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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. This is stupid why are we playing so far off? It's common sense they are running 3 steps and ball it out so press and jam at the line wtf
  2. Here we go with can'thackit playing to the defenses strength. Run the god damn ball.
  3. Why does Gilmore play up on the line and not jam the receiver. He just gets ran by.
  4. I'll trade a copy of super Mario 2 for nes for kaep
  5. I like most of you have no problem with pettine. He was offered a chance as a head coach who can blame him that he took the chance. Good for him. As for whitner. I hope he catches ebola to say the least.
  6. I could not believe my eyes. Any time Vick started to run I thought it was going to be a huge gain. Then here comes a 300 lb lineman catching him from behind. It was beautiful
  7. there were multiple times sammy was wide open with room to run and the qb didn't throw to the open receiver
  8. The drops killed him today along with a couple plays where he was wide open with nothing but open field between him and the endzone. I think Orton will stop going to a receiver once they drop one or two passes.
  9. was just thinking about this. What teams ever open the roof? I want to say the Colts may have but I couldn't tell you when or how often. Hell who else has a retractable roof? Colts, cardinals and who else?
  10. I would like a stadium downtown. Only way I have a roof is if it's retractable and open during every bills football game
  11. How do tickets work? Do I just go with the ones I already have or do I need to buy more?
  12. no. I believe there is a rule that it has to be only televised in the two markets that are playing
  13. Again I can see you don't live here. Monday afternoon a lot of roads were covered in sheets of ice before the storm even got here. When there is ice on the roads you put salt down. In buffalo a lot of the plows also carry salt. If they were out salting the roads because they were icy they would have been out when the snow started falling and could have taken care of a few feet before they got ridiculously behind like they are now.
  14. I have been all day. What are you doing? Come help us. We can use anyone we can. no prob. Lol. Lost my cool. It's aggravating reading comments when people try to demean anyone that doesn't agree with what they think. I say start plowing when it starts snowing they say oh noes it was too much to handle. I say yeah it is too much to handle when you let it get to 3 feet before you do something about it. They come back with another excuse. I seem to stoop down to their level a lot here. Esp after a loss. Smh
  15. Alcohol and viagra doesn't work the way you think it should 5 fans should do it. Along with an umbrella on everyone's roof. Problem solved
  16. I actually live on a main road. I swear you people are among the dumbest I have ever encountered. Sit and make assumptions about what is going on in the real world and make excuses when you are proven to be an idiot or just flat out wrong. Did you see pictures online so now your an expert on what is going on. I should go walk to the store and get some beer. Oh wait I forgot they are all closed because the roads aren't clear... anyway enough with that crap. Is there anyone stuck in this that needs to be dug out. A few of my neighbors and I are coming around to help out. We're heading towards Lancaster in a few.
  17. if they were to competently use the equipment I would have no problem with a tax increase. It's the fact that they knew the storm was coming (maybe not 7 feet) and sat and did nothing until it was entirely too late. Like I said in another post we didn't have a plow go down our street until there was 3 feet. Of course they can't handle it they let it get out of control there was 3 feet before they pulled a plow out. They knew a 4 day storm was coming and waited until there was 3 feet to start plowing. It's common sense to start preparing before it starts.
  18. Marrone will give him the mike williams treatment. Sit and get paid for doing nothing. That'll teach them
  19. it's happened before in my lifetime. Wasn't as bad because they stayed on top of it. The last time there was a storm like this the plows were out the day before salting and out in full force the second it started snowing. They would get behind because there was no way to keep up with it but they kept at it and nothing got out of hand like it is now. We had 3 feet on my street before we saw a plow yesterday afternoon. It's embarrassing
  20. this snow will be mostly gone by Tuesday. It's gonna be 50s and rain Absolutely not
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