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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. https://billswire.usatoday.com/2018/09/20/buffalo-bills-pff-pro-foot-ball-offensive-line-ryan-groy-vlad-ducasse-dion-dawkins/
  2. The decision on Sammy i could understand especially after some of his comments made by him about show me the money ! He thought he was worth more than his out put on the field was worth & his injury history, he got paid like he wanted so good for him but from the start the way he was drafted up till the time he was traded was anything but a good thing for the Bills . But i can't understand why any one would have let Woods walk ! The guy was a total team player & he was dependable & not much of a injury risk & did what ever he was asked to do & was also a really good receiver & i didn't get why they didn't at least make a offer or counter offer to keep him around . But everything happens for a reason & he is out where he spent his college time at & seems to be very happy where he is & with his new team so it's good to see a good guy get what he deserves !!
  3. From anything any players have said it was a clean hit that Mathews did but once again the main guy in the booth that is now the head of officiating which has had his controversy in the past with calls is setting this up to be a total cluster F of a situation so expect a huge amount of calls that have grey area surrounding them through out this season & beyond !! It's the same thing that happened with the "is it a catch or isn't it a catch" Rule which if they would just have read the other rules that the GROUND CAN"T CAUSE A FUMBLE then it would have been clear when you hit the ground with the ball in your hand you were down but that common sense doesn't apply like it doesn't in so many other things in our world ...
  4. According to different articles i have read it's not the O line though as much as it is the QB ? One article on Rumblings today said the O line did rather well last week when they broke down the film . I wonder where they got their film from & it said Ducasse did good too I wonder how many beers in they were when they saw that part of the film ??
  5. WOuldn't you think he would ask Jim Kelly for some pointers if he needed it ? Anything that i have known of Jim & i had the pleasure of meeting him once at a game is that he is pretty straight forward ! I think if Jim was in a better place as far as his health is concerned he would give Allen all or any knowledge that he has picked up along the way during his career & it wouldn't be looked down upon because Jim is still a big part of the Bills organization !! Or maybe he can go to Jim's QB camp he has every year !!?
  6. Well what did we expect everything else that Rex did while he was here was a total dysfunctional mess why should his draft choices be thought of as anything less ? I was hoping the way he was being talked about this season coming into camp that he would prove to be a good player for the team but it seems as though he will be nothing more than a depth player & a possible trading chip for McD to grab a good player or draft pick some where else down the line !!
  7. I wish we would have kept him he was a team guy & usually came up big for us when they needed him to because he was a under the radar player, he was dependable & to this point could have done what any of the other TE's have done they sure haven't shown anything spectacular !!
  8. I'm a conspiracy theorist & i think this was his plan all along !
  9. Would have been a good pick up for the Bills again to help Allen along , cheap too !!
  10. WOW is that all they could come up with ?? Must be slim pickens out there !!
  11. Same thing i thought when the Bills drafted EJ & the next year KB was coming out & seeing as he was one of EJ's favorite targets at FSU you would have thought that would have made the most sense but we all know what happened there !! But at least we can dream !!
  12. They're blowing smoke because they don't have enough other crap to talk about McD ain't going no where especially with what they have drafted & where he is with th implementation of those rookies into the schemes they are learning . Pegs won't fire a guy that took them to the play offs last year & was handed all he has been handed this year & expect him to go to the play offs again that's just stupid !!
  13. I would definitely say that those guys that were playing before the inflated salaries of today came around deserve to be included in a employee pension plan & they have a very good case especially when it comes to Goodell making some $40 Mill per year & the $1.4 Billion in NFL revenue that they generate . Not quite sure what to think about guys like TO that have blown some $80 million that they made while playing the game ? But being part of the NFL they should have a vested interest in a pension plan of some sort ...
  14. Well not really Bean & company brought in a vet but due to premature evacuation they sent him to Oakland which i didn't get at all !! They had 2 guys with 1 yrs experience in the NFL & what 2 games started ? Why would you trade the only guy that has 4 yrs invested in the league before you know what you have when the real season starts makes NO sense what so ever, then you put in place the thought of what happened last year to Nate when he was put in to start a game wouldn't you think that they should have at least kept AJ for 2 games ?? Then if they were going to wait to put Allen in say game 6 to 8 he would have had AJ to be that mentor for the time he was here & on the field again it makes no sense even if AJ wasn't a starter he still has seen a lot more than either of the other 2 that were in that room & i think would have been a steadying presence given what he told the guys on the field during the last preseason game ...
  15. I'm on board i would think the rookies could do as well as the vets are doing to this point & maybe even better because they are hungrier & from what i've heard about Teller's strength that could be a plus . For the last 2 seasons it has been more than apparent to every one but this O line coaching staff that Ducasse & Mills are average or below average at best & have finished in the bottom half of rankings each of the last 2 seasons so why are they still there ? Could it be because Juan is good buddies with Vlad I'm thinking that's part of it the other is he can't see the forest for the trees !! Last year the O line was doing terrible as another poster said & when the guys went & said for the coach to simplify the blocking scheme things changed quickly & i'm one to think that if you don't learn from your past it time for you to go so set Juan free or give him a quality control position some where other than the O line !!
  16. Compared to the way i felt after the first game with Nate at the helm it's 100 times better & i realize that with all the rookies on the field we are not going to be a play off contender & the fact that there are some more tweaks that need to be made coaching wise so i would be glad if we do a 7-9 season . But i think given the cap space they will have next year & another good draft the team is on the upswing & McD's process will show a increase each season as it goes along so i am willing to stay patient & see how this works out . Plus a lot has been said how the first 4 games of this years season was against some of the top defenses in the league last year so i was kind of expecting a rough start !! After that the "Experts" say it will get easier for us ...
  17. And to a bunch of other teams too but in a much classier way than the way Davis did it . This year alone there has been quite a few retirements before the actual season started ! This year Eric Decker, Ritchie Incognito, Vontae Davis, all retired during the start of the pre or regular season & there are quite a few more that decided just prior to the preseason like DeMarco Murray that called it a career so maybe it's just the changing of the guard or something in the water !!
  18. Who was it that said if the player is thinking about retirement they are already done playing ??
  19. I'm with you totally !! This way of quitting or just giving up & not manning up is a younger generation thing I have always aired on letting my reputation as a person stand up straight & doing what is in the interest of professional courtesy & not screwing some one . Unless of course you are put in a absolute no win situation which Davis wasn't !! I get it that the other guys hands got cold for getting those carts but hey that should have been recognized as part of the job before agreeing to being hired so that's on him . Davis had $1.5 Million reasons in a signing bonus to at the very least go back out & stay on the side line until the end of the game to root on his team mates, if he thought he was hurting them by his play then pulling himself from the game could have been understood but to leave the way he did was a chicken S**t move !!
  20. You could send him back to Philly with Sproles being hurt it would give them another option at the RB position & he would be back where he considered home before the brilliance that was the Chipster came to town & dismantled a great team . At least if for nothing else the fans would love it & he goes to a winning team & he could end his career where ehe began it & had his best seasons & by doing that Shady may even give McD & company some praise for doing it that way ...
  21. You mean kind of like the Browns & the Colts have for the last couple of years stay relevant while building a good team ? I think that the Bills have been blind sided by a few things & some comes to lay at the feet of a second year HC & one is seeing a better option in his friend Juan Castillo than looking at what was there prior & leaving well enough alone but the Rams are happy he didn't !! You add to that the retirement of 2 starting O linemen & then the trade of their starting LT due to injury history which with out the retirement of the other 2 would have been much easier to take but the retirement thing is something that needs to be dealt with & they are doing their best at this time to figure it out . Then you throw in the screwing that Davis gave them yesterday which i think by them signing him they thought he would take a huge weight off their shoulders to keep the secondary strong but showed yesterday he isn't which if he only would have handled it differently i think it would have been looked at in a totally different light but wasn't !! Then you through in the fact of the amount of rookies & second year players on the field expecting to keep the team a float plus you add to that getting rid of the only "Veteran QB" on the roster before you see what the second year QB looks like when the real bullets start flying & all this together gives us what we see on the field a team in rebuild mode. So i'm willing to cut McD some slack because by some of his actions like taking over the defensive play calling yesterday & doing a better job in the second half & saying they knew it would't be easy i have faith that he & his FO will see what's wrong & fix it but it won't be over night !! GO BILLS !!
  22. McD needs to do something to shake up the O line play Castillo's player preference's needs to be taken out of that consideration because the only reason why Ducasse is here is because of him . Ducasse is nothing more than a possible depth option & they should have their rookies in there just as they do with the QB position to be getting game experience ! Miller I'm not as sure about because he did well a couple years back I think that his regression has more to do with the O line coaches incompetence & blocking scheme than it does with his ability . We saw last year what a difference it made when they changed from a zone blocking scheme back to a more man or power blocking scheme that they used the year before . Castillo might be a good guy but he has the Tyrod syndrome when it comes to play on the field he is average at best time to move on Castillo has had 2 years to prove what he's worth & to this point he ain't showed me anything but why he got fired in Philly !!
  23. That was pretty chicken **** of him the least he could have done was play out the game & retire !! I hope there is a way they can not pay him to he doesn't deserve a penny more then what he got paid to this point !! I don't see how he can expect to get paid it's almost like he signed with the intention of screwing the Bills over for a pay check ! Seems as though he just hung out long enough to guarantee he would get the full $5 MILLION for the season which is a crock of S**T !!
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