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T master

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Posts posted by T master

  1. Do you ever think that the Bills FO ( Nix) would get desperate enough this year for some kind of pass rush that they would call Aaron Schobel & ask him to come back ???


    I pretty much no the ridicule i'm gonna get but I'm prepared .....

  2. Thin skinned because he's a professional writer on a fan message board being attacked by a bunch of internet tough guys??? Now JW is gone who used to actually give some great info unlike the idiots who just bash everyone's opinion for being different from theirs...



    AMEN !!!!!

  3. Congrats probably the most blatant instance of cherry picking evidence i have ever witnessed. We are all a little dumber now for reading your post.


    Throw your computer out a 3rd story window.


    People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones Especially with distasteful artistic appeal and apparent over active ego gland

  4. Evans for St. Louis #2 this year and #1 next year...


    Your living a pipe dream !! He ain't that good . they only gave a 3rd rounder for Moss & Evans don't come close to hall of fame material !!


    If we are going younger & looking to the future we need to do what the Pats would do trade him for a third & a conditional 4th so we can dump his contract.


    Although he is a good veteran presence in the locker room, never complains ,and is dependable i don't think he's living up to the contract .


    Steve Johnson is putting up better numbers & more TD's for a lot less money !! You don't see to many teams changing there game plan for Evans . E nuff said

  5. Russell is 25 years old, lacks desire, LARGE body big arm.


    He'll throw the ball downfield and will soak up the sacks, lets be honest the guy was promised to be a top QB and he failed, does he deserve a 2nd chance?


    After passing on Vick last year and seeing what he's doing it might be worth a chance ?? Sign him to the league minimum put him as the third QB in OTA's & mini camp .


    See what he can do in preseason, give him a chance to prove what he said on the interview was true if given a second chance & if he's the same ole Russel -- cut him -- nothing ventured nothing gained !!!

  6. DaGimp said it best in an earlier thread I started....so I fiured this warranted its own thread. If you were GM/coach....who would you NOT CUT??? Heres mine...im interested to hear who you think is worthy of staying!!!


    Levitre, Evans, Jackson, Parrish, Shawn Nelson, David Nelson, Spiller, Fitzpatrick, and Wood.


    Troup, Stroud, K. Williams, Edwards, Moats, Florence, Wlson, McGee, and Scott.


    Moorman and Lindell


    NOTE....just one LB!!!


    Trade Evans for a draft pick - the rest i agree on - add Poz, Mckelvin, Byrd, Alex Carrington, Steve Johnson,(The long snapper - is it Sanborn?) Easley , & Batten (cause of the injury thing)


    I'd still be willing to see what Brohm has too he's relatively unproven either way !! Whitner & Yabody(depth Players only) Spencer Johnson (good depth player)


    There's more of the younger unprovens that i would give a chance to see what they bring to the table -- Urbick, the other line man just brought up Montros ?

  7. 1st Rounders !! :oops:


    J.P. Losman, David Carr, Joey Harrington, Tim Couch, Patrick Ramsey, Rex Grossman,


    Byron Lefwich, Matt Lienart, Kyle Boller, Jason Campbell, Brady Quinn,

    :cry: Jamarcus Russell



    2nd Rounders & Lower draft picks !! :thumbsup:


    Drew Brees #2, Marc Bulger #6, Tom Brady #6, David Garrard #4, Josh McCowan #3


    Seneca Wallace #4, Bruce Gradkowski #6, Tyler Thigpen #7, Kevin Kolb #2, Kyle Ortin #4



    Then Undrafted Free Agents !! :o


    Kurt Warner SuperBowl Champion QB, Tony Romo, Jake Delhomme Superbowl QB,


    Jeff Garcia , Jon Kitna


    What i am trying to get at is, with the amount of money you have to put out to get a 1st round QB in the draft is IMHO way to much of a chance & sets the team back years if you miss both in salary and player production . I believe it all starts in the trenches !! If you can't give a QB protection (with out a Micheal Vick) your doomed !!


    All of the a fore mentioned QB's that were later round picks that have had success have had average or above average O lines have done very well .


    So i know that in true Ralph Wilson fashion he's already stated QB was a priority & i believe he will take a shot at a first rounder & take the chance.


    But wouldn't it make more sense to draft great lineman (as long as draft homework is #1 priority) in the first round and along with more extensive draft homework on QB's take one in later rounds in order to have less risk all the way around .




    Just a reaction to some of the posts that i've read saying we need a QB as our first rounder . Go ahead Bills fans tear it apart as usual .

  8. I took a look at the starting line-up for the New Orleans Saints to see where their players were drafted and here were the results.




    First Round - 2 players

    Second Round - 3 players

    Third Round - 0 players

    Fourth Round - 2 players

    Fifth Round - 2 players

    Sixth Round - 0 players

    Seventh Round - 1 player

    Undrafted FA - 1 player




    First Round - 4 players

    Second Round - 2 players

    Third Round - 0 players

    Fourth Round - 1 player

    Fifth Round - 0 players

    Sixth Round - 0 players

    Seventh Round - 1 player

    Undrafted FA - 3 players



    All seven rounds are loaded with potential starters. It's up to the front office now to make the right picks next year and we need to stockpile as many as we can now.



    The 98 Superbowl Champion Broncos had ONE first round pick -- that was Elway the rest of the team were 3rd round or later or UDFA Shannon sharp 7th round --Terrel Davis 4th round , so you don't need all 1st rounders just good (scouting) talent evaluators and good coaches !!

  9. It was Bill Polian, not Marv that built the Super Bowl team.


    I agree that Polian had to recognize the talent and get them here but some one had to put it on the field and get the coaching staff to make it happen .


    And that person was Marv !! That team in that time just wouldn't have been that team with out him !!


    Ahh those were the days !!!! :beer:

  10. I booked a ticket for a return to WNY to visit friends and family, to culminate with a Bills game. On Saturday I changed my flight to come home early. I could not take the thought of going thru all that effort to get to the game, park, drink, watch the team, and leave for the airport. Turns out I was right.


    I am a lifelong fan, but the truth is, I did not find it within me to go to that game on a perfect day, despite not being at the Ralph for at least 7 years.


    That's just because your becoming an old base turd !!

  11. His thing last year was taking advantage of the pressure that Schobel was putting on QB's , with little or no pass rush at all opposing QB's have all day to pick apart our D as they have done for the past 4 weeks . Until we get some type of pass rush don't expect things to change !!!!

  12. I can only imagine some of the conversation if there were to be an after party of ex Bills player and coaches at the end of tonight's game .


    Takeo Spikes , Nate Clements , Jason Peters , Joique Bell , Bobby April , & you can't leave out D.J. Have i left any one out that may have been a former Bills player that was in tonight's game ?? Heck - Peters & Clements contracts are probably as much as the Bills entire yearly pay roll !!


    Man i'll bet ole Ralph's ears would be ringing if there was a party !!!!

  13. Buddy Nix is incompetent



    Bills didn't extensively shop Lynch


    Posted by Mike Florio on October 10, 2010 3:04 PM ET

    Last week, before the Bills traded running back Marshawn Lynch, we suggested that they should hold an auction for his services and then trade him to the highest bidder.


    When the Bills traded Lynch, we assumed that the Bills had tried to max out the market. Apparently, they didn't.


    Per Jay Glazer of FOX, multiple teams said that they would have been interested in Lynch -- and would have given up more than the Seahawks gave up for Lynch -- if the Bills had called. But they didn't call.


    Said Glazer, "I'll figure out women before I figure out the Bills."


    We've got $5 on "neither".


    Where have i seen this before ?? Oh ya that what the post was about !!!!!!

  14. Correct:


    "When Bill Polian was promoted to general manager of the Buffalo Bills on Dec. 30, 1985, the Bills were suffering from back to back 2-14 seasons and fan interest was at an all-time low. Polian had been with the Bills since August 2, 1984. He was originally hired as director of pro personnel, where he impressed Bills owner Ralph Wilson by telling then-coach Kay Stephenson, "We were 2-14 on merit--we have the worst personnel in the NFL." On February 7, 1985, Bills general manager Terry Bledsoe suffered a heart attack and Polian was named along with director of scouting Norm Pollom to handle contract negotiations in Bledsoe's absence. Polian was instrumental in the signing of Bruce Smith to his first NFL contract. This impressed the Bills' hierarchy enough to warrant a promotion to GM, after the firing of Bledsoe, in 1985. The fans were not impressed with the promotion of Polian however. Most observers considered the move business as usual, on a 2-14 team."


    And after building the best Bills team in history to date the Bills owner got a case of the A** and thought he new more about football than Pollian and fired him & it's been down hill ever since --------- Thanks Ralph !!!!

  15. haha wow. the school system really failed you.


    please elaborate more on these ballads you speak of, and how they relate to the pro football hall of fame. i am intrigued


    Jus gows tue show hou narou mineded en pety som ov bils fanz cen b tue mis tha hoal premis ov tha artekle en foakus on aye mistaek ! Noeing now watt i em deeling wif ,wif U en a fue othors i wil jus poast et en a wae awl dinks everee wair cen uze tha hoal artekle tue pek aepart en cuntenyou tue pruve yure supearioritea en ignerrents . soe weth et beeing sed i acknolege yur souper intelagints . cuntinyou ohn o grate whons !!! :worthy: i onlea hoap whon dae tue bea az intelejent az yue !!!

  16. Please explain what a first ballad hall of famer is? Something to do with 80s music?


    Have you ever heard of the Pro Football Hall of Fame ?? It's in Canton Ohio --they play a football game there every year before the FOOTBALL season it's called the




  17. Last week there were 2 trades - one by our beloved Bills and the other by the Patriots .


    I happened to notice before the trade of Marshawn though how a lot of people on this blog were saying trading Marshawn would be stupid , He's our best guy BLAH BLAH BLAH :thumbsup: !!


    While you all have been whining have you noticed just what the Pats have done ?? Last year they traded Seymor - still a good player - got A - one draft pick - this year traded Maroney - still a decent back - got another pick - then the block buster Randy Moss - 3rd all time in touchdowns, probably a 1st ballad hall of famer - A or ONE 3rd round draft pick, not 2 or 3 but just one !!!


    BUT the Bills were jerks to get rid of Marshawn for a forth & a conditional 6th or 5th , so we got 2 picks for one maybe decent back (that has really yet to prove anything) & the Pats got ONE for a 1st ballad hall of fame WR .


    If the Bills faithful would notice how a great team is built & maintained (such as the Pats) then i think we would see that Nix & Gailey might be on to something , or you all can just continue to keep your blinders on & do whats been done here for years. keep complaining every time a average player is traded .


    This year the Pats have 2 First round picks - 2 second rounders - 2 third rounders & 2 forth round picks BUT THEY ALL CAME AT A PRICE IT'S CALLED THE FUTURE !!


    So keeping with that theme it wouldn't bother me a bit if Lee Evans was next & if his production on the field doesn't pick up it may be sooner rather than later. Which i think he is a #2 WR any way not a #1 .


    I also was watching the NFL network and found something out this week that i thought you all might find as interesting as i did -- the 1998 Super Bowl Champion Denver Broncos only had ONE 1st round draft pick on the entire squad & that was John Elway . The rest of the team were UDFA or 3rd round or later picks . Shannon Sharp the best TE in NFL history(by the numbers) was a SEVENTH ROUNDER - Terrell Davis - 4th rounder so you don't need a bunch of high draft picks to build a great team & if your building for longevity turn over of veteran players is vital to build long term stability .


    Buffalo fans and team need a total revamp in the thought process of how this team should be built & i for one think the new powers that be are on to something & should keep up the good work ............

  18. Like him or not Lynch is a pro bowl (or at least very good now)player. I didn't start this thread to talk about the Lynch trade as there are many of them already out there. My question is.......are there any good players (not PS garbage type players), ones like lynch (talented but wanted out) that could/would possibly come to buffalo??? We dropped trent, kawika, meredith, and lynch. i know one spot goes to nelson but what about the rest? anything???


    Very intellegent picture attached to your post --is that your kid ????

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