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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. You mean the one where the browns player came out of the pile with the ball?
  2. Yup. We have been playing a lot of cover-1 and cover-0 the last few weeks. Every coverage is used it just depends on the situation and personnel.
  3. Im thinking that Hackett is limiting the plays ej needs to know and will slowly increase his workload. Brown is that bad. We were one of the best teams rushing to the left side last year. It's woods not brooks
  4. Every team runs a cover two coverage scheme all it means is two defenders covering the deep halves of the field. It gives the corners some help deep. You can still blitz and have an aggressive defense.
  5. Didn't Easley run a 4.39? He's 6'2" 220 and is a few tenths of a second slower than tj and looks good in practice and preseason. Why he doesn't get reps is mind boggling.
  6. I have seen plays where every receiver runs ten yards and stands there, I think the int on the pass to tj was one of them. Every time I see this play the defense has it covered perfectly and there is almost no chance it works yet hack calls again. Everyone and their grandmothers knows what is coming its so frustrating watching
  7. If he didn't have confidence in the receivers beating man coverage and the oline protecting EJ thAn why in the hell did he call so many deep passes.
  8. They have been saying the fullback is dying for years now. Everything goes in circles like others have already said. The run game will be back in focus soon
  9. How bad does PF get? I have it in both feet and have had it for a while. It is only a problem for me when l get up in the morning. After that it's fine. I hope we franchise him again and trade him to Jacksonville.
  10. We need to build a new wall first. There is no room on the current wall
  11. In my experiences at the ralph it is usually the opposing teams fans that cause the most problems.(jets) if the bills fans cheer and high five they complain to security. If their team scores they are pushing their way up the row and talking ****. At the home opener we had pats fans in the row infront and behind when the pats did something good they would try to high five and shake eachothers hands but try to hit us in the process and act like it was an accident. I have been to 20 or so games and 90% of the problems are caused by opposing fans
  12. Coming out of college he was known for pass break ups just not ints. They also said he was the best man coverage corner in that draft and we immediately had him playing zone. I'm starting to think it was our coaches that were dumb and not him.
  13. I thought the same thing until the redskins traded champ bailey for portis
  14. We were having a party at my house and a guy got there late and saw one play and started bitching about Mario. We all at once yelled he has 3 sacks already. Great game
  15. Have we wore our away jerseys yet this year? I think we wore our home blue all preseason
  16. I don't believe that you listened to or saw any of his interviews. Maybe read them. You could see he is very immature and was going to take a long time to mature if he ever does. His body language and eye contact shows that he was just saying the right things and he didn't believe what he was saying. His attitude and actions at training camp prove this. He was one of my favorite players in the draft and I really wanted him to make the roster. However the second I saw him talk I knew it was gonna be a very long shot as I deal with people that talk and act like him everyday
  17. Having 4 down line man and 3 lbs with little to no blitzes called was a huge difference. We opened the game playing a very similar D to last years. Corners playing 12 yards off the receivers on goal to go from the 6. it was very different. Idk what you were watching but it was obvious and you didn't need a microscope to see it
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