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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. Been seeing a decent amount of talk about him moving to LB. I dont get it. The Bills put a mock draft thing up on FB and one of the mocks included said dont be surprised if the Bills have him stand up to rush the passer. Did they talk about Aaron Donald like that too?
  2. I have a voice for silent films. If i called i would most likely be introduced as former Bills CB Leodis McKelvin.
  3. Hes not wrong. The sabres crowd is depressing. Even if its a good game its like the entire crowd is bill belichick at post game press conference. The difference between a sabres and bills games is crazy. It sucks walking into the arena for sabres games. Its like walking into church for a funeral. If you cheer people complain. We had some out of town family come in for a weekend and we went to a bills and sabres game. Every single one said sabres fans are terrible a few times. The bills got blown out and sabres won and the bills crowd was millions of times better
  4. It sucks to put it mildly. Had to say good bye to my cat about 10 years ago. Still bothers me. Currently have 3 older pets that arent doing too good. A 20 year old bird i got in middle school. A 15 year old cat that was diagnosed with aggressive bladder cancer a little over a week ago. A 17 year old cat that has kidney problems. They all require medication everyday. Have had them all half my life or more. It sucks thinking about it. I lost my train of thought.. I hope things get better and we're all here for you if things get tough
  5. This is thrown around way too much. I dont see a freak athlete when watching him or looking at his combine stats. He does everything pretty well but freak is a little much.
  6. Barry Sanders and Jim Brown. They both are no 1.
  7. Would have helped if the players could make a basket over the course of an hour
  8. Guess you were right... this sucks. Hope the guy thats a good recruiter whos name escapes me right now stays.
  9. Just to show a better side of Chad and a little bit of a LAMP lol. My uncle has Downs syndrome and made friends with Jim after he won a contest to go to Jim's camp in 90. Hes in Jim's book lol. Jim invites him back to camp every year. But he's made friends with Chad over the years. Earlier this week my uncle gets a call before he goes to work, its Chad asking if he worked that day and if so he would stop by to visit. Sure enough later that day in comes Chad. Any time he sees my uncle he goes out of his way to make his day. Brings him onto field when he was prepping for final college season getting a tutorial with Jim and Demore'ea Stringfellow. He may make poor decisions but he does have a good heart.
  10. Where is she now, CFL? Ogbah i prob wouldnt send anything more than a 5th. His production has been meh
  11. Nfl doesnt want their stuff on questionable sites. So they make you go to youtube. But yes. It is dumb
  12. My brother was there but left before it got really bad. Once the water was broke and portapotty over flowed he got out. Wish i could go this year.
  13. Takes a special kind a psyco to be a police officer. Smh.
  14. Oats should have sat harris with 2 mins left in half. Hes been making poor decisions
  15. ?? I just texted my brother maybe he will be at mania
  16. Im surprised he still can with all the back injuries. I wouldnt wish back pain on anyone its terrible.
  17. Just go to a bar, listen to wrg, go on social media. Come on here after a win or loss and see the reactions.
  18. I disagree. Its a pretty large percentage. Go on bills mafia facebook page. Its embarrassing. Hell go on any bills fb page.
  19. Win one game- "WOOOO were going to the superbowl" "were the best team ever no one can beat us" "16-0 baby" " mcbeane for HOF" Lose one game- "were the worst team ever" "fire the coach and GM" " were going 1-15" "trade (insert best player) we need draft picks" I love the team but the fans... smh
  20. Was this one of the guys that ran thru the bills warm ups causing a fight?
  21. I blame Tyree and defense. Both fell apart after good start
  22. His agility times. Hes played the position in college. He had a decen run after catch on the video thats been shared. I think thats enough to cover a "bit"
  23. He looked like he was moving fast enough.
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