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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. No need to apologize. You created this great place that many of us wouldn't know what to do without. Thank you for all that you do to keep this place running.
  2. Lol how many times is he gonna give him this ball? Or is it the same pic from last year just recycled.
  3. This is not accurate. I smoke a decent amount for pain management and to sleep after a few car accidents. I'll stop a couple times a year but it's not fun for two weeks. I usually lose about 15 lbs from not being able to eat. Ate 100 calories yesterday and it was very had to do that. For whatever reason my throat won't let me swallow the food. Ill be extremely tired but will be up for days. No matter how many sleep aids I take. I've had very bad headaches and stomach problems. I've thrown up a few times.
  4. Also the coldest it's been in november is 2 degrees. Hottest was 80.
  5. I agree. The North location is good, but its not EA. The wings seemed to be cooked about the same but the sauce was different. Too much of something and not enough of the other then a lot more sauce than EA gives you.
  6. I've heard nothing but amazing reviews for them but something always comes up on my end when I try to order. Can't wait to try them.
  7. A tuned and modded civic can get up to 750hp maybe more. So there's a chance it's faster.
  8. Much easier to make money in crypto than a casino. Play the peaks and valleys. As long as it goes up and down there's easy money to be made.
  9. Because it's a way to stash players you don't want to cut
  10. He can't make it out of camp healthy.
  11. Be careful with fish oil. I ended up in the hospital because it caused my heart to slow down a lot and I would pass out. Took it for years and never noticed any issues then one day I woke up on the floor and it kept happening. After finding info about heart issues and fish oil I stopped taking it and the problems went away. There's some info about it online. I'll see if I can find it again.
  12. Are you familiar with the immediate area around the stadium? My family got an Airbnb two blocks from the stadium was wondering how the neighborhood is.
  13. Perfect example of why the world is in the shape it's in. Been proven many times they make up stuff to get reactions out of people but people need to feel something so let's keep spreading the bull####. Let's all get mad about a ranking this place did but make sure you give them their clicks. They need ad revenue so they can do it again next week and get more money.
  14. Created a Facebook account.
  15. Was online around July of last year.
  16. Went to theatres thinking this was a third movie. Was very disappointed it was the same movie that we watched last summer. Family kept telling me it was new.
  17. Yep. Twice on my birthday. Was at a course on Sheridan drive. They gave me a bunch of arcade tokens and maybe a slice of pizza.
  18. They threw a lot on Josh's plate very early in his career. I'm pretty sure he's been allowed to do the bolded since at least year 2
  19. Not unless he ups his hang time by a lot.
  20. 550 something. $153 a ticket.
  21. Wendy was in better call Saul a couple episodes ago so definitely impossible to make work
  22. Yep. Bought 8 yesterday. Think we're in 550 something.
  23. Around $15 for an order of 10. They had $80 cases at the restaurant supply stores a week or so ago. It's been a long time since I've saw them that low. They were cleaned out before I could buy one.
  24. The guy in the grey bills shirts looks kinda like Daboll and lol at Keenum pushing his hand away
  25. What was the reason he went to Florida to begin with... Smh🙄 Obviously he wasn't practicing at 6 am. Idk why you would think that I was saying he was coming straight from practice
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