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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. He ran over to celebrate the GW TD and looked fine
  2. Calf. He had a foot I think during the week
  3. Guy is hurt and everyone piles on. Nice
  4. It’s very rare that mike pereira(sp?) and I agree on anything but even he said the refs were terrible today
  5. He’s been fine until the refs were like a blow out is boring and walked the rams back into it
  6. No. They’re clearly a good team that got screwed and is playing against the refs and the rams.
  7. Hate to blame the refs but this is on the refs. Holding everywhere Not called and that int call is killing us. They need the rams back in this game for some reason.
  8. Tremaine touched the ball when he tackled woods. That should be an INT
  9. Wasn’t even simultaneous. Kroft clearly had it first with possession then the guy kinda grabbed at it as they were falling. That ref and whoever confirmed it needs to be banned from Professional sports
  10. I would be cool with Allen throwing the ball as hard as he can at every ref for that bull####
  11. 50/50 goes to offense what is this bull
  12. I think the first of the year was returned. I could be wrong
  13. There’s a song by NWA that could apply here
  14. Yeah got notification from bleacher report that both are active
  15. Yes. They used to climb on our back porch and Up on the thing we made for bird feeders. Crazy seeing a bear on top of a 2x4 on a fence post
  16. Bravo Taron and Dean
  17. One of my first jobs was in a warehouse and we had a lot of dead time. My first week there they asked me how I want my area set up. They would move anything I wanted. So I had all the shelves set up to make a room. From the outside it just looked like shelves set up in a square. The opening could easily be covered by two larger boxes that we would just slide over to cover the opening. Only the maintenance crew and the CEO’s son knew about it. I came to work after a week vacation and the room was bigger. I slide the “door” open and everyone’s inside feet kicked up watching a movie on a laptop. They moved the maintenance crews break area coffee maker and small fridge inside. Set boxes up like furniture with foam insulation as padding. I left the company probably 12 years ago and when I went back to visit a year or two ago it was still up.
  18. I was thinking that the other day. Who was the OC at the time, Was it Roman?
  19. AND is big. He has to be moving parallel or towards AND use shoulder. He wasn’t moving towards or parallel to his endzone. So no penalty by the way the rule is worded. But but but what about Player safety? The league is a joke with their rules
  20. I have not been impressed with Klein so far. Dodson is faster and has made the bigger plays. Both need to work on coverage besides Dodson’s near pick.
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