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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. How about reducing all of the payments & BS that the gov't pays to all of the useless research things and other countries that they do & take care of the veterans that they knowingly poisoned in Vietnam and quite possibly other conflicts it just amazes me how the veterans get the short end of the stick . That is exactly where "America First" comes from ! I can see helping others but these politicians need to change their mind set and put America & it's people first ! Uncover all of the corrupt doings as far as those collecting from the gov't that are just pulling a fast one on the system and use those monies more responsibly !!
  2. The heading is exactly true but i just had a reply from someone here that when i mentioned the inflation rate being the highest its been in history under this administration said it was a lie made up by MAGA . So all those other things brought up over the years he apparently believed or was drinking the kool aid with those media out lets putting the BS out there . As i said in my reply if what i posted was wrong it's because the media lied and was telling myself and the rest of America the wrong thing on the evening news & it wasn't Fox ...
  3. I love those promo's that he does but squeaky clean 🤔 I'm thinking if you look back at some of his highlights you will see he could bring the lumber when he had the chance . Then there is the fact he was thrown out of some games for some of his antics which he has talked about on 1 Bills Live . One of them being one of his last games with Marv that he got thrown out of the game so i'm not thinking he's that squeaky clean guy !
  4. Yes they are but i have heard those a lot more in tune with the NFL than me say that it is very hard to stay that good through out a 17+ game season and they have been that good most all year . I thought the Bills would be getting others that have been injured back & off of suspension in time enough to get them back in game shape & by then the new rookies would have assimilated into the offense to know their jobs & things would start to click towards the late part to the end of the season . And so far it looks as if that could happen . Include that they have had a late by week to get a bit more healthy then you add in prior to the by they showed that they could still win with out a bunch of their starters that just encourages me even more . Now that the Bills are getting back all of the starting line up and every one is healthy or healthier this team could make a lot of noise this year . I think this week they can afford to still sit some of their injured like they have Kinkaid, & even Coleman to make sure they are back to as close to 100% for the play off run . GO BILLS !!!
  5. This will definitely be THE measuring stick to see exactly how the Bills can stand up to one of if not the best team in the entire league . Some say this will be a preview to the SB . I could see that happening .
  6. The Chiefs have it all on their side . Not only do they have talent but they have luck too ! It's going to take the Bills playing their best mistake free or at the very best a game with the least amount of mistakes as they can play & have a little bit of luck on their side to beat them . I believe McD & company have learned from past mistakes and have become the better of the two teams the only thing they do have now is much more experience on their coaching staffs when it comes to coordinators but there is always the new guy on the block and lets hope McD & this team can make it happen ! I Billeve this is the year !! GO BILLS !!!!
  7. Man i hope this doesn't take Josh down the same path as Bass !!! 🙏
  8. Not sure if he checked out but from what i saw he wasn't in a big hurry at all and should have had his team up to the line with the amount of time they had left immediately to save as much time as they could for his offense to score . He has had to have been in those situations some where at some time in his career i think it was both bad coaching & a rookie not being coached to know how to handle those type of situations in game .
  9. I would ! I want Josh and the boys to beat all of them straight up with most of their starters so there is no excuse what so ever ...
  10. Well it was on the news for months every night so that makes every body but you a liar & only you are the superior mental mind that knows all that is political !! And if i'm wrong then it's because the news told me the wrong thing ABC, NBC, CBS,and the rest so that just goes to prove all the BS you were pushing about the orange man was nothing but total BS too . So in this case we'll just take your word for it seeing as you are the all knowing !! Thanks .
  11. Time always wins ! It will eventually show a liar for what they truly are because they lie to cover up the original lie & then with social media those that were supressed will make the truth known . So why are Fauci, Maddow & the rest caught in a lie still walking around as free as you & I and still making more money than those that are truthful ??
  12. I'll help you out a bit, it's not only the economy, it's the highest inflation in history, housing prices through the roof, groceries prices up, open borders allowing illegals in at historic levels, undoing certain bills put in place that helped only to later find out that changing them made things worse, , not to continue drilling for oil & then opening up the national surplus of oil to bring down higher prices of fuel, and many more things such as these over a 4 year period to prove incompetence in leadership . But at least were not in a civil war there is that !! Your right it was pretty sad but MAYBE things will get better now . As the OP says lets keep a eye on things to hopefully get better ... Time will tell . Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving too !!!
  13. If a house goes in disrepair the price goes down, if a company isn't doing very well the price of the company usually goes down, so seeing as the Jets suck right now & have for quite a while doesn't that mean that the price of the team should be much less than say a team that is doing very well ?? If the Jets continue on this path they may need more than 1 person to put up their hard earned cash to buy the team given the hill they will have to climb in order to get them back to being relevant in the NFL .
  14. I guess they were right the creme rises to the top even when it comes to the ignorant ! But the MAGA people are the ones that are the nut jobs and have caused all the trouble . They need to arrest all these whack jobs and put them in the cells next to those that are still in jail for J6 .
  15. They want or try to include every thing & every one under this huge umbrella and they lie and tell them all what they want to here, none of them have the balls to actually do what is best for the over all majority of the American citizens & the country . But in order to so some things that will do more good for the future of the country your going to have to piss off some and those people, & they are usually the ones that have become more dependent on the gov't & way to freakin sensitive and can't take any kind of constructive criticism, no matter if it's in any way harsh or not it still hurts their feelings because (stomp my feet) They don't get their way ...
  16. Well seeing that illegal immigration was historically the highest it's been during Joes time anything is better than their feeble attempt & at least it's more than Joe and Kamala did which was cancel what deterrents the previous administration had in place and open the gates welcoming as many illegals as possible . He hasn't even been in office yet and just by talking to the Mexican Pres. is doing more to put it back to what it was prior which was a hole lot less than the historical amount of illegals that they allowed in . What Kamala's big thing was getting on TV and saying DON"T COME i could have done that pretty lame ! What's really amazing is that even though Joes time in office had the highest inflation rate in history and some of the highest illegals crossing the border in history, Americans are to ignorant to know the difference and think he was doing a great job . I'm so glad some with people with some common sense & could see through the BS showed up on election day ! Your right the next 4 years should be a lot better !!
  17. And the house you just closed on based on what they say my house is worth now compared to what it was 4 years ago is now about 4 times more than it was when Joe took office . Groceries & most all other consumables are all up some over double, plus record high inflation at one point, vehicle costs are probably half or more again higher in price than they were 4 years ago . All those tariffs that were in place when Joe took office he stopped in his first week in office so prices should have been less right ? But China basically said they were going to double their prices to make up for the money they lost prior to Joe getting in office, which is another reason for more higher prices so no tariffs cost more money too !! Thanks Joe ! Someone with some balls needs to do something about this China thing ! For years it has been allowed for a COMMUNIST COUNTRY to produce what the American economy consumes to support communism and it seems you & no one else learned anything from the pandemic when the shortages came to be ! This is almost as foolish as it would be to allow manufacturers of guns, ammo, military equipment like tanks, RPG's, and other such things to be produced by China which makes total sense . And if any of this means bringing back manufacturing or keeping it in America i'm in . You can't find many if any products that have Made in America on it any more and that's total BS !!
  18. Let me start off by saying Knox is a weapon and if used right can produce and help this team win ! With that said up until this last game it's almost like Brady forgot about him with in the scheme even when Kincaid was in the game and had him covered they still didn't go to Knox . But this last game they had to and he showed them his value to this offense & Josh . I along with others have been reminded how he had a 9 TD season not to long ago & how he was on angry runs the guy is a Bills type player all day .. I hope there is a way they can come up with to keep him here, because if they don't i feel he will come back here to Nashville to play for the Titans which for him would be a good deal seeing as his family is here but not so good for the Bills . If Brady would just use the 2 TE alignment more and have Knox be more a part of it they could benefit from both Knox & Kincaid and play to each of their strengths in the scheme .
  19. Boy talk about a entire family drinking the Kool aid HOLY S**T !! By that 1 statement from a 12 year old you can't tell what that family talks about while at the dinner table or on the way to water polo practice ...
  20. Joe was we all know & we know he was FOS too !
  21. Von has even said he would sometimes use big chunks of game time to set a player up thinking he was playing him one way only to later pull a move out from his book of moves to catch him sleeping and go by him for a sack which is 1 thing having a heavy rotation can't let a player do .. Use to be the same with RB's, back in the day RB's use to say they would need to get into the flow of the game by getting quite a few carries under their belt to know how the opposition was going to play them and use that in some ways against them for big gains in the ground game . But those days for now are gone until it comes back around to a coach and player tandem that realizes the back needs to get warmed up in order to figure out a D and how to run against them then it will come full circle, in some ways like the running game has this season .
  22. When that next meeting happens i want it to be both teams at full strength or as close as they can be to that so there can be no excuses like - If so & so would have been in the line up it would have been different, don't want none of that .
  23. If a guy like this that has been around the league in many different team situations says the things like he has about being here 🤔 that says something about how different it is here !!! GO BILLS !!!
  24. At this point though may not be very surprising .
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