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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. Lynch privately expressing interest in patriots If oakland deal doesn't get done. Per bleacher report
  2. Did one of your DEs have like 5 sacks?
  3. that's where I'm hoping to go. Best chance on getting a first next year and second this year.
  4. friend went to the rams game last year and got tickets for really cheap. Im pretty sure they were around $100 for 4 on one of the aftermarket ticket sites. Edit. Just realized it's the chargers and they aren't playing in same stadium.
  5. I went a few years ago. Gilmore draft. They had four players available(mario, Levitre, Sanborn,and someone I can't remember) for autographs and everyone was allowed to get one. They had a tour of the field house locker room and towards the end they had a table set up with the players. They had tours of weight room as well. A few old players and a sports collectable place selling stuff(I got 3 autographed game balls for $25 each). After we picked Gilmore, Chan came out and talked about the pick for a min. we had free beer in the field house.
  6. Greg Manusky. I think he runs a 34
  7. I hated the way they sent off taker. I can't stand reigns. Taker getting whupped all around the ring, followed by him crawling after reigns and then laying in the ring for 5 mins was very likely the end of wwe for me. I wasn't impressed by any of it besides that shane is still crazy af.
  8. I look at hundreds if not thousands of mocks throughout the year on here and a lot of other places. Most are changed daily. I don't have espn insider either lol. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=/amp/www.buffalorumblings.com/platform/amp/2016/4/22/11487942/espn-2016-nfl-mock-draft-shaq-lawson-buffalo-bills&ved=0ahUKEwj9mpCtvIbTAhWC64MKHYd7DBwQFgg6MAQ&usg=AFQjCNFb6MDEODyxCXqH49YOQl5r0dZD8w here's two mocks with shaq to bills that I found by searching shaq lawson mocked to bills. Earlier in the process on draft shows they would talk about shaq as a fit for the bills and he was talked about a lot here. Close to the draft his stock went up and he shot up mocks. Was anyone here really surprised we drafted him?
  9. saw shaq on a ton of mocks last year to us. Im not sure where he is getting that opinion from but I see tons of mocks every year that get our pick right.
  10. this. Oakland is probably my second favorite nfl team. I wish they could have kept the team in there.
  11. Drinking game. Everytime McDermott says "we know what they bring to the table" you drink. It's his "obviously" or "and stuff like that"
  12. yes against the computer the game will adapt to you if you call the same plays over and over. Against a person it's up to them to call plays to stop you and it's harder. I might run 6 plays total between offense and defense and have a close game vs the computer but blow out people. I run what I know like the back of my hand so if there's problems I know where everyone is and can hit a button with out thinking.
  13. you can do a franchise or cfm I think it's called now. You can scout players,fa, draft,and develop players. Not sure if they have the playback editor anymore.
  14. Any examples of corners coming back from Achilles injuries? I thought it robbed you of your explosiveness.
  15. you admire cheating? Interesting...
  16. when has dareus phoned it in on the field?
  17. give Sammy Eli or Ben and everything changes. If you put Beckham or brown on the bills I don't think they come close to Sammy's numbers here when healthy.
  18. Hate pats***, chefs, and George halas. pissing on his grave is on my bucket list. Dislike. jets, dolphins, pretty much the entire nfc. Like. Raiders
  19. no idea why but shaud Williams has come up in three different conversations I've had this week. Top 5 at position. Watkins. Dareus. Shady. DiMarco. Incognito. Maybe glenn.
  20. as long as he's on the field he earns his pay.
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