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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. Is that how he tried to explain what happened? Weed and alcohol don't cause that type of behavior. The legal states would be full of random people incoherently mumbling on strangers couches. That was something else.
  2. What is there to really talk about. He's said hes sorry, learned from his mistakes and it won't happen again a couple times already. The kid is talented but repeatedly makes terrible decisions off the field. The people saying his family will keep him in line over look that he's lived with his family for 18 years and look where we're at. I want the kid to succeed but like Sal c said I don't think buffalo is the right fit for him.
  3. Oh noes someone from Binghamton doesn't believe me. What ever will I do.
  4. Why wasn't that blown dead when the tackle started moving? Never would have been targeting Let's go!!!
  5. Lmao i just watched that. But i think you should meet the owner before doubting it they throw rolls of paper towels at trump supporters and are constantly getting suspended on Facebook for attacking Republicans. Edit: to be a little clearer I didn't get the promotion for declining their business. I was promoted a short time later for other reasons.
  6. I got a raise and a promotion after telling a few of our larger customers that we won't do business with them after they complained to me about the kneeling Some people care more about people than they do money.
  7. Not going anywhere any way might as well make it entertaining
  8. I would love golden tate on this team I don't know how he would feel coming here tho. We could bring Percy back and have a fight Club in the rv lot before the games.
  9. Hope everything is alright with the car and there were no injuries.
  10. Allen needs to fix his mechanics and that takes a lot of time. Usually don't fix mechanics by playing, especially on this dumpster fire of an offense.
  11. There were a couple drives where they used no huddle but it wasn't a majority of the game. And I wasn't just talking about against the pats. It's pretty much every game. Wait until they get the play call and get everyone lined up then get loud. Makes no sense. The point of being loud is to disrupt communication.
  12. Was the booger mobile there? I didn't see it.
  13. I don't think it was as loud as Rex's first game against the Colts. It was loud at times tho. Just wish people would get loud when the other team is in the huddle and not when their on the line and already know what they're doing.
  14. One more time people.yelling after they know the play doesn't help. Yell when they're in huddle before they know Play
  15. Attention people at game. Get loud during pats**** huddle Loud while calling play not after they know what to do. Common sense Loud during huddle. Repeat louD during huddle not after
  16. Maybe. My uncles family has a real country southern accent and they add c's and k's to the end of everything
  17. I'll try to get there. I wish they brought rex out for this one
  18. Tre said eric allen can jump over it referring to Josh.
  19. Walt shot him in car. Mike drives off maybe a hundred yards or so gets out and heads to the creek where he sits down and walt finds him. Walt realizes that this could have been avoided because Lydia has the names. Mike tells walt to shut up and let him die in peace. Min later he falls over most likely dead. Hated that scene. Mike is my favorite character
  20. As long as eric allen jumps over it.
  21. We were 10th in points and 16th in yards the year before mcd got here. I wouldn't call that poor. We dropped to 22nd in pts and 29th in yards Mcds first year. I'd call that poor.
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