question of where he ranks at the top of that list . Like i said he puts up as many high lights as Randall C. - Steve Y. - Vick - Jackson - any of them and by the time his career is over i think he could own out right a lot of the records that those guys hold now it's just a matter of time ! But we have to keep in mind he plays for the Bills & they still get no respect ...
  16. You & your portfolio are doing great so you must be a republican right ? Because that's all you care about is your portfolio ! The up tick started long before Joe was in office and after they found out what a joke covid was now it went back to what it was doing prior to the pandemic, so your still doing good with the carry over and as long as your doing good screw the little guys ! And thats the thing you don't give a S**T about the lower class people that would be best helped if the manufacturing jobs were to come back here on American soil where they belong but as long as the Chinese keep making it for cheap exploiting their people & you keep investing in them to make your money that's all that matters ... All the while America is weaker for it & the pandemic proved it in spades but hey your making money so life is good !!
  17. They all have contributed to the debt Trump did but he inherited one hell of a balance from the previous POTUS . The last POTUS that said he balanced the budget was Clinton & seeing as he was a really good liar i think he probably cooked the books on that one too !! But America holds him a career politician in high re guards because he go a BJ while in the White house . Shows what America holds to a high standard, he should have been thrown out & never been allowed to hold another political position just on the lies he told in that situation . If he'll lie to the country about that what else did he lie about yet still held in such high re guard . And besides that is the way the system is set up just continue to print monies that we don't have which in turn helps the dollar be worth less and causes more debt & more inflation . If they would have left the gold standard in place it would be more like you & i only able to spend slightly more than what is available . Can you imagine if we treated our finances like the gov't does ? Well for the most part America does now, a lot of speculation on things such as oil and different things what ever happened to reality not what if, or speculating what something might do ? As far as the market being up more under Biden so is inflation to the tune of some of the highest in history, so the money you are making isn't worth nearly as much . So which would you rather have more money with less inflation, or more money with much higher inflation i'll take more with less Alex for 100 . As far as the POTUS goes i would much rather have a career business man than a career politician any day . Especially one that has failed and made their way back to prominence in their field . I can't stand most lawyers which most of those in DC are just that, and they are only there IMHO to twist the law or words so the everyday people can't understand it & to screw somebody over that being we the people . To go back to a original thought in this i feel the US is much weaker by globalization because the country is much more dependent on others for products but if they were produced here it would be better for the country & then we could be the exporters of those goods to be more in control of our own future as a country & not on others .
  18. Oh i am fine, my house is paid for and everything on the piece of land that i own is paid for glory to god for it !!!! Because i busted my ass for it & depended on no one to pay my bills for me plus didn't over extend myself ! When the pandemic hit i went back to doing construction & never missed a beat or never was late on a bill because unlike our gov't i didn't borrow myself into oblivion and expect some one else to dig me out of it . As far as my previous job when i was pushed out due to the illegal influx, silly me i thought seeing as i had worked for the company for 12 years that my seniority may have meant something along with the fact that the company never had to go back & redo any of my work because of faulty workmanship, but profit over saw all of that ! Until of course a crew of illegal folks screwed up a major job and you'll never guess who they called to fix it ? That's right me, then when he realized just how much money he could make by the experienced craftsman that was under his nose the entire time after almost 2 years of me staying with the company getting less and less work because of my dedication to the company i helped make a good name i gave my 2 weeks notice . The reaction from the spoiled owner was unbelievable to me ! He told me in his own words "If the reason why you are leaving is because your not getting enough work i will make sure that you get more work" of which he was trying to exploit my talents (there's that word again) to make him more money and had already bid several jobs thinking i would be there but now would have to depend on others because he cut my work load back so much over the 2 prior years because of Illegals & his personal wallet . Which is why this country is where its at today because it turned from taking care of those here with in this country to keep them working to making a profit for the (as you said) White collar or smarter more intelligent people which have put the screws to us all pretty much . I am all for capitalism it is what made this country what it is but i am also about being loyal to those who do the work to make this country what it use to be not selling it out to the lowest bidder so that fat lazy white guy can just continue to take advantage of others at their expense !! Last but not least i am a Independent i do not in any way care about what party i align myself with those of which i am like minded in their way of fixing things and sit and make a form plan PRIOR TO taking action unlike the sitting POTUS right now !! So as of this time i have aligned myself & voted for Trump because he is a business man & many others in our gov't can't even balance their own check books . I like someone other than Trump though Vivek Ramaswamy i like because the race card which used continuously against Trump could not be a BS excuse and he answers a question he doesn't push anything aside & actually digs deeper to explain his place which i like . So i'll leave it at that for now because i have work to do . Your opinion is what it is but i know exactly where i stand and the majority of this countries problems have been causes specifically by politicians from the past & will continue because instead of standing up for real change they try to please every one and that seldom works at all !!
  19. If they can't answer a simple question like "What is a women" they have no place being in that position because it's all down hill from there !!
  20. 1 word that stick out in your reply & should be in BOLD print is the word EXPLOIT which has become a American theme ! Sure you don't want to work 6 days a week which again has become the theme of America in the EXPLOITATION of the American dream but you would rather have all the homeless tent cities all over the country than allow those folks work right here in America . If our beloved Gov't would get their S**T together and live like we have to (well most of us) only spending as much money as we have that is with in our means instead of having $32+ TRILLION of a deficit the cost of living wouldn't be as high and those homeless might be able to live on a lessor wage but thanks totally to our blind faith in the politicians we elect here the country is . I for one was 1 that was pushed out of my job in Fl. due to illegal immigration ! Due to the fact that most of the lazy white folks that didn't want to work 6 days a week to EARN a living & those being the fat white guy in the air conditioned pick up playing candy crush, or the lazy white owner that forgot how hard his dad worked to build the company so he could reap the benefits then run the company into the ground ! All because of his EXPLOITATION to hire illegals to do a lessor job much faster so he could make more profit all while screwing over those like myself that build a far superior product which costs more but lasts longer which all were the reason why America wanted to hire the illegals, so welcome to the newer lazier America !!! We reap what we sew !!! So ya'll got your wish and there may be no way to stop the bleeding now because of the over sensitivity to do the hard things that it will require to get things any where near what it was financially with the true American mind set to work for what you get instead of give me what i deserve because i am American . I find it pretty sad today the entitlement mind set is now the "American Dream" let someone else do the work so I can profit the most from it !! As long as that mind set is in place the country will muttle along but will never be the America that every other country wanted to be like, we are now the guy with huge ego that thinks every one should be like me & no one likes any more and just wants to hang on our coat tails as we tumble down the mountain side ...
  21. First off there are 3 words that will say if "Global Economy" works or not . 1 being Democracy (which is a free basis of gov't) the other being Communism which is the exact opposite in the mind set of operation the 3rd being Socialism again a opposite . Then you add the American ego into the equation which has been trying to literally PUSH our life style on every other country in the world for decades (and they have failed miserably) the global thing was a failure before it ever began ! Just enter into this economic globalization plan Iran, Russia, China, Iraq, Syria, Korea, Brazil, Afghanistan, and the many other counties that think nothing at all like America it was nothing but a pipe dream to think this would work . Personally i would rather depend on America because at 1 point we proved that we can be a self sustaining country with that, as lazy as our population has become not sure we could do it any more especially with the younger generation coming up. I would love to see something say "Made in America" on it but i have searched and can't find it any more, other than say maybe food because or maybe opioids or some kind of pharmaceutical which both are American obsessions now . America is a country that has sold its soul for profit in the name of "Globalization" and as we saw in the pandemic we were at the mercy of others & i for one didn't like it 1 bit but then i am not of the new America i was raised to take care of America first and i know that's pretty selfish to a lot of people now days but one day it will all come back to bight them in the ass i'm sure as it has already started, all in the name of cheap prices . When the country & it's politicians do wake up it may be way to late and half or more of America will be owned by foreigners literally as its' land and people and the politicians along with their Globalization policy's will be to blame for it while we all hold the bag ... ANd the so called forward thinkers like Kamala & Newsome will be leading the charge .
  22. So here's a idea lets bring the manufacturing back here on US soil where it belongs anyway so we aren't dependent on China for every thing consumed and we can tell the rest of them to go piss off . The pandemic should have shown all of us just how vulnerable the US is any more we can barely stand on our own 2 feet & the way our gov't is letting China buy up land here it won't be long or all ready may be worse than the people know but the gov't once again doesn't care !! The US use to be the strongest because we were independent to the point we didn't need other countries to support our selves or didn't depend on them for our every day things, but totally different now we can't even wipe our own ass with out asking china for the TP to do so that's pretty sad !! Would be no need tariffs of any kind to level the field or not if we weren't importing everything we use .
  23. Heaven for bid that either of these 2 would be voted into the office of POTUS . Just look at California you talk about a cess pool for steeling tax payer money to do absolutely nothing to help the people that are paying into the tax structure . Sure fi you want to buy needles for junkies & let the homeless crap anywhere they want and have taxes so high that people can't afford their homes and have to buy campers to live in & move around every so often just to stay at their jobs . Not to mention stop the flow of water to the farms all because of a minnow that is endangered instead of capturing them and repopulating the waters with them . Brilliance from California politicians never ceases to amaze me ! Hey lets cut every body a check because inflation has made gas prices higher . Yah the US would be in a great place with either of these 2 in charge, if we thought Joe was a cluster F we had better pray neither of these 2 get in office !!
  24. Well for one he's under contract so they will at the very least give him a shot to see if he will before they cut him because there will be money involved some how, not sure exactly how much but if would go against the cap . I think he can be the kicker he was but he needs to focus more on that than some other recent happenings that involve things of the feline/***** cat persuasion in his life just saying ...
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