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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. He lead the team in TD's and was there in some of the most important times when needed as a the guy to make the plays to go ahead or win the game, then you add on top of that his versatility and the attitude he brought to the team on and off the field . Sure everything is looked at in what the stats are but there is a lot more that some players bring than just stats . Kyle Williams will never be in the HOF and his stats will never blow you away but dammit what a great Buffalo Bill and which Williams will go down in Bills history as the better player Mario or Kyle ? Kyle has my vote all day long !!!
  2. When seeking true change your always gong to piss off someone and in this case it's most of those that have been sucking off the US tit for ever, alls you have to do is look at the US deficit to know that some one or something is definite wrong and has been manipulated to be used in a way that isn't sustainable . It use to be when the gov't was run in such a way that they had to like the Americans that fund the Federal gov't through paying their taxes had to look at what was in the check book and stay with in it's means was a good thing, but that went away a very long time ago when politicians learned how to manipulate the American tax payers into thinking their change was good when in fact it was only to advance their personal agenda's . Social security was a great thing until it was opened up for the US gov't to use as they see fit and now it's near broke, they also found out that if you continually keep the country in a war type situation they can spend money like they have unlimited amounts of it, you add to that doing away with the gold standard and basically giving control of the American money to the federal reserve and those that own it instead of the actual US gov't which is now the reason why the US gov't has to pay interest on the federal money it has & is the exact reason why the deficit will never be able to be paid down to a reasonable amount . So let's just continue down the same road we have been going down and listen to politicians that speak of this grand thing of hope and change then do nothing about it, (which if you want to see the definition of insanity just look at the US gov't) then Include every one and give all a trophy instead of allowing reality to be what it is and let those know that life isn't fair and you don't always get what you want & in a lot of instances you have to fail to become better due to your failures then use it as motivation !! I have always thought why is the US the world's Sheriff ? And why has the US became the world's bank ? The US is always the first one to open the check book and just blow money on what ever, no matter how ridiculous it may be but that is and has been exactly the way it has been for decades . Then when you step on those toes that have been sucking that tit for decades your not only going to piss off those receiving but those that have been giving it away & especially those that believe in the Global institutionalization of everything . Why should the US be held hostage by a communist country when it comes to what we take in as our every day products ? Walmart Is not now what Sam Walton was seeing as his dream, it is now a company that is the portal to communist China to keep their economy stronger than the US is and that is all in the name of greed . It's crazy to see where this country has went just in my life time but it has been happening right under our noses for decades ! Something needs to change for real and that is the big problem ! Not only those hear in the US holding their hands out because they feel that they are entitled the rest of the world is also thinking the same thing and depending on the US to give them what they need and now that some one in some kind of way is looking a bit deeper into the uncontrolled spending it's really pissing them off . But you need a huge set of balls to actually make changes and your going to piss off a lot of people especially those that have put the country down the road it has been on for hundreds of years and we can just look back at history and see who those scum bags are & what they did to get us here then only to have been living off of the decisions they made while a cog in the corruption of the US gov't . I hope that all that is gong on now will one day be seen as something that is needed to be done and will truly make a change for the better because I know personally if you truly change course there will be sacrifices and that is no longer a part of the American vocabulary !!!
  3. I can see why they are pissed, that dam Trump stopping DEI, clamping down on Pro Palestinian protestors, And clamping down on illegal immigration, plus closing the US check book to all these sitting with their hands out to get as much American tax payer money as they have in the past, WTH is next ? Yah he's definitely a huge POS . No wonder the US has been put on the watch list that bass turd ...
  4. ***** !!! The guy was super productive and a great locker room guy and Josh loved him and had a lot of trust in him but they don't bring him back WTF ??? This is a HUGE head scratcher ...
  5. Wow this actually sounds pretty familiar ...
  6. And the Bills know when to say no but will this change the minds of those that were ragging on Beane for giving that pick up to the Chiefs ? Probably not !!
  7. How much is his dead cap hit of this year ?
  8. As long as they bring back Hollins I don't care who else they get that dude was money and was a great fit with Josh, plus he brought some attitude to the ST's & the offense which sure didn't hurt !!
  9. Samuel is Kirk as far as size isn't he ? I would think we need bigger WR's not more small ones .
  10. Yes covid had a lot to do with the economy that was in really good shape until covid hit then it went down hill fast ! Then due to the actions taken, closing every thing down as far as businesses and such it made it even worse . If there was any kind of common sense utilized it may not have gotten as bad as it was but to make things even worse they (Cuomo & others) sent the old folks that were infected back to their homes only to infect and kill more people making it look a hole lot worse than what it was . I personally never thought it was all that bad but got there because of stupid decisions and made up science that was ridiculous . Masks didn't work, Joe said the only way to not get the virus was to have a shot that had absolutely no historical testing, and Fauci blew it completely out of proportion and got Trump reeling in the beginning then Joe took over and continued the F ups ... Now we all know it was nowise than the Flu ... But we all paid the price literally !!
  11. That goes both ways things were going fine when good ole Joe took over and couldn't leave well enough alone and In part inherited a strong economy until covid hit . Then claimed all of the jobs that came back when we all found out just how much BS surrounded covid as jobs he created when some were just jobs that were already in place but put on hold, so then there's that ...
  12. Which one stopped the ones that were in place when he got elected that were working and which one had balls enough to put them in place in the first place but now has to fix all the F up's from the prior ? If it would have been left alone none of this would have to be happening .
  13. I can understand the tariff on Mexico because they weren't going to help to slow or stop the illegal immigrants from coming through their country to make it to the US southern border so I got that one but the Canadian tariff is just plain foolish . He was in office when he wanted the Keystone to be built so I'm not sure why he is thinking the way he is I could maybe understand threatening a tariff to use as a tool to get something that he may want but to actually implement it I'm not for that at all !! And all of his wise ass comments about making Canada the 51st state needs to stop ! Canada is a proud country and they border the US and if one hand washes the other both countries could profit from economic agreements but if he continues to piss them off it will just screw up the relationship ! I wonder if there is something that has went on behind the curtain that we don't know about that is the reason for his actions & statements .
  14. Johnson sucked ! That entire thing was Jerry esk, and then to fire a winning HC totally ridiculous but that's what you get & the drought was probably karma .
  15. It took some time to screw it up it will take some time to turn it around, I know we all live in a instant gratification world but all good things come to those who wait . And if the last POTUS would have lived by the old adage that "If it ain't broke don't fix it" It wouldn't need to have as much fixed as it does . So strap in you got 4 years .
  16. If no one else has noticed if there is a recession in our future it has been coming . Just like prior to 2008 housing prices and much more went through the roof and kept climbing because of basic greed which the so called experts said was due to demand for housing in South Florida . I watched housing go from a 3/2 1300 Sq ft. from the say normal $100K to just before the market went hay wire the same house go to $800K and people were ignorantly paying it . The same has been happening her win Nashville and it cannot continue because people can't afford it & the market will correct itself . Since covid and the "Supply Chain" shortages lumber has increased X3, and because the companies producing it are greedy you won't see it come back to the prices before it went up, the same has happened to the housing market here a 1800 Sq ft house has went from $180K to $650K because of lumber and then the greedy ass realtors basically auctioning houses to the highest bidder and the price won't come down until the market resets it self . Then you add the bird flu killing off the chickens along with the prior POTUS adding to the inflation of grocery prices with all of his brilliant policies and those prices have basically stayed higher and now is being blamed on the new POTUS who is trying to fix those problems but it won't happen until the market resets . I just like I watched prices climb before 2008 have been again watching prices go nuts and it's coming and I don't believe it can be avoided because I feel it's just a natural progression the market will adjust itself because these kind of prices cannot stay the same everything has continued to go up and the economy can't sustain where it has went . So be prepared once again because IMHO history will repeat it self and there will be those going OMG look what the Orange man has done to us but it started 5 plus years ago .
  17. If his limp is significant then I need my leg amputated ! I for what ever reason have all of the sudden developed pain in my knee & Trump is 15 years older than me and a friend told me one time getting old ain't for pussies and I'm here to tell you if any of the young folks I know had to put up with some of the aches & pains that I have all's they would do is whine all day long . So I'm thinking it's nothing more than the orange man showing his age a bit, which if he starts repeatedly falling up or down stairs then I will start to worry a bit more .
  18. Exactly which is a huge reason why this should have been done years ago . I seem to remember this being brought up some time back when Hillary was in what ever role it was a the time in the gov't or she was asked about it when running for president and she was against it, which just proves she didn't have the balls to make the tough decisions . This decision will make a lot of libs butt hurt and give 1 more reason for them to rail against the orange man but it's about time . If I remember in my history class in high school, immigrants that came to this country and wanted to become American citizens had to learn a certain amount about American history and had to learn a certain amount of the English language because that is what the first settlers that came here spoke as the main language . The American Indians didn't but that is a hole different story which it wouldn't surprise me if the libs use that as another part of their narrative in saying that Trump is doing the same thing to these poor immigrants now but we come to expect it from you !! This to may save a lot of companies money because they will or should no. longer have to hire an interpreter or print signs & applications in 2 or 3 different languages . I just took a uber the other day and the driver could barely speak a lick of English so I couldn't tell him exactly where I needed to be dropped off and I flat out told him if your in America you need to speak English . If your here to make our money and want to become a citizen than go all the way this isn't a trans citizenship where you pick and choose what parts of being a American you want to be it's all or nothing !!
  19. At 32 yrs old does he still have enough left in the tank ? I know he was great when he was in GB with Rogers but I haven't heard a lot of noise from him since and I feel Josh has always reminded me to have a lot of the same tools Rogers had in his prime only a bit tougher so if he does have anything left it could be a good get . Also is he better than Coop ? Cooper is 2 years younger than Adams and they are both about the same height & weight but Cooper is a bit faster than Adams and has had great production through out his career so would it be better to sign Coop because he already knows the offense and has time working with Josh which is a plus .
  20. I hope they can't him back I have always thought that if they used him more he could be another great weapon for Josh the guy is money and has great hands when ever he is needed to make a big catch he's there . If they don't sign him fairly quick . I believe Dabol & Shein will steel him because they know just how good he is and they need really good players if not the Pats will scoop him up .
  21. I would like to know the actual amount of money that is paid to taxes by the richest people or corporations to the gov't each year and the actual amount that is paid by the working class . I personally don't have a problem with some of the taxes I pay because it is a necessity, but when I think of these things and here people complain such as you are doing in this reply it starts me thinking . I know what I make per year, I know what I pay in per year, I know what I get back per year or a average that I can guesstimate on past years, seeing as I base mine off of what I think I have been found to be around 13% of my income (Please correct me if I'm wrong) but because my income is so much less than say a Billionaires income my thought goes like this . For the sake of conversation : what is 13% of say $100K which would be paid in taxes & then ??? What is 7% of $2 Billion ??? I'm no mathematician but even though in a percentage we are paying more money in actual CASH in I'm thinking Billionaires are paying much more money in taxes because the amount of many they make dwarfs the amounts made by us working stiffs . Then if you take into consideration what if any percentage of these monies that these ultra rich put back into their companies building warehouses, manufacturing plants, office buildings and such does that off set the amounts to become a higher percentage that actually helps the Merican economy . Again I don't know the answer but common sense would say if the amount of money made is 25 times higher even though the percentage is lower the actual money would be more ... 🤔
  22. Are you rating them in order of stats, Championships, leadership or all of the above ?
  23. Actions & thoughts such as these and many others that have happened over the past 5+ years are the woke agenda in full implementation and it will be judged as such because the world is embracing it as the way things should be ! That evil is good & good as evil, which is exactly what god in his word has told us to avoid doing ! But has become the norm in America today . I'm not saying to not feel bad for those that have lost a loved one because they are the victims but they need to come to the realization of why actions were taken that may have caused the outcome to be what it is, and not to put blame on others for their loved ones decisions or actions and in many times only for monetary gain which is now becoming the norm . Isaiah 5:20
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