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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. At 32 yrs old does he still have enough left in the tank ? I know he was great when he was in GB with Rogers but I haven't heard a lot of noise from him since and I feel Josh has always reminded me to have a lot of the same tools Rogers had in his prime only a bit tougher so if he does have anything left it could be a good get . Also is he better than Coop ? Cooper is 2 years younger than Adams and they are both about the same height & weight but Cooper is a bit faster than Adams and has had great production through out his career so would it be better to sign Coop because he already knows the offense and has time working with Josh which is a plus .
  2. I hope they can't him back I have always thought that if they used him more he could be another great weapon for Josh the guy is money and has great hands when ever he is needed to make a big catch he's there . If they don't sign him fairly quick . I believe Dabol & Shein will steel him because they know just how good he is and they need really good players if not the Pats will scoop him up .
  3. I would like to know the actual amount of money that is paid to taxes by the richest people or corporations to the gov't each year and the actual amount that is paid by the working class . I personally don't have a problem with some of the taxes I pay because it is a necessity, but when I think of these things and here people complain such as you are doing in this reply it starts me thinking . I know what I make per year, I know what I pay in per year, I know what I get back per year or a average that I can guesstimate on past years, seeing as I base mine off of what I think I have been found to be around 13% of my income (Please correct me if I'm wrong) but because my income is so much less than say a Billionaires income my thought goes like this . For the sake of conversation : what is 13% of say $100K which would be paid in taxes & then ??? What is 7% of $2 Billion ??? I'm no mathematician but even though in a percentage we are paying more money in actual CASH in I'm thinking Billionaires are paying much more money in taxes because the amount of many they make dwarfs the amounts made by us working stiffs . Then if you take into consideration what if any percentage of these monies that these ultra rich put back into their companies building warehouses, manufacturing plants, office buildings and such does that off set the amounts to become a higher percentage that actually helps the Merican economy . Again I don't know the answer but common sense would say if the amount of money made is 25 times higher even though the percentage is lower the actual money would be more ... 🤔
  4. Are you rating them in order of stats, Championships, leadership or all of the above ?
  5. Actions & thoughts such as these and many others that have happened over the past 5+ years are the woke agenda in full implementation and it will be judged as such because the world is embracing it as the way things should be ! That evil is good & good as evil, which is exactly what god in his word has told us to avoid doing ! But has become the norm in America today . I'm not saying to not feel bad for those that have lost a loved one because they are the victims but they need to come to the realization of why actions were taken that may have caused the outcome to be what it is, and not to put blame on others for their loved ones decisions or actions and in many times only for monetary gain which is now becoming the norm . Isaiah 5:20
  6. Interjection of thought ; could it be that the technology was years ahead of what Verizon has in their tech ? Could it be that Verizon was not trying to continually better their service in the areas they were hired for and just became complacent with the services given in excepting payments ? I do know that in the industry I am in Starlink has been implemented in some of the internet & TV streaming that our companies use and those that have used it say it's 100 times better & more efficient than the typical services that the companies were using . I don't know what all is involved in this alls I do know is what I have spoke about and as in a lot of companies trying to get more for their money in the area of performance because tech is changing so fast upgrades and change is inevitable given A I and all that is coming, then if factor in the laziness of th human race that has become more & more prevalent that could be in part why some of this is happening . But this is just me thinking out loud .
  7. Not to mention the implementation of new tech into these companies, the American automotive industry is full of robots and such that have taken the place of humans that don't need health care, cigarette or lunch breaks & many other things that humans need and I'm sure there are technologies that can be implemented in NOAA . But none of that fits. the "Orange man bad" Narrative !!
  8. Sounds more like a bit of common sense interjection to me which a lot of Americans in a growing amount use less and less of each day ...
  9. I think I would rather be drowning in piss than stupidity because at least I can take a shower to wash off piss but stupid stays with you for ever ! Here's your sign ! To blame something like bird flu which is the reason for the higher prices and then the possibility of other farmers increasing the price or price gouging because of demand is ridiculous, but does fit what your trying to put forward within your narrative ...
  10. Sounds to me like Trump needs to look into putting this Scott Jennings as one of his cabinet members the guy is money !!
  11. 12000 employees 300 laid off ... not the end just stream lining going forward not unlike Gm, Ford, Chrysler, Google, or other companies but dam that Musk for trimming gov't spending .
  12. He's definitely a stud and the more he plays the better he will get but I still dig some Millano & IMHO I would rather trade Oliver he is very spotty and a lot of teams just shut him down & he disappears for long stints in the season when Milan came back he was pretty consistent & looking like the old Lano . With a full off season to rest and get back into full shape I think he will be the Lano we all know & luv .
  13. Firsts God doesn't like it when you take his name in vain, it amazes me that the moderators won't allow some words in replies to show up & cover them with stars but will allow that cussing in a title go figure !! 32 to 29 - The Chiefs didn't exactly throttle the Bills in the AFCCG ! Although I do think if the Bills would have made if to the SB it would have been a better game but the Bills would have lost the Eagles were just to strong all the way around . I think after this draft and with the Eagles possibly losing some of their top payers to FA this off season that the Bills will only get better and their chance to go all the way will be better this year than last .
  14. It's all a smoke screen man 😜 !!
  15. And it will probably be from Chiefs fans the most ...
  16. Truly the Tech was in place alls they need to do on any kind of possibility of a QB sneak or the Tush Push as we know it is put the dam camera that they have on cables that we always see in games right over the top of the play for another set of eyes to help determine where the ball is and that would have more than confirmed that Josh had the first ! But to allow the ref that josh had his back to to make the over riding call on that play was complete and utter ignorants at it's finest ! The ref Josh was facing should have made that call . Sorry i had a flash back ...
  17. I don't think they need to pay him any more than they did Ed because both of them have a knack of disappearing in for periods of time and in some instances be made to be a none factor by elite players and the Bills need more than flashes from these guys but i think Rousseau will want to test the market and there will be a team that will back up the truck more than the Bills unless Beane gets there first and makes a point to Greg of staying with the Bills .
  18. Has a verdict came down on Gore Jr. to this point or is he just a PS player ?
  19. True but Mario also had Hughes on the opposite side which sure didn't hurt any ! The year or so that Schwartz had those guys when they led the league in sacks and i believe each of those 2 had double digit years was a D i wish we had now, there would be no stopping this team with that D And Josh at the wheel !! That said Schobel was one of my favorites because like Kyle Williams he could have easily demanded a trade the Bills would have had to give it to him but he was a Bills kind of guy just put his hard hat on every week and went to work and lead by example . Top 5 were B. Williams - 45.5 sacks C. Bennett - 52.5 P. Hanson - 61.5 A. Schobel - 78.0 Bruce - 171 - but should have been able to finish his career in B/lo and get all 200 Absolutely foolish move by the team !! Mario 43 in 4 years
  20. You & the media will pull up any kind of BS to try to reach your biased narrative !! I'm in my 60's and as most of us with any kind of common sense, which you don't use because you have very little of it so i'll enlighten you ! Most of us that have & use common sense know that when you reach a certain age our bodies change, and no matter how much we don't like it bruising becomes a way of life unfortunately ! The only way you do get bruises is because you do things that are of a physical nature unlike you which would rather sit punching keys on a key board or playing with your genitals which is the height of your physical activity . Actual physical actions cause this type of bruising and although you and the media tried to make it look as if just by shaking another mans hand that that would cause a bruise such as this is all total BS ! Your just trying to lump this POTUS in with the feeble & very weak minded one that just lost the election .
  21. Oh don't forget about him releasing the bird flu so the price of eggs went up too !! An lets pay no mind to him shutting down the boarder so less illegal criminals can come into the country to feed for free off of Americans, or that he follows the laws that are actually put in place so tax payers don't have to bare the burden of paying for all their free stuff while they wait years to see a judge . Or that he has negotiated with Apple to bring more jobs back to the American economy , or put in place people to reveal some of the most ridiculous gov't spending that should stay here, or that he had balls enough to realize the truth & reality that there are only male & female people and they should stick to their own when it comes to competition . Or that how many hostages have been released just in the short time he has been in office, or how he has revealed how some of those in the gov't would rather break the law by telling those here illegally how to avoid law enforcement only to cost all of us more money and show their true colors instead of believing & being law abiding politicians to stand up for the laws that THEY have put in place ! I'm sure i could think of some other things that don't fit into the narrative . But thanks for pointing out all that other stuff too .
  22. First ballad HOFer for sure ! TO go from undrafted to one of the best LT's in the league the only other person that i know of off the top of my head that did that was John Randle . But you can bet there will be no thank you to the Bills for bringing him to Buffalo because of what ever his reason was for wanting out of Buffalo or thanking their coaching staff for making the suggestion of changing his position to put him in the place he is .
  23. Well 74.07 percent of you at this point are going of be disappointed !!
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