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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. agree. He has all the tools. Can make favre like throws(off back foot under pressure across his body 40 yards for a td in between 3 defenders).
  2. For all the crap I've been giving him he had an amazing game yesterday. Perfect coverage all around and absolutely lit up that broncos receiver. I also went back and watched a few of the previous games and he wasn't anywhere nearly as bad as I made him out to be. Mmm crow.
  3. there were many times that the D line beat the broncos o line but they were on run plays or Peyton got rid of the ball very quick. Of Peyton 20 attempts at least 5 were one step screens there may have been 5 plays where he had the ball more than 2 seconds
  4. he has always been like this. The receivers bail him out by making ridiculous catches. When they don't make them consistently he looks bad and when they make they make them he looks good. He has been throwing behind receivers for a while now and has been missing wide open targets forcing the ball into his first read. I'm starting to think the throw to your first read is on the coaches because all of the qbs we have had in the last two years have done this.
  5. graham was blocked low and jumped over the player and fell to the ground. Horrible call
  6. The refs were horrible for both teams today. There were a few phantom calls against the Broncos however they were all on either short gains or early downs so they weren't magnified as much as the calls against the bills. The calls against the bills however swayed the game in favor of the broncos
  7. it would have been 4th down and a likely field goal. Or a goal line stand. I would take the chance of them going for it over a td any day
  8. this was the 3rd down where we stopped him short and the ref from the other side was marking him short until the fist bump ref came up saying he was in. Replay showed the rb down by contact at the 6 inch mark and it being 4th down
  9. How was that rushing td not overturned(I want to say the first broncos td) the rb was down short of the goal line the ref with the Clear view was marking him short then a ref came from the other side and ruled a td. It was 3rd down. The replays showed the rb sitting down before reaching over the line. Also a lot of phantom calls. I want to say it was the ref fist bump td
  10. he's good to be short a yard everytime. Mike williams needs to be out there
  11. So it's ok to hold if the pass is already thrown. Hmm this is getting ridiculous
  12. he is having an amazing game. anyone see this unnecessary roughness? We rewound and didn't see anything
  13. We should call jerry jones and see if we can make a trade for the cowgirls. Yeah i could be blindingly drunk and I would still turn down a jill. Oddly I my standards go up when I'm drunk.
  14. I don't think we still would have picked 3 if we had ngata
  15. if you think watkins hasn't been open you definitely aren't watching the games. Watkins has been open
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