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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. the entire game the crowd felt the same. It was one of the worst crowds I've seen at a bills game. Absolutely no energy the entire game. The jets game 2 weeks ago had a better bills crowd and that was in new jersey. The crowd was absolutely terrible
  2. the chandler penalty I had a clear view and watched him the entire time from the huddle to getting up off the ground. Didn't see chandler do anything to the defender. I don't recall a replay on the scoreboard either. I've noticed when the bills get !@#$ed they try not to show the replays. Except for the henderson off sides they showed that a bunch and must have doctored the video because henderson didn't move on the screen.
  3. his shoulder doesn't move. Also the guy that jumps clearly has his head facing the ball so unless he has an eye that grew on the side of his helmet he couldn't see the slight twitch by henderson. Yes henderson twitched ever so slightly but I don't think either the chiefs defender or the ref saw it. Also like someone said why was the flag thrown so late. If henderson moved then why didn't they throw the flag then. Henderson didn't move for over a full second before the chiefs jump. Still it was a chicken **** call and the ball should have been snapped already for the qb sneak that Marrone and canthackett should have called
  4. About half way through when we were up and still throwing the ball all over the place when we were running the ball with success. I swear Hackett is stupid. He does this every week. Hmm the jets have one of the best run defenses and horrible corners let's run all day. Wait what the cheifs have the best pass defense and a horrible run d. Let's pass all game.
  5. On the walk from the car to the stadium. The crowd had no life to it. Felt like an away game.
  6. I would give up whatever I had in my hands that I threw out of the frustration of having that kitty on our team. Nobody likes goat f******
  7. I guess it's not looking good for him either. Heard on wgr that Hackett had to pull him aside because he wasn't running the correct routes.
  8. Depends on the situation. If it's goal to go within the 5 I put an oline man on them for the 5 yard bump and pass them off to aaron williams. Anywhere else I have a DE or LB check them at the line on the way to the qb and then pass them off to someone better in coverage. With at least cover 1 over the top.
  9. what do you mean mike had 3 out of 4 years above 1000 yards? He has never had a 1000 yards receiving in a season.
  10. not judging by one section. I am judging by every section I have ever sat in. Minimum 2 games a year for the last 20 and have only sat in a repeat section a couple times
  11. I was guilty of show boating before the td. As soon as he hit the 40 I turned around and started singing the shout song to jets fans. They all laughed. So I waited 30 seconds later and laughed again.
  12. Just met chris browns wife and familyat the World Trade center. sad to say it but a lot of bills fans i have come across are not this way
  13. My family and I had seats in the upper endzone and constantly cheered on the bills to the point where the entire section called us !@#$s. We're "kicked out" by security for swearing but they couldn't tell us what we were saying. Out case seemed bleak until 90% of our section (all jets fans) came to our defense. They told the truth all we were doing is cheering on our team. They respected us for coming on to their turf and still supporting our team. We played the shout song on repeat for an hour during tailgate and still had fans coming up to us saying how much they respected us for supporting our team in enemy soil. I would like to say cheers jets fans. Thank you for your support. You men and women were great today except for the few throwing ketchup. I went from despising jets fans to respecting them and making many new friends(as hard as it is to say a jet fan is a friend) It's sad that bills fans would have a person thrown out for cheering on your team when jets fans came to the enemies defense.
  14. Thank you everyone for the help. we haven't decided if we just want to go to the game or to make a weekend out of it. If it were just me I would stay near the stadium but we are taking my uncle for his birthday and he will probably want to walk around the city. We are looking into the Hilton near the stadium now. However a bus with bills family in enemy territory would definitely be cool. Is anyone here going to the game? I know I absolutely hate them. They ruin everything. Just terrible people.
  15. Do you know how long the bus takes. Do you know the route number by any chance? I would like to find a schedule before hand. I am pretty Familiar with the subway but I have never taken a bus in the city. Thank you for your help
  16. Hi. My brother uncle and a friend just got tickets to the game on sunday. Does anyone know of any fairly cheap hotels (not crappy just decent price) that are within public transportation to and from metlife stadium. Also how are the fans. I have always had problems with jet fans at the ralph. How are they at their home stadium?
  17. agree on both points. I have noticed receivers open a lot the last year and a half. That is the one thing I like about hackett.
  18. The tv line was at the 1 but the ball was placed at the 2. I didn't understand that
  19. His hand eye coordination, hands, and body control are elite. I agree with the poster that said he is still not 100%. His physicality after the catch isn't anywhere near what it was in college.
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