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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Awight den you just keep on keeping on my friend !! I just Love a none partial look at coaching from a fans perspective ?
  2. I would hope the Zay Jones experiment is coming to a end the only time the guy catches anything or gets open is when the game is lost & the opponents D has all but loosened up . The one catch he did make last week he bobbled & there wasn't even any one on him the dude ran past him & he let it hit him in the chest almost resulting in a drop i just don't think he's all that !!
  3. This will be a win/win game for me because i moved to the Nashville area & when the Bills are doing bad i route for the Titans so although i will be routing for the Bills because they are my first team if they don't win it won't be terrible , i guess ?? I really do hope that the coaches can get things together & put a whooping on the Titans i have folks here that know my team is the Bills so if they do go down to defeat it will give them bragging rights & i don't want to here it !! GO BILLS !!
  4. To this point we are lucky things panned out the way they have it was a bad coaching move any way you look at it to let the one guy with the most experience although it be not a lot of experience walk when you have a rookie QB with no regular season in game experience & a second year QB with the history that Nate had ! If Allen gets hurt the Bills are screwed & at the very least i think AJ would have given the team a much better chance at winning than Petermen I know McD likes Nate & Nate is a lot like Tyrod, great work ethic, great team player, good leader, but when they get on the field for what ever reason it just doesn't show up !! Which is the reason that Tyrod & Petermen are now both on the bench & their respective rookie QB's that were to be behind them to learn have kicked both their asses when given a chance & took their jobs from them . I just pray Allen doesn't get hurt !! ?
  5. It is the age of instant gratification & if you don't keep up you are thrown to the curb & it is no more evident then when you read a post on a Bills site !!
  6. Can't say as i blame them the guy is all about him & could care less about any one of his team mates that is the one thing i don't like about the new NFL i get wanting to get paid but when is enough enough ?? $14 million to play one year !! If these guys would live with in their means that & what he has made to this point would last a life time but because they have to buy the Lambo & the $90 mill house & take care of all of the friends that come out of the wood work to party with them they blow it like TO did ! I can't imagine making $80 Mill in a career & being broke that's just plain ignorants !!
  7. I kind of felt bad for the dude because the Pitt player just pushed him like a man playing against a boy & you know that it was played on all the major sports networks . Then i heard that that was the same dude Freddy stiff armed in a game a few years back so they probably brought that back on video too so that guy has a few weeks of living this down if he ever does !!
  8. Especially the dude that bet $5k against the Bills & was wondering if his wife would be pissed . Has any one heard from that dude ?? ? I bet that guy was just wanting to run away & hide after the game !!
  9. It has been years since all the big name QB's have been dominating the NFL & all the fans have been routing for or against them for the last 10 or so years but i think the changing of the guard to the young guns has come ! The QB's drafted in the last couple of seasons & those QB's that have sat in the shadows learning behind some of the greats has pointed to that Mahomes , Garopolo & others have come to stay . Given that all of this years draft picks are starting now (we know who they are) & it's only week 3 of the season that's 7 QB changes this season in it self then add the possibility that Chad Kelly is one play away from starting & who ever else you can think to add goes to show the time has come for the change !! One other thing there are more too if they learn to stop screwing up & just play the game & learn how to stop goofing up could also add to the addition of new long term QB's Winston being one of them . Brady, Big Ben, Rogers, Matty Ice, Flacco & more are not going to be around for at most maybe 2 more seasons well maybe more than 2 but it's closer to that than further away but it could allow more young guns to pick up where they left off . I could see a couple of the older guys leaving in retirement after this season (i don't see any of them leaving at half time though) seeing as some have muttered those words in the recent past it could be a push but it could happen, do you see any others than those i have mentioned leaving or being put out to pasture soon ??
  10. I think the Bills love being the dogs it gives them a chip on their shoulder to prove the "Experts" wrong but you never here them say that they were wrong about the Bills & until they say that the Bills will be the dogs & that's alright with me !! GO BILLS !!!
  11. So that gives the Bills 2 drafts to get a starting center that would replace Wood for years to come !!
  12. I'm with you i think this guy would be a player for the Bills like Hogan is for the Pats & could have been for the Bills but was over looked . Reilly always leaves it all on the field & plays to the whistle which is a guy you never have to worry about giving his all when he plays !!
  13. Ryan Lewis was a good find i hope he keeps up the good work & Ivory is another good pick up & McD said if the players don't play well they will be replaced so if these guys have better chemistry with the other guys then you play them. If Shady comes back & doesn't for what ever reason play well with these guys or the chemistry isn't the same then keep him as a back up for a while & if another team needs a good RB due to injury then trade him if they can get a good pick for him but only if Shady is on the down side of his play !!
  14. As long as he can learn how to catch the ball when it's thrown to him he should be able to be a #1 because he can get open but if he continues to drop balls when they hit him in the hands & chest that could be a problem !! I do like him BUT just saying !!
  15. That guy is proof that when your mom is pregnant she shouldn't do drugs !!?
  16. Ted was the BOMB i use to love listening to that guy back in the day i wish they would have given him more attention in the NHL community !!
  17. I don't think much of him & the more i listen to him the less i like his insight ! He flip flops to much on players his knowledge is much less than it should be for some one that does football for a living Chris Brown has him beat 10 fold in the analysis part of players & the game ! His TD celebration calls seem a bit over the top & his nick names are less than original . All that being said i listen to the One Bills Live show but am listening to it less than i use to when Donald was on but i find the show much better when Chris Brown is on to give his insight . I live in Nashville TN & the Titans announcer has a much better delivery especially on the TD celebration announcements ! I know Murph isn't going any where for a while but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they found some one better suited to call the games !! IMO
  18. When the light goes on for those 2 alone there will be a notable difference in how the D performs & then with who ever they can get in next years draft to fortify what they have not to mention with the amount of cap space they will have to incise some FA's i think it can go no where but up from here !!
  19. WOW you must lead a very sheltered existence if you think these guys are the worst Duo the Bills have had since back then & then if you think Pollian was bad i don't have any words for that !! ?
  20. Is this Schoop i heard he bet $5k against the Bills in another post here ?
  21. All's he needs to do is look at the stats for the games Tyrod has started this season then look at the stats for the 2 quarters of the game that Mayfield started & that will be all he needs to see of course that is if he want s to see it for what it is ... Mayfield is going to be the S**T when it's all said & done he has the IT factor for sure !! And he did what he did last night with no weekly reps with the 1's it was all from his mental reps through the week ! His interview on NFL.com is pretty cool the dude has a energy about him i was hoping that we would have gotten a crack at this but the Browns got a good one !!
  22. I really don't see what you think your going to here from him he sure as shooting ain't gonna tell you what their offensive plan is so there is only so much that he can say ! Besides how many different ways can you ask the same question ?
  23. Will definitely put this family in my prayers !! Cancer is a terrible disease of which i have experienced in the past few years family & friends deal with & by the grace of god some have survived & others were not so lucky but don't have to face another day with it . I hope one day for a cure so no one has to experience what this family is going through !! ?
  24. Here are some very surprising things that i read about which actually is the exact opposite of what i have thought about some of these players on the O line !! https://billswire.usatoday.com/2018/09/20/buffalo-bills-pff-pro-foot-ball-offensive-line-ryan-groy-vlad-ducasse-dion-dawkins/ ?
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