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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Given all that has been happening of late in politics the change in the board, if no one else has noticed has been a OMG thing . Use to be a day wouldn't go by with out a new Neo Nazi post from BT about the orange man & he usually had at the very least 7 different new posts or reply's slamming him . But as of the last few weeks crickets ! I haven't even seen any reply's slamming anyone else here . Nothing about Joes sudden change of heart deciding to retire or about the recent shooting . Is BT okay ? Has he had a revelation about the orange man and he is afraid to let it be known ? Has he been born again ? I'm starting to get a little worried . Maybe they fired him and no longer need his input against the opposition in this election cycle . BT Phone Home !! Just let us know you are okay brother, even the Donald has noticed your disappearance . Did i miss his good bye post here or is he just on vacation recharging his batteries to back Kamala now or what ? If you have heard please let us know inquiring minds want to know . Tibs must be very distraught with this development . Tibs have you heard anything at the office about BT's where about's ? I just hope he's okay .
  2. I'll bet him and Po won't get along real well this season ! Not seeing a invite to dinner or to come over & play Mario cart any time soon !!
  3. Well sometimes the truth can be a very hurtful thing, at least Aaron knows the truth and before you can move forward the truth must be known as such and you must admit it to your self ...
  4. No i never, but that's cool i didn't know that or see that episode . Great cartoon though loved the Jetsons as a kid !!
  5. Well at least there is a good start she knows she is a women & that she is sitting at a table - in a blue out fit - 3 for 3 on that one !!! But i'll just bet it's all down hill from there !!!
  6. And for that matter Bernard should be on the list too for his performance & i believe if he wasn't injured in the Chiefs game the out come would have been different than it was . Definitely would have been if Millano wouldn't have been hurt !!
  7. Yes he was - that was Rasro (in dog talk) .
  8. Every single politician, lobbiest, in DC needs to be fired and they need to put the gold standard back in place to control the unfettered spending that has happened ever since, there are no restraints to what these idiots can spend and they ALL just keep doing it !! My old man use to tell me all the time don't write checks that your ass can't pay & that's exactly what all of these politicians do ! The Presidents every one do the same thing because there is nothing in place to stop them, if they need more money they print it or just raise the debt ceiling & who pays for that stuff ? We do ! As long as things stay the same as they are now nothing will change . The other thing that has helped all of this is the Federal reserve act of 1937 . Up until that time the US gov't didn't pay interest on the money they had because they owned that money & any interest was paid to the Federal gov't not the Federal reserve . Then the Federal Reserve Act of 1937 (Thank you Woodrow Wilson - Dem. ) was put in place, which he later admitted was the worst thing he had ever done to the country & this was the exact thing in part that the people ran from England for . Then the Federal money was no longer owned by the federal gov't but by the Federal reserve & it's owners and then the US gov't had to start paying interest on the monies borrowed, couple that with stopping the gold standard so there was nothing to keep the spending in check & here we are today $32+ Trillion owed . And IMHO there have been people since killed because of all of this . The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting things to change . NOT !!
  9. Definitely delusional !!
  10. If they bring back Randy Moss & Culpepper they could go 9 & 9 😎
  11. But your defense of Joes buffoonery and lies is nothing like me stating the statute of limitations ?? Or that you never even considered (only because it is the Donald i take it) that maybe just maybe that women was pissed because Trump used her and her him being more than willing at that time only because of him being who he was . Him having lots of money thinking just maybe like how many other women then with a much younger more handsome Millionaire if she dropped her drawers she might be able to get the Multi Millionaire to keep her as his girl, but when it didn't happen that way she was hurt & possibly vowed to get him some how some way . There is absolutely NO WAY that that scenario could have possibly happened not a snow balls chance in hell right ?? It is all just Trump is a ego'd out bastard that raped her END OF STORY . No other possibility . Never ever happened before in past so that can't in any way be NAH It's just him ... Yah wasn't that what that girl claimed that the punter that the Bills drafted said too but it turned out that she was a gold digging ***** & didn't care who she hurt yet because they dug deeper they found out he was innocent ? I'm not defending him in any way but before it even had a trial you made him guilty despite a Dem judge, DA, and any one else involved yet i'm the bad guy because i bring up the possibility OKAY ... Trust me i'm as sick of the made up BS that those people have been pulling out of their ass ever since he showed up on the scene, then only to here some more of the flimsy BS that they try to make stick like the PROVEN TO BE A PAPER FULL OF LIES BOUGHT AND PAID FOR STEEL DOSSIER . JUST SAYING . Like i said if the evidence is there BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT !!!!!!!!!!!! THEN THROW HIS ASS IN JAIL For F**K sake ...
  12. Exactly why in part i feel this new younger roster could be just what the Dr ordered . If Millano can return to form, Von can be a little over half of what he was in a rotational player and the others that Beane has brought in that have been to the top of the mountain and are younger this season could be really good . I think they saw the writing on the wall with Po, Hyde, Von, Diggs, Gabe & others they all had multiple shots at the apple & missed so it was time to move on . Sure i for one will miss those spectacular catches that Josh & Diggs put up but who's to say the new guys can't have as much production between them all in Brady's new offense ? I think as i have heard that it may take a minute for them all to get on the same page in the offense and the secondary but i believe by the mid way point of this season the chemistry could be mauvelous !!!
  13. Then as i have ALWAYS said if there evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt THROW HIS ASS IN JAIL AND SHUT THE F UP !!!
  14. As long as the Criminal court case was laid out like a modern day soap opera with a pre determined ending that the judge told the jury in so many words how the were to come to a verdict . It played out just like a Broadway play every body read the script and came out exactly as it was suppose to . So if that was a fair trail of his peers then okay . But seeing as everyone that had any real say in it was either Democrat or liberal then i guess that's fair right ? As long as the BS is slung from one side and not the other . Plus having to redo a trail how many times over & over & over to get the right out come that's justice and who's to say that the women that waited some 20+ years wasn't just pissed because she got the Donald then he moved on so she was pissed and may have wanted a little revenge on the egotistical bastard isn't completely out of the question is it ? And Joe had nothing to do with the monies that his son got from a communist business dealing either right i men that's what he said any way ... But don't dig to deep into that heaven forbid !! And the documents that the drug addict son had access to while working for a communist business in a communist country nothing to see her folks !! Joe is as innocent as a snake . There's been a lot of Gold diggers that have done the same thing but not so much after the statute of limitations have run out but hey it was Trump so anything goes Right ???
  15. I just vote for the lessor of 2 evils and someone that isn't a career politician those are the people that have put this country in the debt & place as far as standing in the world that it is hated by many more countries because of pushing the American ego on every one weather they want it or not ! Hillary was the epitome of evil & the people thank God saw it and went in a different direction then Hillary did everything almost exactly as people say the Donald did by saying the election was fixed & lied about the Russians collusion thing even though knowing it was a bought & paid for by her lie yet that was okay !!!! Poor ole Joe is just the epitome of the career politician & will say what ever it takes even though someone else might have said it before & then look you right in the eye & lie as he did on national TV about the vaccine he's just a clueless career politician & we had way to many of them so why not try something different it can't be much worse that's for dam sure . $32 Trillion in debt Donald like the rest had his input but it was way out of hand before he got here take a look back at who passed the federal reserve act, who opened SS to the gov't, who instituted SS and made it mandatory you may see a pattern just saying !! But of course it's ALL Trumps Fault Right he did it all in just 4 short years ???
  16. Sorry but i'm a independent and will stay that way ! I am a conservative minded person but as long as someone would step up and be for the things i believe in & have a set of balls to say & do what needs to be done instead of ***** footing around trying to please every one no matter the cause . Biden IMHO is not that guy ! I've seen the double standard since he's been in office there are things he's done and said and lied about that if it was the Donald people would have lost their minds & had a bunch more actions to go after him but Joe can do the same thing with little to no consequences or much much less than would be the other way . So let it just be the same for all and not so one sided because a guy has a orange tint to him . I wish someone else like Vivek would gain some momentum but that's no the way it's gonna go so i will vote for who i think will do the best job while in office and feel will have the country & it's peoples best interest in mind while making those decisions .
  17. The man is Very Very smart ! At the very least i was hoping that Trump would choose him as his running mate because then all the BS about being a racist would be gone . But it would hurt my feeling if this guy was chosen as the next Pres. they could & have done a hole lot worse recently !!
  18. By those people still voting for the likes of him, Nadler or Maxine Waters just goes to show exactly how stupid people are .
  19. Well seeing as he's went totally against what he said just a few short days ago about staying in the race & beating Trump he will more than likely go against what he said when asked if he would pardon his son . They have probably pissed him off enough by making him quit that he will just say then screw them i'll make the smartest man he knows free before i leave office, but he'll wait till near the absolute end of his term .
  20. Well hey at least the Dems realized they needed to grow a set and tell Jill that Joe could no longer be their guy so you never know . But if they keep trying with all their made up BS something just might work keep the faith Tibs keep the faith ... Your so FOS !! Trump had multiple mental capacity tests while in office and was very transparent about any of his health evaluations Joe just straight up said NO i won't take one, i take one everyday, total BS just like his followers !!! I would just like to here the real reason why he dropped out . Just days ago he was all gung hoe saying how he was going to beat Trump and just days later this . I don't think he even has a realistic or truthful answer .
  21. You know that who ever said that comment doesn't have a clue because if they did they would put them selves out in the open but the don't have the Cojones to put them selves out there .
  22. Super bowl 25 !! I had no doubt that the Bills were bringing home a Lombardy not a doubt 1 in my mind It was the best Super Bowl ever except for the ending but the only SB that ended with the score that close . Even though the Bills lost still what a memory ...
  23. I totally agree ! I had a very long career in the trades & changed after 15+ years after 08 when things went south for a while but during the pandemic when my other career shut down which was in the entertainment industry I kept all of my tools and went back into the trades that i use to do . I was out side not around any one usually and had a FB page that my wife posted pictures of my work & my phone number it wasn't a couple of weeks & i was covered up & i couldn't keep up . If your kids don't mind a little physical labor & can learn either one or multiple trades they will have it made . And if they don't mind a little physical labor then you have been a good parent because most young people today won't lift a finger unless it's to push a mouse or a controller on a game boy thing a ma bob . The smart phone thing & computers in a lot of ways have dumbed us down & made us a very lazy country !!
  24. Well DUH !! That would be awesome if they could get him but there's no freakin way !! They would never be able to pay him the money that he's making with the network he's on ... The only way he would be even a thought is if he had a home in the Buffalo region & was going to retire and only wanted to work a part time gig . Great pick but your playing fantasy Football announcer !!
  25. First off if you raise the minimum wage to $20 it will cause most everything that requires a human being no matter how menial the task to have to have a increase in pricing that's number 1 . Number 2 if that happens and say a laborer that works for me & me being a mason i have to charge more to the customer because i have to pay out more, not to mention that i have 25 yrs of experience & if a rookie that has 2 yrs is making that much then i'm being under paid now so again my prices are going to go up especially if i have to pay for their health care, work mens comp, & so on . Then you have the fact that the McDonalds worker that you laid off that has little to no skills per say goes into the unemployment system to look for a job and due to the fact that they have little to no skills per say after they run out their unemployment not being able to find work then they go on to welfare because of course they won't go and be a block masons tender that is actual for real physical labor which young people won't do . The majority of the younger generation has been taught that they are American so they are of the Entitlement mind set i can see raising the minimum wage as a total Cluster F !! Oh also stop entitlement mind set & illegal immigration and have parents have their children go mow & rake lawns to make money so they can spend the money they earn to go buy a new ipad and have more appreciation for it instead of just giving everything to them !! To follow that up here's a theory, go back to the gold standard, stop printing money any time you need more, make the gov't live with in a budget like most of us have to instead of giving away trillions of dollars for every body & any body with their hand out, have more checks and balances for those getting entitlements, allow schools to bring back skilled trades programs & then bring the manufacturing jobs back to American soil so those people can have more opportunity and earn their way into a better life . Dammit i think i might be on to something here Tibs don't you ???
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