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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. no offense taken. I understand how crazy this sounds. But I will say that the suites have some thing similar to a what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas kind of thing(until a friend tells a friend and posts it on the net). There are a lot of things that happen in there that don't get reported. Think drunk rich guys that think they can do what they want to who ever they want. also the calling of actual LEOs is very frowned upon.
  2. this was told to me by 3 people now. A supervisor that works in the suites, a friends that works in the suites in question and a security guard. All three have told me the same thing. The supervisor and friend know each other. So they could have been messing with me but the security guard doesn't know the other two and works in a completely different area and had the same story. I didn't see it with my own eyes so I can't say 100% it is true. But I'm not trying to mess with you guys. Just passing along what I was told. does anyone know anyone that works in the suites(or Delaware north) or security? I would like to know if anyone elsw heard this.
  3. I didn't see it for myself but heard the story from two people I know that work in separate parts of the stadium. One security the other a cook for the suites. No offense taken. I have no reason to believe they are lying. But it's definitely not from me personally seeing it. I hope it's true. I'm going to ask again today to see if there are inconsistencies. I'll post back soon what I find out. EDIT. Just got off phone with my Friend along with a supervisor at stadium and both said it happened.
  4. Packers fan attacked my friend that works at the stadium. The pack fan decided he was going to block the entrance to an area of the suites as my friend was trying to get back to work and the fan attacked him as he tried to get by. Smh. Also a funny story. The Packers injured players were in a suite next to st. Doug s wife's and were talking trash to her. So once the bills went up Marrone's wife went into the pack suite and mooned them. A security guard had to be placed in between the two suites.
  5. what quarterback has been available that would make us better since Whaley became the official gm?
  6. I was wondering why they would curse the blind as well. The guy had his team sold and is donating a majority of the money to charity and to two cities that have fallen on hard times and are trying to rebuild themselves. How someone can complain and dig for faults in that is mind-boggling. But cursing the blind makes this guy happy...
  7. I'm sure he could but i wouldn't pay him ridiculous money to play out of position and i don't think he would come anywhere near the production he has as a DT. I would rather keep Hughes if we were going to replace him with a DT.
  8. That's what I said. He had a pretty good game against the Colts but leading his position is a stretch
  9. My only complaint is he sometimes loses focus or half asses a catch. Other than that my complaints are with how we use him. Those plays where hogan is in motion behind the line before the snap and then thrown the ball in the flat would be perfect for sammy. But canthackit doesn't see it that way for whatever reason
  10. My only complaint is he sometimes loses focus or half asses a catch. Other than that my complaints are with how we use him. Those plays where hogan is in motion behind the line before the snap and then thrown the ball in the flat would be perfect for sammy. But canthackit doesn't see it that way for whatever reason
  11. lmfao. Give Hackett a punch for me as well
  12. different position. He would have to replace kyle or join the DT rotation
  13. We need 2 guards and a qb. I would take 2 of each.
  14. I went to one on I think the road is called independence it was pretty good. It was in a plaza. This was about 8 years ago though and I don't remember the name
  15. Yup he is sitting on his ass clearly short of the goal line. I wish you guys could have watched at my friends house. 10 foot hd projection rewind and zoom. Clearly short. No possible way anyone could claim he was in as Anderson was sitting on the ground with his back to the goal line with the ball about the width of his body short. Anderson then turns his body and crosses after being down by contact. No touchdown.
  16. I'm with it that hogan play where the ball was spotted short of the first down I think was spotted there because hogan himself cut back and went behind the first down line on his own. So what ever forward progress he had was negated by him doing that. It wouldn't be a hogan catch if he wasn't a yard short lol.
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