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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. When did snow become such a big problem for buffalo? Whoever is in charge of the plowing and salting of the streets here needs to be fired. Everybody knew this was coming and the mayor was on tv bragging how ready they were last week and now everyone looks stupid.
  2. wait, what? When did we start playing good in primetime. And when did we get the Browns number. edit: sarcasm detector is broke.
  3. they definitely did. Ejs passes weren't the best on a couple but if you can get a hand on it you can catch it.
  4. I enjoy bleacher report. I don't see what everyone's problem is with them. The only thing I have a problem with is going through 100 pages to find a bill on their top 100 lists.
  5. I don't want polian. He lucked into kelly, Collins and manning and besides buffalo the teams around the qb have been average at best. His drafting the last few years was bad and even worse is he wants to give his son a job who is terrible. Even though he did luck into the qbs he is very thorough in evaluating them and usually is right on how they will pan out. So in saying that I would only be ok with him as someone to help in finding a qb and that is all.
  6. bears game is the first catch that comes to mind. He has had a bunch more that I can't pinpoint what games they were
  7. bears game is the first catch that comes to mind. He has had a bunch more that I can't pinpoint what games they were
  8. bears game is the first catch that comes to mind. He has had a bunch more that I can't pinpoint what games they were
  9. I voted harbaugh but I would want to keep gym shorts but I don't see the two of them working together. Also the whole jim kelly thing
  10. the textbook defense of the pass was clearly legal and in no way shape or form have been called a PI. Not even close. I'll re watch again to see the holding on both ends. All the bills holds I saw were called by the officials however I could have missed some. The tackle that was on Mario held him 95% of the time. Mario should have had around 7 sacks if not for the holds. the intentional grounding was absolute crap. Tannehill had 2 throw aways that were way worse and they weren't called and sammy was within a reasonable distance to catch the ball. Nobody I'm their right mind would call that intentional grounding. With out the refs the dolphins only scored 6 pts on their own.
  11. The bills by the design of the coaches are a team that is going to be in a lot of close games. One or two bull **** calls have a huge influence on the game. As bad as the bills offense was the bills win this game if walt coleman doesn't allow blatant holding on every play of the dolphins 1st td drive as Mario would have had at least 2 drive killing sacks. Or the pass interference penalty that gave them the other TD or the safety bull ****. That's 16 points given to the dolphins.
  12. Mike williams had 3.5 sacks according to espn. I tried to post the screen shot but it doesn't find the pics on my SD card when I try to upload them.
  13. Complete bull ****. If I ever see walt Coleman I will beat the piss out of him I swear to !@#$ing god
  14. Complete bull ****. If I ever see walt Coleman I will beat the piss out of him I swear to !@#$ing god
  15. Walt Coleman took the dolphins by the hand and walked them to the endzone. Smfh. Mario should have 5 sacks I'd not for all this holding
  16. I believe we have 5 picks in 2015 as of now I maybe off by 1 either way. a first round pick is not the be all and end all of roster building. There is free agency, rounds 2-7 and also trades. It's not the end of the world
  17. let me put on my x-ray glasses and watch it again for the 48th time. I absolutely do not. But maybe my x-ray specs aren't working correct today. Only thing I see is the camera refocusing.
  18. I see you don't understand sarcasm.another poster said they only showed the top half of the lineman on the replays so it would have been impossible to see the offsides if you were at the game. again I see sarcasm is lost here. But your welcome
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