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T master

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Posts posted by T master

  1. I say we make a trade for Vince Young. Why not? At least he'll run around and make things interesting. The Titans/Jeff Fisher are done with him. Maybe we could make a straight up trade: Maybin for Young.



    I don't know wear you are getting your info from , the last i heard from Jeff Fishers news conference Vince was still the starter this week he was just trying to get a spark to win that game .


    Plus with our O line Mike Vick would be a better pick he has better legs & will be looking to get out if he doesn't start . The only bad thing is it won't be til next year.

  2. I don't think it matters - none of the three QBs on the roster right now are the answer. Best case scenario for the Bills is to draft a QB or OT in the first round next year and then draft the other position in the second round. During the offseason, trade for an older, veteran QB that can mentor the QB we draft.



    How do you know unless you try ---- I'm still all for bringing in Jeff Garcia -- you all said it was stupid in the offseason (hows it lookin now) but he would leave the OFL or UFL what ever it is (and would give us a better chance to win) to play in the NFL again . Hell bring back Flutie !!! But at least go in a direction that there may be an upside that the out come isn't all ready pretty much predetermined !!!! I was all for giving Trent the benefit of the dought but after seeing the way Phillip Rivers handled himself in the post game interview after their lose and the way Trent interviews after a loss there is a distinct difference in being a leader !!

  3. I know names like Locker, Luck, Mallett, and Ponder have been thrown out there knowing that, barring some miracle, Buffalo has a top 5 pick in next year's draft. And, yes, my pipe dream is the Bills trade out of the top 5, land Luck or Mallett and somehow get a 1st round LT that becomes a stud. Sorry for the digression. Looking at teams with quarterback position deficiences like the Bills and/or teams that will need a new starting QB soon (i.e. the Vikings with Favre's age and history), is there a starting quarterback worse than Trent Edwards?


    Would you rather have Trent Edwards over any of the following players?


    Jason Campbell-Raiders

    Bruce Gradowski-Raiders

    Jake Delhomme-Browns

    Alex Smith-49ers

    Brett Favre-Vikings (mainly cuz the guy is 40+ and Jackson and Rosenfels are the guys in line of succession)

    Derek Anderson-Cardinals

    Matt Hasselbeck (getting up in age and has had injury history recently)

    Matt Moore (keep in mind that Jimmy Clausen is his current backup)


    I would take any of these guys over Trent Edwards this year and next year if I had a choice between Edwards and any of these guys. The team most likely to be in the market for a starting QB would be the Vikings considering that Sage Rosenfels and Tavaris Jackson don't scream a successor at QB much like our Fitzpatrick/Brohm backup plan.


    Is there anyone worse than Trent Edwards as a starting QB or a well-known backup in this league?


    I would definitely bring in Gradkowski the kid has a set and isn't afraid to go down field & possibly Campbell but the others ????? We can lose with what we got i want to win !!!!!

  4. It is obvious from the Miami game that Levitre will continue to stuggle against DT's. He is a good blocker with nice speed. But does not have the strength to prevent DT's collapsing the pocket. Perhaps he would be best suited to play his college position of RT. At RT he would be playing against quicker but lighter DE's.


    That could be part of the thought process of bringing in Urbik so they could move him to RT & put Urbik in Andy's position ??????

  5. I went to CBSsports.com only to find a article on


    "The Top 8 Worst Q.B's of Week 1 In th NFL"


    And figuring the Bills are the red headed step child of the league i thought they would have Trent among those picks for week one .


    But for all you that call for Trent's head every chance you get & put 90% of the blame of the Bills losing on his shoulders ........ guess what ??


    HE WASN'T ON THE LIST :nana: so all you haters put that in your pipe & smoke it along with something else and maybe you'll CHILL a bit !!!


    One of the teams in our division with an ESTABLISHED Q.B. made the list though ... so check it out if you don't billieve me .


    GO BILLS & GO TRENT !!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

  6. I don't know and you all can call me a dumb A** but i thought that when you go down (at least in the field of play) when your knee or your butt hits the ground you are down & to add to that i thought that the ground can't cause a fumble ??


    What did the competition committee change the rule when you step into the end zone ?? That guy was robbed !!!


    His knee was down first ,his butt hit then his hand , all while maintaining control of the ball .

  7. And so far, their method to improve the team have come by scouring the waiver wires and practice squads of other teams. Yet, we haven't seen those guys cracking the lineup other than in emergency situations. Is Cornell Green really that much better than Jamon Meredith? Yes, Urbick is an interesting prospect, but getting cut by Pitt, which also has a bad OL isn't inspiring confidence.


    They also said that the best way to build a team is through the draft. Hard to argue with the logic ... except that if you do that, you better have a higher hit ratio on those draft picks.


    People love Nix's straighforward demeanor. But the early results aren't as colorful as his tongue.



    Was the kid we let go from Iowa that bad ?? It sucks that we basically wasted a draft pick just to let the kid go . Was it Calloway ?? I didn't get to see hm in any of the preseason games but would have thought his upside would be better than Greens , and if the kid knows our offense why wouldn't they bring him back ??

  8. This is not a Trent Edwards hate thread. This is just a thread to suggest nicknames for Brian Brohm.


    The Great Brohmbino


    Brohm Perignon




    The Brohmit Comet


    Ladainian Brohmlinson


    Cool, Brohm, and Collected


    Brohm'd your Mom


    I have more, but these are just to get you guys started. They don't have to use his name. Gogogo! :)



    The Brohminator !!!! :angry:

  9. Just curious if anyone else noticed that the coaching staff started the 2nd half on Sunday with McKelvin at CB instead of McGee opposite Florence? I personally was in favor of the decision, after watching Brandon Marshall vicitmize McGee for 5 of his 6 first half catches. I was especially happy with the way McKelvin played, I think that was his best game--coverage-wise--in a Bills' uniform.


    Many of you know I've never been a McGee fan, and I didn't see this posted anywhere...anybody have any opinions/feedback/observations?


    I didn't realize that McGee was the one that McKelvin took the place of but i did notice that McKelvin was really effective at keeping the ball out of Marshalls hands in the second half.


    McGee had better be careful if that's the way Mckelvin comes to play every week we might have a new starter . :o

  10. I don't think so. Worst case (or best depending on your perspective), Fitz starts & wins a few games ugly like last year.



    Or another possibility put in Brohm & he remembers what it's like to be a good QB like he did in college .


    We already know what we have in Trent (apparently) & Fitz so why not give the kid a chance ?? After all he did throw for over 10000 yds in college ???????????????

  11. "There's going to be days like that when we don't get it going. We're three-and-out or we're shooting ourselves in the foot. That's going to happen, that's the NFL."

    -Trent Edwards


    Let me first say that I do not like the personal attacks on players as football is a team sport. Most comments about Edwards do not offer any constructive critizism and, in truth, show the level of immaturity of some of the posters. He is a tough, smart guy as are all guys that play at the level that he is playing. I am sure he devotes alot of time and effort into improving as most do in their jobs; however, this quote was unacceptable to me and it does not portray leadership which is most needed at the QB position. We need a "Field General" as a QB and the mentality that it is "hard to win in the NFL" is not going to cut it. The comment show a total lack of confidence in the team, the plan, and himself as a leader of the team. The C on his jersey means something and he needs to start showing it.


    If an attorney gave you that type of comment after losing a court case you would want to ripp his head off, the same for a doctor, or any other professional.


    See Sanchez's numbers from last night? About the same as Edwards but his comments were a little different. He may suffer from the same "check-down" fever but he appears to have more leadership potential. I really think he problem is his coach.



    I think it's just a case of PTJS (Post Trammatic Jauron Sindrom :blink: )

  12. Green was brought in as a stop gap because of Butlers departure , but if you all would pay attention to other blogs besides this one, Buddy & Chan are always looking to upgrade any position .


    If you would have listened to Buddy at the MMQB yesterday you would realize that is why they brought in Urbik . (always looking to upgrade)


    He was also on the 2009 draft board rated as 1 of the 3 highest lineman on the Bills board , so with that being said seeing as they signed Urbik off of a practice squad and he will more than likely be payed league minimum until he proves himself (& he is still a youngster) what they would have payed for a more notable FA will be about the same as paying Green & Urbik.


    You guys have lived in N.Y. way to long you've got to start looking for the silver lining instead of doom & gloom all the time . LIGHTEN UP !! :nana:



    GO BILLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Football games are decided by number of yards?

    I thought they were decided by number of points.




    If we hadn't given up the safety, the Dolphins (with all those yards) would be tied for 23rd in the league -- just above the Bills.


    Falcons, Vikings, Jets, 9'ers and Cowboys scored less than Bills Week 1.

    I assume they should all give up and admit they totally suck based on 1 game?


    Please -- a little sense of perspective.



    According to most all Bills fans the season is a total loss might just as well throw in the towel , we suck , we'll never do anything , the QB sucks , the coach sucks , the defense sucks , the sky is falling & tomorrow is the end of the world !!!!!!!

  14. Green was a stop gap because of Butlers retirement Kelsay has heart but will be gone next year along with some others . If they got rid of all the players Bills fans don't like they wouldn't be able to make a full roster . Besides no matter who they bring in the majority of the fans would find something to Bi**h about .


    I'll bet when the 90's team was winning a lot there was guys that were on this site complaining about something !!!! :doh:

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