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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Open up & let go of Thigpen, Mcentyre, Martin , Jackson, & Choice there's 5 new roster spots 6 if you let S Johnson go to but he has at least been a real good depth player ... And for as much as Dickerson was used you may as well get rid of him b/c for what or how much they said they were going to integrate him into this offense he was a waste of a roster spot !!
  2. Has any one delivered this to Chan , he could learn a thing or 2 from this article about loyalty to a fault HELLO !!! I'm just sayin !!
  3. I think every year there is a renewed sense of hope & excitement when it comes to every NFL team no matter how bad the year before was. That being said after a while fans & people in general get sick of rooting for a team that doesn't seem to take some chances to make a difference. If Buddy can do a couple of things to prove to the fans that he wants to win like get a QB worth his metal to start in this offense that can show he is worth the fans accolades then they will continue to come, but if they start slow & then continue like they have this year attendance will rightfully suffer !! As it should ... Maybe that is what the FO needs to get them a kick in the shorts !!!
  4. I will start by agreeing with PTR always looking at the down side what happened to the silver lining ? In this agreement there was something stated about a team of folks would be put together to look into the feasibility of a new stadium for the Bills so could that mean (on the brighter side) that this deal is in place to keep the Bills here while the plans for a future home for the Bills is put into motion ? The one thing that really should tick off Bills fans is the way NYC gets 95 % of all monies to keep that HOLE up & running as far as sports teams go. The rest of the state is paying for it & the only true NY NFL team sits in a 40 year old stadium while, The Yankees, Mets, Nets all have brand new facilities & the Knicks, Rangers, & Islanders now that B/Lo has there measly (10 yr contract in a 40 yr old stadium) will be the next up for new homes while the Bills will still be sitting in the Ralph. NY politicians suck when it comes to... well let me just leave it at that !!!
  5. I think from what i've seen & read along with what Parcells says is the best formula to draft a good QB Tyler Wilson is one of my picks . From what high lights i've seen of him he is a better prospect than some others, has a good arm just needs some work as all rookies do. Of course if we would have taken a low percentage chance on a 3rd round QB last year that all the "EXPERTS" said was to small to be a good NFL QB but had a college career that would rival any college QB career we would HAVE R Wilson sitting on our side line . But don't take a chance on him b/c he's got great accuracy & has college stats & 5 years game experience & is a leader just pass on him b/c THE EXPERTS SAY !!!
  6. Ya but they meaning coaches are listening to the "EXPERTS" & not giving him a chance to prove himself fully . He needs the chance like Gailey gave to Fitz then & only then if he fails like Fitz will they be able to put him in a back up role with no argument what so ever !!
  7. One that you put in there that i never thought but now i will is Kevin Greene , talk about some one with intensity !! The other that i really wanted when Gailey ws hired b/c he played in B/Lo when he was a player & he like the Bills have never won the big one Perfect fit I THINK !! Marty Schotenhiemer !!!
  8. I'm with you ! Wilson i think will make a good NFL QB , Barkley will be the next (Sanchez, Palmer , Lienhert, R.Johnson) & for sure if we take him he will be more to the R. Johnson than any of them. Laundry Jones is another that flat out scares me very inconsistant & we already have that !! The whole Nassib hype i don't get ? I watched tape on him throwing incompletions & interceptions & again i say we have that !! I just hope we don't do like Donahoe did with Losman & jump to get a prospect that isn't worth the pick at the round taken ,It would be a lot easier to take if a QB was taken later & didn't work out than blowing draft picks to move up & then have them not work out ... Again we have already done that enough T. Jack , Carder & others
  9. That's our gov't for you , as long as it fits their agenda it's OK but if they can't get their grubby hands in on the deal they take it ALL !!!
  10. The Bills rock !! always have always will !! Go Bills !!!
  11. May i be the first to ay Welcome to the sight if this is in fact your first post !!!
  12. So the guy makes the team $78 MILLION & you want to fire him , he brings Mario in (which could be open for debate) & you want to fire him ? Now if he was the one that wanted to pay Fitz the big bucks or was the one that chose Maybin in the draft OK i get it but the guy does not make any football decisions he is a marketing guy . Although the Toronto series has been a bust for the fans & players alike if the team was winning i think it would be a bit different & you cna't take away the fact that it made $ 78 MILLION for the team !! I would say that on that point alone the guy stays around a while !!
  13. Besides the obvious, not making the play offs in the last 13 seasons i was wondering what else hasn't changed in that time span ? We have had multiple coaching staffs, players have changed of course, but what or who in the organization hasn't changed that may have kept our team in this funk ? Ownership might be the first that comes to mind but Ralph, although all of the posts of how cheap he is & how he should sell the team, he has opened his check book & paid for some players that should make a difference, if they don't then he can't help that. Not to mention the opinions of his past championship & HOF players have of him which are generally good, so i say he must be a good owner despite fan opinion . GM's have changed but i don't know that the best people for the job have been chosen (Marv ?) And the firing of Pollian was among one of the dumbest moves in NFL history !! (i'm just saying) The one thing that i think (which i'm not real sure about) is the scouts. Those involved in figuring out who we draft. I know we have gotten rid of Modrak which was a start but who ever was the one that said bring in players like Maybin over Orapko needs to be fired immediately !! For the most part i think that staff has stayed intact over the past ??? so many years. Every year when we see the people talk about players in the draft for the most part they are the same, that may be a place to make some changes or a start in getting a more in depth or experienced look at the talent that is coming out. Because besides a few exceptions S.J , C.J , Byrd , Levetre later round players, we have missed on quite a few early rounders in our drafts over the years (Maybin, Edwards, Losman, A Williams) So could that be one area that needs to be over hauled ? I don't know that's why i'm asking you !! Can you think of anything else that could be changed that hasn't since our last play off appearance ?
  14. I don't think there is enough money in Buffalo to sign all of those players , but i guess it doesn't hurt to dream !! We may be able to get a couple of them which could help out a ton !!
  15. WOW that's pretty harsh .. Sir please step away from the ledge !! HA !!
  16. They should play this in the locker room for motivation this week ...
  17. And like Flutie win multiple championships more than likely only to be brought back like Futie at the end of his career by a desperate team.
  18. Sure , if you read my post it says "If Given A Real Chance (A LEGIT) chance could he put up those numbers again ? Wilson was drafted & a lot of things were said about him but again GIVEN A LEGIT CHANCE he proved them all (meaning the experts) wrong, with a good QB coach could he put up those kinds of numbers again ? In his couple of short years in the league no one can deny that he is one up on Fitz in the Play off dept...
  19. Did you by any chance see me talk about something with Teabow like the others that has absolutely nothing pertaining to football like the girl friend thing , WHO CARES BOUT THAT CRAP ? I really don't care about Sanchez either he is staying with the Jets due to his contract . I did this b/c of the thought of how he might make this team The Bills better !! If you are all about reading about how him & his girl triend are doing then go buy a people magazine last i checked this was a blog about the Bills !! As they did with Wilson ...
  20. I'm in & he would be cheap too !! Talk about bringing some excitement to this team ... WOW !!!
  21. IF he does get a ring that should all but seal Chan's fate ...
  22. With the work ethic that this guy has & the his size along with a stat sheet like this i think the guy could be a great , cheap pick up . The wildcat though i think should be out lawed in the NFL . He played in a read opption in college as did the guy that handed us our latest A** wooping . All of the EXPERTS said that Russel Wilson was to small & we have even had posts on here that have said that he will never make a good NFL QB . So what happened with that ? Teabow given the chance last year took a team to the play offs with his first chance , thats more than i can say about Fitz in 3 chances . I don't know that the guy will ever be a QUOTE "NFL QB" but if you listen to the so called EXPERTS the Bills were suppose to be in the play offs this year & hows that working for us ?? I just think with his work ethic, a good QB coach, & a legitamit chance this guy could be better than again THE EXPERTS say he will be . Call me desperate call me what you will but even Kelly saw something in him. Plus this guy has the biggest & the best of help on his side & i just think if he was given the chance he would prove all the nay sayers wrong & possibley put up these kind of numbers again ... TIM TEBOW STATS Passing Rushing Statistics Att Comp Pct Yds TD Int Rating Att Yds Avg TD 2009 314 213 67.8 2,895 21 5 164.2 217 910 4.2 14 2008 298 192 64.4 2,746 30 4 172.4 176 673 3.8 12 2007 350 234 66.9 3,286 32 6 172.5 210 895 4.3 23 2006 33 22 66.7 358 5 1 201.7 89 469 5.3 8 Career 995 661 66.4 9,285 88 16 170.8 692 2,947 4.3 57
  23. Only b/c they lose every time they go up there . Russ should be moved to a post where he is in charge of media related things & selling the team only , the football stuff needs to be given to someone else he is not a football smart guy !!
  24. NO but he can't get the reps ---WHAT EVER !!! But Fitz stats are good !!
  25. Yes but Wilson has put up the money & hired who HE THOUGHT knew what they were doing & it is apparent that something went a stray some where . The guy can't play so other than doing what he is doing which is supporting the team with his money , time and life i can't see where the guy sucks that bad . If he was interfering all the time then maybe but i can'r see that he is so there you go !!
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