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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. The sky may not be falling but a couple of O line players suck & need to be gone or at least used as depth players & let the rookies they have drafted get valuable time on the field ! Ducasse & Mills have been nothing less than average or below for the Bills since they have been inserted into the line & for the coach Castillo to put Ducasse in & keep him in while having other more better ? players sitting in wait behind them just shows he (Castillo) could be a problem too ! Castillo really has nothing on his resume but a SB ring that he got for signing late in the year to the Ravens when they won their SB beyond that the guy might be a decent position coach but thats all ! He was part of the Andy Reid bad decision to move him to a new position while in Philly & the wheels fell off of that too ! I don't know what McD see's in this guy but he ain't no Arron Kromer that's for sure !! I think his blocking scheme's are worth a flip with the people the Bills have !! If the O line is going to suck at least give them a reason & start some rookies ! But i agree the sky is not falling !!
  2. This doesn't really surprise me any good GM would want to fish a bit to see what it would take especially with the amount of cap room they will have next year ! But they have a lot more pressing issues on the table right now Bean might just be sowing the seed in Macks mind to let him know that the Bills would be interested if he can't get a longterm deal done this year with the Raiders .
  3. I guess they wanted to match the game i didn't get to watch it but from what i understand the game was pretty bad for Bills fans any way you slice it !!
  4. Former Bengals center & Bills free agent as we all know is in a battle to be the starting center for the Bills since E. Wood had to retire yah i know that's old news & I for one hope & have seen Groy look to play & hold the position much better while in the line up than Bodine, that being said i hope that Groy is our next starting center . It seems as though that some of the writers that have followed the Bengals during the time that Bodine was on the team look at his time there as less than stellar which could be the reason why he was allowed to walk i guess . I don't claim to know a lot about the guy only that he was durable while with the Bengals but we need more that ! From what we saw from Groy while filling in for E.Wood i think IMHO that he should be the starter especially if the beginning of the Browns game said any thing to us as far as the first ten snaps looked when AJ couldn't do anything because of what the Browns D line was doing to our O line when it came to pressure . This week with Allen starting i think if Groy is in there i think he may be the guy going forward or at least i hope so ! If by any chance that Allen is being looked at to be the Bills starter e will need all the help he can get & starting up front is a huge way to help him perform at a high level, keeping him off his back is a definite positive to a rookies maturation & confidence ! Bodine while some have written had a bad season last year because of losses on the Benals O line did nothing last week to boost my confidence in him while playing with the 1's & after reading a part in this article leaves me even less confident seeing as those that watched him for 4 yrs are glad he's gone & ecstatic with the guy that took his place and that doesn't bode well For Bodine !! https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2018/8/23/17768798/five-questions-with-cincy-jungle-cordy-glenn-preston-brown-aj-green-billy-price-marvin-lewis
  5. I was more hoping that Matthews might be one they would consider but it's a crowded room & they have plenty of unproven talent that they could be high on that are their own draft picks . Britt has been on the down hill slide since he left the Titans so i really don't see McBean picking him up with what they have on hand but if no one steps up as the slot guy i could see Mathews helping who ever winds up being the QB but his recent injury bug has been a bad thing for him !!
  6. To me Jones isn't a shoe in to make the roster the guy hasn't proven any thing ! In the game against the Browns i didn't see him make any impact at all & i for sure didn't see any one targeting him to make that difference & he didn't draw any heavy coverage by the Browns D . Holmes has the ST thing on his side along with his experience so i think he has more of a chance to stick with all the talk about Cam Phillips in training camp & if Ray Ray continues to impress i think it's a open race for any of them to make the team . As McD says they have to earn the right to be on the team so just being a vet doesn't mean some of those will make the team & a number of them have practice squad eligibility so i think 1 or more could be placed there .
  7. I feel for the guy because of losing his dad but the dude needs to get a grip !! This wasn't the same guy we had in a Bills uni was it ?? Man when the wheels came off on hime they fell all the way off I hope he straightens up soon or get's some much needed help !!
  8. Is this guy on any of the officials radar ? There has got to be some kind of file on him or something at least other players talking to the officials before the games to keep a eye out for what he could do & what he has been known to do ! If nothing else if the NFL is going to make a video to use as a learning tool of what not to do this guy you know would be in at least one of the high lights !! Come on Goody pay attention !!
  9. I dig it good post !! I think it fits a Bills fans out look on what has & is about to happen !! GO BILLS !!
  10. I'm with you !! Him along with the O line coach need to be sent packing !! I wish they would have kept Kromer he had the O line hummin & has proven his worth in L.A. !!
  11. Allen he has earned it but they need to look at the O line because Ducasse is a liability & so is the RT if they don't protect any better than they did last night it won't matter who is back there ! Bodine didn't do any thing for me either it's time to let Groy take the reigns & lead the O line !!
  12. Wasn't impressed at all i though he would be 10 times that what he showed in this game but Vlad Ducasse didn't do him any favors either i think they need to rethink who ever started tonight on the O line they were like a siv the browns tore them apart in the first quarter made them look terrible !!
  13. And Murph ain't no prince !! it was much better when Donald was on the show but that ain't saying a lot !!
  14. T Y does not make TUH no matter how you look at it mom & his team mates must have failed english !!
  15. They need this guy on the 53 he did great on the offense & with ST's he's a guy they can't afford to let go of !!
  16. From what i saw it looks like they have a winner in the QB race AJ just looked lost tonight but Allen came in & kept the team moving down the field, unless Petermen can come up with some really good play i think Allen will be our starting QB this season & i was wrong about AJ !!
  17. It seems as though not only the NFL"s TV rating have taken a tumble but so has the worlds leading sports network ESPN . Since Boomer & many other old school announcers have left the network the transition has not been a pleasant one for the company so they are attempting to right the ship a bit . Chris Berman a Bills favorite not only came up with football terms such as Rumbling, Bumbling, Stumbling, but also has one of if not the most famous lines ever spoken when it comes to the Bills of which we all have adopted into to our Bills language . And that is "NO ONE CIRCLES THE WAGONS LIKE THE BUFFALO BILLS" Boomer will always go down as a Bills favorite & one of Buffalo's own for that statement & befriending the Super Bowl Bills of the 90's !! ESPN has recently reached out to their former broadcasting legend to return in limited fashion to help boost viewership to the sagging TV ratings during football season but to this point no agreement has been reached but i for one would tune in to here his Bills line put out there as only he can ! https://nypost.com/2018/08/16/a-changing-espn-is-working-on-bringing-back-chris-berman/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_3205442 Berman comes to B/lo every year as we know to do the Jim Kelly golf tourney & has always spoke fondly of the Bills & has been routing for them as much as any of us fans & probably still does . I hope this could be the beginning of some changes at the network, another should be to give MNF back to ABC the way it use to be the way it was meant to be when it was the game of the week . I know change in some ways is a good thing but boy there are some classics that you just can't beat !! MNF back in the day & Boomer are 2 that will always have a fond place in my mind & in Bills history because no body circles the wagons like Boomer & the Buffalo Bills !!
  18. He's just another big mouth Jack Ass which the NFL has a overflow of & thats part of the reasons why TV ratings are going down real football fans just don't care about watching these jack asses that have to celebrate so they can get camera time rather than by shutting up & letting their play speak for them !!
  19. TD Mike was a good player while he was here & i think some one will be able to pick him up & utilize him but i don't see the Bills FO taking a step backwards in any way ! The new guys that they have in camp are performing well & 1 should make the final 53, now if it comes down to a injury to one of the top players then i wouldn't rule it out but as it stands i don't see it happening !!
  20. It's always time to think big being a Bills fan it just to this point has materialized ?
  21. Yep nothing real surprising here when it comes to the NFL ...
  22. Yah but as we have seen the last couple of years a FB can be a huge weapon if you get one like Laggarette Blount !!
  23. If a lot of these "Expert Coaches" such as Rex could in some instances put their ego's a side & just be a "Head Coach" & give their team the best chance to win they would go much further ! If Rex would have come in & not shook up the apple cart so much & Whaley would have had the balls to tell him we need a HC we are headed in a good direction with the defense & ST's you just hire a good offensive coach & be the HC not the D coach Whaley would still be here & Rex may be gone . But because he had 4/3 players & decide & was allowed to go to & draft 3/4 players to try to make it work the Bills are where they are which is better all around everything happens for a reason even if we don't know what that reason is !!
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