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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. This type of thing is always brought up against any man or women of color that doesn't go along with your mind set ! Isn't it funny you feel the same way about all these very intelligent men Thomas Sowell, Evert Ellison, Ben Carson . But you would rather have us listen to someone that makes total sense when ever they open their mouths like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, which never speak of keeping the race war going .
  2. She better be because if she's not they won't pull any punches when it comes to nailing her to the cross just because she jumped ship ...
  3. Yah but he won this one and it wasn't very close either because finally even some of those from the opposite side could see through the BS that has been happening for 4 years and thought even a made out to be felon was better than alternative so what does that say . I'd say actions are much louder than words wouldn't you ???
  4. JETS 🤔 - BILLS 🤔 - JETS - Last place team in a dumpster fire 🤔 - BILLS - AFC east Champions 5 consecutive times 🤔 ??? NO BRAINER !! I'M SHUFFLING OFF TOO BUFFALO !!! GO BILLS !!!!
  5. And when they brought him in i heard he wasn't a very good when playing in Philly more of a depth signing & like you said with Millano back now he was just a body incase another player got hurt .
  6. I got your boy FF !! You know exactly what i'm talking about, the Russian BS you and the rest of your cult pushed for 4+ years
  7. This is like going hunting in the woods & you just start shooting randomly just incase something might walk near where you are & what you are hunting for, common sense be dammed !!
  8. Well first off the first thing that strikes me is that he is the chairmen of the house "Intelligence" comity, oxy moron or just a moron ???? So i guess if this was being talked about by Trump at 1 point and time then he started this none sense so Joe is just doing the same thing and should be chastised in the same manner by this moron but never will be because that's the way they role ! What's good to bring against 1 is not good to bring against their own !!! But it is okay to throw stones from their glass houses !! Surprised there is no reply in reference on this from certain others here ?? I'd say NOT !!! Just like they did on the Russia thing for 4 years Right ?? They can always print more money to pay for it ...
  9. I've been watching some more on this and there is NO WAY that this should be allowed in any way shape or form !! If there are no charges how can one grant a pardon ? This just goes to show ow ignorant Biden truly is, i wish i could play poker against this guy I'd make a ton of money off of him ! Nothing like showing your hand before it is even in play !! Bidens total incompetence has been shown in 1 statement of granting these preemptive pardons, what a career politician !!
  10. \A lot depends on who you ask ! Have you asked Tibs his thoughts ?
  11. Braelon Allens - 67 Attempts, 240 yds , 3.6 yds avg. 2 TD's Ray Davis - 80 Attempts, 342 yds, 4.3 yds avg. , 3 TD's Yr to date ...
  12. AH He's the most over rated QB in the NFL !! 😎
  13. No disrespect to NC but i'd say that would be a step backwards & would do nothing for him as far as his wanting the win total for the NFL so i'm thinking he won't be a college coach anytime soon . I can see him in Jerry world just because of Jerry but seeing as he didn't learn a thing with Jimmy it may not be a good match .
  14. If your a division Champ i'd say your in the chase to get a Lombardi but for some here that's not good enough, if your not in the play offs you just can't get there from there !!
  15. Not so much when you consider the alternative ...
  16. My journey is something like yours just backwards from you, after 2 lengthy relationships that ended i found myself broke , no money and living pay check to pay check, so now i do all of my money own stuff ! I wouldn't mind investing in something but now that i have a bit of something would rather not lose it & i'm not a gambler at all !! But now It's amazing, after i took over my financials i have cars, a bike, a house, and other toys & it's all paid for, i owe no one anything ! Glory to god for it !!!
  17. But he's not worth a flip ! The only thing he can do is win but he can't even get us to a SB what good is he ? Of course i hope you know this is all me just being like those that want him gone . I wouldn't mind to see him retire here in hopes of having 1 or more Lombardi trophies in tow . GO BILLS !!!
  18. Sorry but that stuff strikes me as being a lot like fantasy football, you invest a lot your time then with that money & as far as anything tangible you never actually have just something that says you have it . Not to mention alls they have to do is hit a button & you can be shut down instantly with little or no recourse . I just don't understand how you can buy something that doesn't actually exist ? So i'll watch from the sideline and watch you get rich . Enjoy .
  19. Sounds to me because you talking how this administration will fail that you are in fact talking about your self, especially when you talk about dum people and idiots that know nothing you fit that position !!!
  20. First question is WHY would he even consider this if there are no charges brought against them at this point ? The only thing i can think of and most that see or here of this first thought would be that there is a very good possibility that there could be evidence of wrong doing - Right ? Just goes to show how crooked Joe was & his past could catch up to him . I can't for the life of me figure how anyone would allow such a thing if they knew the person was innocent - unless they know something we don't ? It shouldn't be allowed i never heard of this in all of my life time totally ridiculous !!
  21. Socialist to say the least ... Unfortunate
  22. All bad decisions lead to Trump - Joe was a brilliant & savvy leader, one of the best to ever take office . 🙄
  23. Now there's a picture of the deep state at work , just keeping it all in the family ! Keep all that money coming in that her & her daddy live comfortably off of from Halliburton .
  24. Bene could have done a hole lot worse ! I think he will work out fine ...
  25. I had covid 1 time for sure that i know of so my immune system has a little help so i'm good & i'm not scared to sit next to you unless you are oooozing covid then i'm out 😆 ! Shed altered DNA - A ? Okay i never ...
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