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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. I hope so i watched 2 Bills games last yr & a piece of another because i wanted to watch to get away from the crap of the every day politics & that was a huge talking point so i shut it off !! If they keep it up this yr i will do the same which sucks because i like watching the Bills & the NFL in general . I think another thing that has changed to us the viewer (for me anyway) is the "it's all about me" players these stupid pre thought up celebrations make the game a lot less than what it was !! I miss the spontaneousness of TO & others like him now a days these players in order to draw more attention to them selves actually sit & plan out what type of celebration they will do & after every TD it's like okay what kind of crap is this guy going to do ? !! The Kyle Williams one was pretty cool just due to the fact he said it was a spur of the moment thing which i tend to believe Kyle wouldn't waste his time on a preplanned celebration & it being his first TD of a long career it needed to be celebrated . But the HO HUM ness of every TD a planned / intentional celebration i think wears thin on a lot of fans me being one !! Please just get back to playing football & the NFL will be much better for it !! GO BILLS !!
  2. After the Bills showing him exactly where his potential was & him showing that he in no way wanted to be here & showed that he was all about the money i think letting him go wasn't a bad thing !! A really good LT would have been nice if we would have had a really good QB to protect but seeing as we didn't it didn't hurt my feelings to see this guy walk !!
  3. He's not retired he just got a bigger contract at another company probably after 25 yrs in one spot wanted a change & with his creds he can go just about anywhere he wanted to . Kind of like when Peyton Manning moved on from the colts alls he needed to do was decide which team was the best fit & who had the biggest check book !!
  4. Yep thats why thy should have took one more shot to get Norwood in range where his accuracy had been great all year !!
  5. With the talk of the Bills retiring Thurman's number this year on the NFL web site they have put up a number of video's highlighting some of Thurman's career one of which is Super Bowl 25. In the heading it says how Thurm should have won the MVP but as alway at the end the give ration of S**T about Scott missing the field goal to lose the game . Well i get it that that one kick could have , should have , would have won the game & i think we all know no matter when we here the term "Wide Right" get that same thought or feeling that we had that glorious day but to say it was all Norwoods fault for losing the game is a crock ! The Bills D let so many plays get through for extra downs in that game that if they were not allowed it would have sealed the game for the Bills not to mention that Norwood from something like 46 yds & out was something like 34% & from 46 yds in his numbers jumped to like 60+% ? So why didn't they least try one quick out for a couple of yds or give to Thurman which was dominating the run game that day for a extra 2 or 3 yds it wouldn't have taken all the time they had left on the clock for one play, they had 8 seconds left . Can you say hurry up offense which the Bills were known for !!!! I just still don't get why all of the focus was on one guy winning or losing the game when its a team sport which the D is part of & the numbers showed that he was less accurate at the distance & the coach of all people should have known that & tried to get him in a better position . There is enough blame to go around i just wish they would look deeper into it & spread the blame around a bit ! I would think Norwood felt like total S**T after but adding the media & the fan base on his back its a wonder the dude didn't commit him self !! He for sure went into exile because of it !! I know it's part of the past but seeing that got my stuff stirred up again SORRY !!
  6. Reed , Jackson, Spiller, Poz but i would really like to get a K. Williams one this yr to give him the props he so deserves for being a Bill his entire career !! Go Bills Do it for KW the Kenworth of D Line men !!
  7. Good coach & person he brought respect , excitement for the Bills future & winning to the Bills which was needed !! RIP coach !!!
  8. I hope his brother doesn't pull a boner like that on the Bills & still try's to get his money !!
  9. Faith the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen !!
  10. If your asking Bills fans it goes as follows . AJ Blows he will never be more than a back up QB in the NFL Peterman was going to be our guy but because the FO blew the draft on Allen our future is doomed ! But i like who we have in the QB room !! I have always thought AJ would be a good NFL QB since his Bama days ! I believe AJ will prove he is worth his spot on the roster & will be a great leader if allowed to be the starter at first in order to give Allen some time to learn .
  11. I'm with you i hope he can stay healthy it looked as if he was going to be a good pick up as far as depth until the toe thing came up which i never heard of a toe injury putting a guy on IR but it is what it is !!
  12. Actually it's Bills fans issue they don't even want to give the guy a chance & he hasn't even thrown a ball in a Bills Uni yet !! I can't wait to see how many jump on the band wagon
  13. Was there ever any real question who would win this one ??
  14. I think with that line up & the possibility of a FA or a UDFA showing in the mini camp the depth along the line & line play (as long as the O line coach is as good as they say he is) shouldn't be as big of a problem as every one thinks !!
  15. I really like the pairing & what they have done to this point but the proof will come in how many wins they have & if they can sustain playoff appearances . That being said even if they do keep us in play offs consecutive yrs the fan base will run them out of town if they don't win the big one which most teams do !!
  16. I'm a bit old school i think it would do him good to sit for a while maybe even a yr to get his NFL feet under him like they use to do . Aaron Rogers & many others have benefitted by sitting & watching how it's done , or how it's not done which Bills fans have a lot of skepticism when it comes to AJ but i think he has benefited him self & will prove worthy of the get . But in the world of the Bills fan he will never be good enough even if he does well & there will be those who will rail against him in any & all situations because they are Bills fans !! As it will be for Allen too !! GO BILLS !!
  17. Hopefully to play better than he has & become a bigger part of the D this year to help the process !!
  18. Mel Kiper football expert also said Cordy Glenn wouldn't be a starting LT & was better at RT i don't think the numbers have a lot to do with anything it's just another talking point for TV & blog sights ... I think coaching has a lot more to do with it than numbers !!
  19. More from the "experts" side of things i wonder what Kelly, Marino, & Elways were back then that had nothing to do with nothing it's all about reading defenses & yes you need zip but if you can anticipate a WR coming open i would think that has a lot more to do with it !! Every body now is into the analytics of the game at any position !!
  20. I wish the Bills could talk him out of retirement to be Allens QB coach the guy has a ton of knowledge & has worked with a bunch of great QB's !!
  21. As they should have ! The kid has a lot to work with & can improve in the places he lacks in so why wasn't he considered i think he will eventually make a good NFL starter !!
  22. The money is going to get totally retarded but i guess if they are willing to give it they should be willing to take it if they didn't it would be foolish !!
  23. I'll go on record that he wasn't my pick but now that he is a Buffalo Bill i will get behind him all the way until he proves other wise ! Unlike a lot of so called Bills fans that live to bash any move they make while they work their 9 to 5 as undercover as a NFL professional talent evaluator !!
  24. No one knows what the QB situation will be or how it will turn out this is the same situation as it was back when Flutie was on the team i just hope the out come is better than it was back then . I'll put my faith behind those in power at One Bills Drive now more so than i will a expert Bills fan any day !! Just saying ... Why would that suck ?? If the Bills got a really good starting QB for $10 Mill for 2 yrs & he takes them deep into the play offs that would be a great thing !! Where is the down side ??
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