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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. It's pretty apparent if not to the powers that be then at least to us the fans ! Should have kept AJ, should have put Ducasse & Mills as depth players & used their draft picks or brought in some FA O linemen & got a competent O line coach ! Also kept other WR's like Streator, Rielly rather than trading a draft pick for a WR that hadn't proven anything to this point just to let him go ! Maybe next year i'll get a application for HC if these type of decisions are all it takes !! GO Bills !!
  2. Wait until they change it to only 2 preseason games it aught to get real good then !!
  3. Is this a single digit or double digit count of receptions ? Shady will have double digit can't say for the rest of them ??
  4. There are other free agent options out there that they should be looking at that could upgrade the room I believe they are hoping that what they have will start seeing the light by mid season & turn the corner to develop into decent WR's but until then we are still waiting !! Hey Zay S**t or get off the pot would you !!
  5. They need to follow the email trail & hang that dude in the class room & the others up by their balls in the city square ! That's the kind of S**T you see on criminal minds & will probably be one of the sick Bastards you see on the news one night that has done some real horrible act against some innocent people !! Not to mention that if the O line has sucked for years why have the Bills had one of the top rushing offenses the past 3 or so years sure there has been change but that morons ain't got a clue !!!
  6. Tuhrod/Tyrod please get over it say it the way it's spelled not the way mom called him after 3 yrs of calling him Tyrod just stop !! There now the foolish thing is that even thought they didn't want to keep Tyrod because they were going to have to pay him a S**T ton of money they had a veteran QB they signed for little money in comparison & pulled a premature evacuation move when they should have at the very least kept him for a couple weeks to see how this would play out given Peterman's history & the fact that they had a supposed plan for Allen !! Not the best move made by the coach !!
  7. I work driving entertainer coaches & a couple of week s back i did a run that took me to Wisconsin, Marc Bulger was the client he also had 2 of his friends with him which were none other than Jared Allen & Keith Bullock talk about some big boys ! But when i told Keith that i was a Bills fan he immediately said "Yah that Bills Mafia they love to party i use to love going up to Buffalo" I thought even the players know which teams have the best reputation for partying !! With that said i read a article that "Lights Out" Shawn Merriman was going to come up to the game this week & if he got enough people to sign waivers that he was going to slam them through tables out in the parking lot before the game I guess that this means he won't be participating in the pre game fun !!
  8. Gilmore i understood he was going to ask for unreal money & he got it good for him but he's still the same player he was here hot & cold !! Darby on the other hand i didn't get it he was still on his rookie contract McD must have had something on him so he got rid of him but Darby didn't mind seeing as he is now a SB Champ !! Then you add to all that the players they let walk last year that really helped out the back end & some that were still out on the FA market like Leonard Johnson they could have fixed some of their problems but moves like the Colemen one just leave you as a fan going WTH !!
  9. McD is a second year HC & like Petermen being a second year QB will be prone to make a mistake or 2 & i think like you alluded to he made a big mistake putting all his eggs in a basket that had 2 unproven commodities as NFL QB's & not keeping AJ around to at the very least see how things would pan out in the first couple of weeks ! Not for nothin I know the last game of the preseason that AJ played the entire game he proved his leadership if nothing else, sure it was against left over players of sorts but every time according to the after game interviews he would tell the guys in the huddle "we are going to do something historic today" or tell them " we are going to win this" that is what you need to win in this league ! No matter what is happening in the game you need a guy that can focus on the next play & forget the prior one bad or good & AJ has done that his entire career & is really good when the chips are stacked against him ! We will never know what might have been & by all accounts here most think AJ would have done no better but from anything I've seen of the NFL in the past keeping a vet QB to back up a unproven one is something most every team does & i chalk that up as a huge mistake on our second year HC's resume !!
  10. The reason why Peterman won the job was because he looked good in the preseason & by the looks of the Bills secondary last week it's no wonder he looked good that should say something ! All that said they still should have kept AJ just incase something like this happened & they didn't want to throw Josh in right away it would have given him at least 2 weeks to see how things go in game speed !
  11. Or pick ups some one like the Faulk kid that the Titans let go & stash him on the practice squad !!
  12. While it looks like the FO is trying to bring in some more players to upgrade in spots why aren't they bringing in players with a decent resume that could be stop gap players while the process is being worked on ? I know Mcbean has a certain type of player in mind but there are some really good players out there sitting just waiting for a call from a team . Here's a list found on another site who of these players would you bring in that could be plug ing players ? I for one am not for the one they say we should bring in but there are others that we could which ones would you all say should at least be being looked at by the Bills FO as a lease option ? https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2795030-best-free-agent-option-remaining-for-every-nfl-team#slide12
  13. The second opinion sticks more with me because i read a article on Rumblings that said there were plenty of missed opportunity's that Petermen didn't take advantage of so even though Warner may have a point i'm hoping that part of that could be due to the inexperience of the QB's !! Time will tell !!
  14. I'm glad the FO is looking into bringing in guys to compete but there are a lot of other possibly better options out there that could be instant upgrades to what they have !! https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2795030-best-free-agent-option-remaining-for-every-nfl-team#slide12 I don't like the one player they say we should bring in but there are a boat load of others that should at the very least be being looked at as upgrades for the O line ! Get Er Done Beany boy !!
  15. Which shows exactly how good he evaluates talent ! Juan is a week link in this rebuilding process & i hope McD sees that not only was Dennison part of his offensive woes last year but Juan had a huge part to do with it also ! To exaggerate it with the loss of the O linemen from last year it just proves that good talent can make a turd look better that it really is ! I truly don't understand why these coaches don't look at what was there when they were hired & keep the good parts of the previous staff for some constancy moving forward !! Makes no sense what so ever !!
  16. Well first off i hope he learned how to over come a bad game & how to use less than top of the line talent to put up points to get the team some wins & at the very least have the teams offense look respectable ! But one thing he has definitely learned & got it down Pat (pun intended) is Bills lip smack during his interviews ?he does it just exactly like Bill & i was wondering if any one else had noticed ? It can be pretty annoying at times !! I know this is nothing to do about nothing but with all the down talk about how we lost so bad last week i thought well just maybe this would lighten the mood a bit & give us something other than the obvious to talk about .. Smack on Dabol & use what ever else you can pull from your time with the Pats to bring our team back !! GO BILLS !!
  17. And pray to god that he doesn't get hurt & they have to put Nate back in !!?
  18. Every one is so up in arms because of the loss this past week i just wonder what would be being said if the O line would have only had 1 change like last yr ? The loss of 2 interior starters was the biggest loss you said that it takes the longest to get a O linemen use to his position well they thought they would still have Wood & Incog but things went south real quick so you can't blame them for having their board set plus i've heard Chris Brown say this year the draft stunk for O line personal ... I would dare say too that Bean using 2 first round picks to get 2 first round players is a ton better than spending 2 first round picks to move up & get one first round player that didn't pan out !! Just saying Beans track record to this point looks a lot better give it some time before you start dissecting things before we even know what might it's only one game !!
  19. Hello Mr P. my first official move as GM was to hire Shawn & Bean back because this constant changing of personal in such a short time does no one any good but one change i did make be for hiring them back was to fire the O line coach & told Shawn to hire his replacement !! Thank you sir but i respectfully have to disagree with your decision at this time !!
  20. It sucks when you have to admit that you were wrong in your assessment of a player ! Either that or he doesn't want to completely ruin the kid psychy for life !
  21. Basically that's what he had to do in college & he is in the same type of situation here where he doesn't have a lot of time due to the O line not being very good so it's not that different to him . If the O line could start to gel a bit & give him some time the kid could be a lot better i'm thinking but given his athletic skills & the only other option being Petermen after watching some of the all 22 tape & Petermen not seeing the open looks he had it's time to let the kid go play ! He will either get it or be like the rest of the QB's they have brought in & go the other way !! I just pray they don't continually change offensive coordinators like past coaches have done i think that would really kill his growth like it has so many of the past rookie QB's the Bills have had !!
  22. I hope they do the same with the WR corp ! There are a couple of guys out there that could help out this group !!
  23. I hate it for him i thought he would turn into a good get for the Bills but then his condition with the Crohns didn't help him any & when they let him go i thought it could be a new start & he would make good tough break I hope he can come back !!
  24. WOW !! At least 3 targets wide open at one point or another ! If McD can't see that Petermen can't see that then it may be time to move on cause you know Dabol during film review is loosing his mind !!
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