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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. So where was the slurring i heard a thing because of a bad connection but there wasn't any slurred speech that i heard or stuttering . If you want to here that stuff go dig up a few of Joes past speeches !! Your trying to grasp at anything your getting really desperate Tibs ...
  2. Push play rinse repeat - Push play rinse repeat . You forgot he colluded with the Russians . Blah Blah Blah . Apparently some can see through the BS & others can't have you figured out which side your on ----- we have ...
  3. Thank you for that it is a good day you taught me something that i knew nothing about . But it does seem as if every time i turn around they are adding more letters and because i don't keep up with that particular group .
  4. Well i ain't saying that they are all there either, but alls you have to do is open your eyes and you will find that there are those kinds on both sides for sure !! But most like to keep their eyes closed as to avoid seeing the obvious that sits right in front of them !!
  5. I thought that was Bidens reason for pulling out of the race ? No one wanted to stand behind him while at the podium because he not only speaks BS but smells like it too !!
  6. This womens statement proves that acid in the 60's was a very bad thing !! Apparently her parents did way to much of it and forgot to tell her . Oh by the way when did they add more letters to the LGBTQ thing WTH is the IA about now ? I guess the every body gets a trophy thing has over flowed into the all inclusive LGBTQ circle .
  7. Well to say that break dancing is now a "Sport" that is included in the olympics does there really need to be anything else said about todays Olympics !! Talk about a total S**T Show !! It will get worse before it gets better i can promise you that much !!
  8. Ain't that some kind of BS !!! This world has for sure went straight to hell and the really bad thing is they are all welcoming it with open arms W- T- F ???
  9. WOW if this is the way she picks a VP candidate i hope she doesn't go to the track and bets on the ponies ... This guy is a real loser !!
  10. It seems Morris has glue on his hands, when ever he's called on to throw to he catches it and in the past i have wished they would use him more in the passing game especially in the red zone . But for a TE he is on the short side . I have heard on 1 Bills live talk of how good Davidson has been doing & they say he can run & looks smooth doing so, more like a WR than a tall TE . 6' 7" in the red zone can't hurt and this coaching staff is known for teaching the younger players how to develop into really good NFL players . I'm sure McD and his staff will choose the one that fits best but you can bet the Giants, Panthers, & Bears are all looking to see who the Bills cut & will swoop in to grab those players when they do .
  11. I would like to see Claypool turn it around for sure if he can stay healthy . I only watched until they took Josh out did Shavers play much in that game ? I'm hoping given what they been saying about his camp he can fit in & i would like to see Shorter become a good player for the team too !!
  12. I'm right there with you IF those injuries wouldn't have been the last 2 seasons would have been different i believe, but i do hope Tre gets back to himself he was a class guy & who knows there is always the possibility of him coming home ...
  13. Yah that is pretty important ! I have heard of Davis but never saw him play & if they picked up a fumbler then that's not as good a pick up unless he can change his ways & be coached to leave the fumbling back in college ...
  14. I bet there's more than just him, i'll bet every team that was in front of the Bills that could have had Josh is kickiing them selves in the Arss !!
  15. I would hope & i do think that McD is smart enough to bring him back slowly on some sort of a pitch count thing . He not only has to over come the physical but the mental side of the injury, and until he's sure in his mind that his leg is good he won't be the same . My daughter tore her ACL in high school as a soccer player and it took her a minute to regain her faith in how strong her knee until a coach told her that her knee was stronger now than before the injury so just play her game & after that she was good until she tore the ACL in the other knee . Which TOTALLY sucked ! I know the injury is different but it will take a minute i would think for him to regain his complete confidence !
  16. My Dark Horse candidate is going to be what could be the ultimate story ! Local Joe Andreesen the local UB player that the Bills brought in on a try out basis at the LBer position . Not sure about the cut player if Claypool does what he has in the past & doesn't bring it on the field i think it might be him . I hope they don't just keep him around like they did the other WR they brought in from Miami last season . Roster spots will be at a premium this season and McD has a lot to choose from .
  17. It's been a bit ridiculous for a while now & only looks as if it will get even worse . Josh is sitting back going AW HELL YAH !!!
  18. That is awesome God does answer prayers !!! I hope she continues to get better in time ! It's great that the first lady of the Bills being at practice she is a great example of a fighter & if the players see that i hope it influences them or gives them more motivation to fight to be better ... Continued prayers Mrs Pegs get even better soon !!
  19. It comes to both sides Democrats & Republicans, from businesses that want to persuade a POTUS to think the same way they do and to quite possibly by donating make them think they owe them some kind of favor . All of the corporate donations should go to help the homeless not to help a POTUS get elected . Let them do fund raisers like dinners, speeches, or things of that sort no outside business involvement at all in a election ! There's no conflict of interest in that is there ? If big pharma or say Monsanto donates millions to help get a president elected you don't think they will be asking for favors ? There also should be a rule that these "Super Pacts" or what ever they are, should be made known to the people so they know exactly where the money is coming from, that's as bad as having lobbyist in DC, alls they are is a paid bribery artist being nothing but high paid lawyers, none of that should exist in politics any where . Democrat or Republican both do it so do away with it all !!
  20. Okay so you may not be angry but i nailed it was rest nothing but net !!!
  21. Is it any wonder Joe put her in charge of the border crisis that wasn't, isn't, or never has been ?? Can we all agree she's a moron !!!
  22. And put more young black men in prison during her time as DA than anyone ever did in Cali. Along with the sex offenders .
  23. Big Bird to smooth over the things she will wind up screwing up .
  24. Let me guess - Angry - Non conservative - Trump hating - Bi polar millennial - Liberal Democrat ?? Close ? Just wondering . Nailed it !!! Anger management could help you immensely !!
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