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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Given that Allen's physical ability & arm strength he is already head & shoulders above the others which gives him the edge & is the reason why McBean drafted him so high but the in game experience & seeing along with deciphering a NFL defense is what he needs to learn . If you listen to what Pennington said in his interview on 1 Bills Live (which i thought was brilliant over view) about what it takes to be a good NFL QB, then put that with what AJ has said in some of his interviews "that he has seen every defense that there is in the NFL in his time in the league" which Allen hasn't that gives some reason to think sitting might not be a bad thing . A lot of people think because AJ hasn't been "ON the field" his entire NFL career that he lacks the experience but given his entire career college & pro i just feel the dude has the "IT" factor when it comes to playing the position & taken under AJ's wing & watching him perform would not only do Allen good but Petermen as well.
  2. I agree ! But if you listen to John Murphy he wants Allen to start every preseason game to see what he has & truth be told i think Murph wants him to be the starter because he has almost said as much on 1 Bills Live because of where they drafted him & what they gave up to get him . Which he did the same thing with EJ after there was plenty of tape showing the down hill trend that he was on !! But that's Murph for as much sports as he's been a part of he apparently hasn't learned a lot in that time & Tasker is the voice of experience !!
  3. Multiple commentators have also said that if the ball was thrown a foot further in bounds he could have made the catch --- in bounds ... So i don't lay that one all at the feet of Foster ... I agree with the rest but Foster needs & hopefully has gotten a wake up call by the coaching staff or a vet on the team because he could be a very valuable weapon on Dabols offense !!
  4. There is a lot of hype being put on the fact that this week coach McD could play Allen some with the first team unit to see how he does & where he is at with the better players add to it the fact that he has been working almost exclusively with the second team all week that should be part of the natural progression of the process. I thought when Peterman started in the first game that they would (like they are doing) start AJ in the second game with the 1's & move Allen up to the second team O in this game & Petermen would be with the 3's, then the 3rd game Allen would see time with the 1's, Petermen with the 2's, & AJ with the 3's, by that time they should have a good idea who will be their starter . I know some talk has been given that usually the 3rd preseason game is a dress rehearsal for the starter & that they would like to know by the 3rd game who their starter is but given that there is or at least seems to be a true QB competition this year of which the rookie is apparently a part of that this is the way it could go . I for one am all for letting Allen sit for a while (unlike J. Murphy the QB flopper) given the history of many QB's of the past like EJ, Losman & others that due to coaching along with the handling of their careers by possibly throwing them into the fire to quick . The result with a QB that sits a bit seems to have a bit better out come IMHO ! Farve, Brady, Rogers all sat for a time & i know some of you would say that there are those that started right away that had great careers like the Manning brothers & many more but today's college game is much different from when these guys started & i just think given some time to adjust to the NFL due to having to read the D & all the adjustments that a NFL QB has to make it would just be to Allen's best interest to sit for a while . Not sure if that is for half the yr, a full season but i think it would help him when he does hit the field full time because the last thing the Bills need is another bust when it comes to a QB especially since they invested such a high pick in him ! We don't need a first round back up !! One thing i do not hope is that say if they do start AJ & he is doing really well & has the team winning that they would let him play out the season & put Allen in here & there as to not start a Flutie/Johnson controversy & divide or confuse the team like that scenario did !!
  5. Bill Burr has a skit in his comedy about "Gold Diggin Whores" (check it out) I'm thinking that that is what this is about . She got use to being spoiled & it doesn't matter, if there isn't any evidence to point directly at Shady her lawyer is going to take any angle she can to get her some cash not only for her client but also so she can get paid ! Although if there is any evidence that points to Shady he is screwed by his own doing & should get exactly what he deserves but i'm thinking that the Bill Burr reference is closer to what this might be, especially if it is true that Shady asked her to give back the jewelry that was rented & she wouldn't just saying ...
  6. Dez is a Diva & would be more of a cancer to what McBean is trying to build here i think they just need to stay the corse they are on they will be fine !!
  7. For real i have a hard time remembering where i **** last & you want me to remember a game from 1998 ? after the 70's everything was kind of a blur ?
  8. Spoken like a true Bills fan !! I'm with you !! I've been to Jerry world & was not impressed at all !! Sure it's big but it's mostly about Jerry's ego & the look at how much money i have & what i can build !! If as a fan you are that ate up with the players all sweaty walking through the lounge/bar that you are in you are more about the party than the actual game . If the PSL's are even close to what they are in ATL there will be a lot more folks sitting home watching the game in there own living rooms rather than putting up with cost/traffic & all the other things when you go to a game . Especially if there isn't much tail gating space in B/Lo ! That is a HUGE part of the game day experience in Buffalo !! Buffalo isn't Dallas or NYC & i don't think most fans want it to be if they can build it in the image of the Bills & it's community then i think we all would be for it !!
  9. Awesome story but i wouldn't expect any thing less from the guy I have been a huge fan since his days at Bama ! I hope he wins the competition so he can show off all the talent he has as a leader & a great QB I think he is & if he plays will be a lot like Chad Pennington not a huge arm but plenty good enough (how many times in a game do you need to launch a 80 yd bomb) & exceptionally football smart & can put the ball where ever it needs to be !! IF you listen to the Pennington interview on One Bills Live it has a lot of inside into what a NFL QB needs to be to succeed in this league !! And i think AJ has just that !!
  10. I've seen some titles called Vague before but this is #1 for sure !! And i thought Proehl would be much better than he has shown to this point seeing that like Edmunds he's had a built in coach basically his entire life !!
  11. Although Allens arm strength is apparent his inconsistency from being a rookie was also apparent although that could have been attributed to being protected by the 3rd string o line . I would like to se them start AJ in the next game & give Allen time in the second half with the 2nd team then in the 3rd game start Allen in the 1st quarter & who ever is the front runner for the starting job in the second . I hope that they bring Allen along slowly & don't throw him into he fire like the Bills have done so often in the past with most all of the rookie QB's that they have drafted . Losman, EJ, Trent, I think Allen has a above average chance of being a really good QB i just hope that this coaching staff does things differently (which they have to this point) than the previous staffs that they have had to allow hime to grow within the scheme & game !!
  12. After what i heard on some other Bills sites after watching the tape of the game coach will make an observation in the way of a ass chewing that might motivate him to make some changes in his game, he wouldn't be a bad one to keep if he wanted to work harder ... But on his current path he's doomed to be cut !!
  13. Another player the Pats will pick up if cut & will become a consistent performer while used more with in the scheme !!
  14. Time is needed for him to develop into a good NFL QB saw a lot of mistake kind of passes if he was to go from the start 7 & 9 would be the best this team would see this year !! Peterman looked good with the 1's now it's AJ's turn with the 1's then we can get a real over view of both ! Both AJ & Nate looked good though from what i saw but i'm still liking AJ to be our starter .
  15. I'm a fan the dude is a underdog & does nothin but show up with his lunch pail to go to work every day & usually in a game will come up with a couple of receptions that can make a difference in the game . I think if AJ or Allen can getting sink with him he can be a huge contributor to the team !!
  16. WOW how much stock do you put in that endorsement ???
  17. https://raiderswire.usatoday.com/2018/08/07/espn-raiders-de-khalil-mack-could-be-a-trade-candidate/amp/
  18. He had a NFL QB chip implanted in his cerebellum to make him the best N "if" L QB of all time & he's going to come out & kick ass & take names when the season opens !! Mcbean gave Dabol the remote to turn it on & off during the season ! I told you all AJ was gonna be great ! The Bionic QB ? !!
  19. True but what happens if they do build a brand new stadium & can't sell the premium seating & boxes & the fans can no longer afford to go to the games because they have to up the prices of tickets to cover their asses on the other income that they though they would get but aren't ! If they do build a new stadium & lose revenue if we thought the Bills would be in danger of moving before that would make the other owners push 10 times harder to have the Pegula's either sell out or move the team to another city that would kiss the NFL ass to get a team ..
  20. We've read all the articles about how the NFL wants the Bills to have a new stadium to be like Jerrah or Kronke out in LA but why ? The Bills are who we are & i like it this way !! There is all this talk even before the Pegula's bought the team that the "NFL" & others want the Bills to have a new stadium & that if they don't get one it would be terrible & not up to NFL standards ! In all of the polls New Era Field is at the bottom of the fan experience list as far as NFL stadiums are concerned . Well i have been to the field on numerous occasions & other than a blizzard on game day or a 18 degree temp. in Nov. my experience has for the most part been good (except the time i got my pockets picked at a N.E. game which i think was a N.E. fan) I read about the $18 Mill improvements to the Adpro sports facility that the Pegula's are doing which will make it among the best in the league, then you read about what new players say about the locker room improvements when they come here & it all being good reviews ! Add to it what they have done with the upgrades to the stadium to make the fan experience better over the last few years then WHY ?? I know NFL football fans are spoiled a lot like the players & feel they need all these interactive video/shopping center/ restaurant & such things that cost a Billion plus & i realize there are still things that need some upgrade in the stadium but coming from a era where every thing i got i earned being a part of a Jerry Jones spoiled ass experience i want no part of ! I've been to his stadium & was not really all that impressed because it reeks of his ego !! I'm proud to be a Bills fan & proud of the stadium & all that goes with it including the best tail gating any where in the NFL, what I don't understand is that if the NFL wants the Bills or any other team for that matter to build a new stadium why they don't pony up the majority of the cost instead of passing the buck off on the fans in one way or another or do what Kronke is doing pay for it out of the owners pockets they will recoup the money in time from the fans any way !! Just saying i have never really had a bad experience (except for waiting in line to go to the rest room) at New Era Field & don't get with all the New why there needs to be a entirely new place & building maybe you all as Bills fans can give me a better idea why it needs or doesn't need to be, Thanks for your input either way good or bad !! GO BILLS !!!
  21. It definitely looks a lot better than it has in years the owners are hiring people they trust & letting them do the job they were hired to do with little or no interference which didn't happen with the prior ownership, not bashing I'm just saying ! This new team is definitely a breath of fresh air i think we are possibly 1 yr away from being really good & that is only because of the new pieces put in place this year . I think this year could have some bumps & bruises but the experiences of the season will be utilized to the fullest to make the team better . McBean & company have a clear cut plan & the players are buying into all that they are selling which is something that needs to happen in order for it to be a success !! GO BILLS !!
  22. For what ever reason i think Reilly can be another Chris Hogan (the Bills blew that one) a guy that no one in the Bills organization saw as a fit in the offense until he got picked up by the Pats . Reilly proved to have good hands last year & seemed to be able to get open i hope they just give him a legit chance to prove him self weather it be in the slot or on some specific plays that work to his skill set & it wouldn't hurt his worth to work on ST play so he might have more worth to the team .
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