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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. One would think that one would steer clear of any one that could bring the slightest thought of having done a wrong doing such as this, they are just opening the door for the Dem critics to start a bunch of BS all over again . Surely there has to be someone out there that doesn't have this type of history behind them ! I guess the orange man is just a gluten for punishment, if he can't see that this will become a bigger distraction as time goes on someone needs to slap him upside the head and ask WHAT THE HELL R U THINKING ???
  2. I believe he would if given more than 1 or 2 targets a game, ever since they drafted Kincaid it's like they have just pushed Knox a side but when they have targeted him he has made the catch & i for one would like to see more targets for him especially in the red zone . With Kincaid out for a minute they need to continue to look his way and get him more involved in the passing game because he was the guy not to long ago but Brady wasn't the guy calling his number then so it's like he has forgotten that he is another weapon at his disposal . Hopefully come play off time he has some plays specifically for him in mind because a lot of teams are now keying on Kincaid making it harder for him to put up a lot of stats but if they utilize Knox more it could open Kincaid back up for more production .
  3. Just what exactly did he do to hurt his wrist has anyone said or is there anything on video that might lend a hint to how this happened ? The way he stumbled on the TD i would have thought he could have hurt his leg but i never saw what caused his injury . Maybe Josh just delivers it to hot for him to handle & it hurt his wrist that way ...
  4. Well if i was in that situation being you then i would walk up to the property and find out unless i was a puss and was to scared but if they did attack you as you say they will just because they voted one way then that would give you the proof you needed to judge them as savages . But this way it just proves your a chicken S**T ad would rather cower behind a thought than go find out how true it is or isn't . But the narrative takes president over finding out the truth . Hey that's almost what it's been for the last 8 years ...
  5. Who's the cultist ??? The man you voted for had the highest inflation in history, made prices of gas, groceries, housing, lumber, in general life expenses higher for every one while in office and you still backed his BS policy's . And prior to him taking office it was much, much lower so it's more like inflation Joe/Kamala which is why the orange man was voted back in to office because of Joe's policy's ...
  6. Yes it is !! But if they win they will be 9 & 2 , does any one know when the last time or if ever that the Bills were 9 & 2 ? 🤔
  7. If this is true which i have my doubts, it just blows a hole in your theory of them being buddies because any guy that would do that would not in any way be a friend or confidant . So thank for that ...
  8. Well he's right things do need to be changed the biggest keeping Mitch McConnel out of any type of leadership position, it takes him to much time to change his mind !
  9. Did Hillary stay with Bill after a pretty embarrassing situation ? I'd say she stays .
  10. Come on this is a oxy moron right ? Department of Gov't Efficiency ?? 🤔 The US gov't does nothing efficient, it's always long and drawn out usually costing 10 times more than the norm so how in the world are they going to be efficient ? Wait is Trump firing every body and starting from 0 that might be the only way this will work clean slate !!!
  11. Good player, but over drafted & over paid !!
  12. In typical form you haven't a clue !!! I've for the most part always felt safe but maybe now (Which your dum ass doesn't recognize) if the tax money (which includes you DS) that is being spent on housing, health care, feeding, schooling, hiring people to translate, transporting, isn't spent on ILLEGAL Immigrants then it can be used else where say for veterans that served our country YOU THINK ??? Oh but they can just print more money for that right never mind just keep flooding the country with those folks your DA will find a way to afford it . Hey there's a answer if you don't care if they come in ya'll can pay for it out of your pockets and the rest of us can NOT !!! Makes good sense to me ...
  13. Okay i mis spoke, not a landslide just a red wave ... Enough to know what the people were exactly thinking about who you voted for LOSER !!!
  14. Just goes to show how she would have done with the American check book if given control over it, If you can't stay with in the parameters of spending on a election campaign how can you be expected to o any better with the debt of a country ?? And this is what some here wanted as the leader of our country GO FIGURE !!!
  15. What was your leader Kamala's stance on this ? Cackle - Cackle - Cackle ... Oh that's right she just pushed it aside and never confronted any of the border problems . Never mind i remember now .
  16. And after they did found out what a joke the new guy was so by a landslide gave him his job back ...
  17. This goes down as the only good thing that Johnson ever did for the Bills while employed by them .
  18. Can you imagine Josh on that 90's team with all the weapons that surrounded Jim 🤔 They may have won 4 in a row !!
  19. Yes ! But the only thing is if it helps them keep some kind of power over the people i doubt it will be going anywhere soon . But if there is a person that will fight against it because of it being against freedom for the people or infringement on our rights the orange man could be the guy ...
  20. There are about 5 names on there you can just take off the list because it just ain't happening, and there are about another 4 or so that have much more experience as a HC in the NFL . I feel they will be chosen before Brady because he has no history as a HC and others have that and better results in that history .
  21. He definitely needs to think long and hard about it this go round that's for sure . This guy and that Cao fella to lead fixing immigration would be a really good start to common sense gov't .
  22. Dang - you know they have classes for that right ? 😂
  23. Trump needs to hire Cao to take Mayorcas place !! It's amazing what a little common sense sounds like when spoken in the english language ...
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