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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. So we won’t hear John breathing into the mic when other people are talking for the entire show anymore. He is one guy that I’ve never heard a nice thing about. I’ve crossed paths with him a few times in east aurora. He plowed into me while walking backwards shortly after I had back surgery and got mad at me as I’m on the ground in pain. The guy he was with stopped and apologized for him as John is rushing away. His stat guy worked with my mom and we saw him leaving a preseason game. Her co-worker was like hey come over and meet John Murphy. John huffs and says I’m not Fing talking to them. Friend worked for delaware north at stadium and served him often. He said he wanted to throw his food in his face everyday because he’s such a POS. Talks down to everyone, has an attitude, thinks he’s better than everyone. Said everyone in the building hates him.
  2. I’ve gotten him going for an hour at one of our events. I mentioned something about re-signing a player and he talked for 5 mins about the contract and how the player wants x but team only wants to give y. Went to check on grandkids or something and came back and talked my ear off. He was let go not long after I think.
  3. I’ll be driving through DC in about a month. I’ve never been and wanted to take a quick drive by the monuments and possibly see the White House. Is there a quick way to do this? Were driving two cars to Myrtle Beach. Wanted to take one car into city and not lose much time.
  4. I hate police more than the next guy but if you break the law you should expect to be arrested.
  5. It’s terrifying how many people are looking down at their phone while driving
  6. Or the beer in his lap shifted, or one of thousands of things happened. People swerve completely sober for many different reasons. I swerved 10 mins ago changing the radio
  7. I think the cowboys do something like that. Never been in Dallas during football season but my friend that lives down there said sometimes they broadcast games on large screens on the side of the stadium. He said people go to the wal mart parking lot across the street and watch the game from there.
  8. Stone cold Steve Austin. Undertaker Andre the Giant HBK Hogan
  9. I was coming here to post her.
  10. Chefs, 49ers, Seahawks and titans seem like the only tough teams. The rest we should beat. 11-5
  11. Fred Jackson. Kyle Williams. Shawne Merriman. Was my favorite player in the league before the roids and injuries.
  12. I don’t know much. Been playing around with Robinhood and Coinbase for crypto for a couple years when I get bored. I’ll look for a stock a week that interests me for whatever reason and buy whatever I can afford that week. The last month or so it’s been buying up stuff that dropped. I’ll look at the chart to see how it’s done over the last year. If it seemed to be climbing before the recent drop or something that will rebound and is cheap enough I’ll buy it. Groupon for example has been doing well for me. It bottomed out at .48 cents, I bought at .56 and it’s at $1.27 at the moment. The 52 week high was only $3.82 but if it gets to $2 I’ll be really happy. Before getting out for a bit I was getting into dividend stocks. You get paid a small percentage of the stock every so often. Still feeling my way around them. There’s a lot I don’t understand so I don’t want to give you bad info. I could be doing things completely wrong.
  13. Had something come up around December so I sold off all my stocks. Ended up not needing the money and forgot to put it back in market. Just threw it all back in a little over a week ago. Things are looking good, everything is up besides a few penny stocks I bought for SNG
  14. We should get him an Ed Oliver jersey Happy Birthday Joe
  15. Seemed like every other player they had some messed up thing about them. Tbh I’m surprised espn is still around. Was disappointed when I turned on nfl network and it was espns broadcast
  16. Just curious is you’ve actually watched Moss play or you’re just guessing because he’s Randy’s kid
  17. A draft pick that the Minnesota Vikings made and not us...
  18. He wasn’t drafted by us in this draft. We traded for him well before the draft. He doesn’t count as a draft pick.
  19. But the players know they’ve been drafted. They have the teams hat on. I know if I got drafted by any team but patriots my family and I would be going crazy as soon as we got the call. Wouldn’t be sitting there like damn everyone be quiet and reserved with depressed faces until it’s announced.
  20. I’ll have to look at the scoresheet tonight but the worst of the 6 of us had 8 picks exactly correct(team, player, number of pick) edit: 4 of us including me got 8 correct, 1 got 9, the winner 15.
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