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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. Wow extremely weak penalties. Metcalf was pushing off too. Ed’s hit was fine and legal.
  2. Kamala is complete trash. It’s disgusting that people blindly vote for someone because of the D or R next to their name. People need to start researching their candidates. People hate trump because he’s racist but vote for Biden and Harris who are also racist and create laws that target minorities and Harris has a long history of backing corrupt cops and criminals if it gets her ahead. Even withholding evidence that proves a persons innocence just to keep her conviction rate high. All 4 of the people the major parties trotted out were complete garbage. Let’s vote for either a blue bowl of crap or a red bowl of crap and let’s brag about eating crap out of our colored bowls.
  3. I’d rather live under a bridge than anywhere with a HOA. Idk how you do it.
  4. He has definitely lost faith in his protection. Saw a couple times where the defense blitzed, the line picked it up beautifully and Allen bailed a clean pocket.
  5. Allen seemed to stop using the touch that he had in weeks 1-4 and has been throwing more fastballs like he was in his first two years when we also had a lot of drops. Maybe Allen throws it too hard and it’s hard to catch. Maybe it’s because teams are playing more zone and he has to fire it into the gaps. Idk but he’s definelty stopped using the touch he had.
  6. A run stuffing DT and it’s not even close. The next 5 games are rough to say the least. If we can stop the run with out dedicating the entire defense to it it’ll go a long way.
  7. This is wrong. Stop making stuff up Check the advanced stats. Oliver is getting pressure. The only times he has struggled is when they play him at 1-tech.
  8. I wish josh wouldn’t hold his hands up on the hard count. I think it was Peyton Manning that saw it first. A very large majority of the time when josh is doing a hard count he has his hands up like he’s gonna get the ball but when he actually gets the ball snapped to him he has his hands at his side and only lifts them when the ball is coming.
  9. Torbert was/is someone very high up in the company that built the patriots stadium. I have no idea how he’s allowed to ref games.
  10. Wegmans passed DiBellas a long time ago. It’s not even close anymore.
  11. Is this the place on transit? If so, very good. Huge menu.
  12. Broncos beat the patriots with only FGs a couple weeks ago. I do agree the team needs to wake up. We should be destroying teams
  13. I could be wrong but I saw Butler at 3T in the second half and he impressed a couple times from that spot
  14. I don’t have the stats in front of me. Just going by what I saw. One of the reporters said zimmer at 1 and butler at 3 was solid against the chefs so I tried to see if that continued. From the plays I watched, when Butler was at 3T he seemed to play much better. Butler is kind of like Jordan Phillips where his size suggests 1T but he’s better at 3T One play stood out later in the game where Butler was at 3 and had the guard go one way then he hit him with a spin move that would make Dwight Freeney proud. Was impressive watching someone that size move like that
  15. He’s been struggling at 1 tech. Has played much better at 3
  16. 15 receptions for 201 yards and 3 tds if this site is to be believed https://www.playerprofiler.com/nfl/tredavious-white/ so about 2 catches and 28 yards a game. A TD just under every other game( that was for 7 games forgot he missed titans)
  17. I’ve never been more proud of a kicker than I was when I saw that.
  18. Watch every pass be to the right this week. I could see belichick doing that.
  19. Is that on Daboll or Allen? I’d say good job by Daboll getting players open, bad job by Allen finding the open man.
  20. Did he have the back injury in camp? He was getting roasted left and right.
  21. To be fair there’s a lot more Mighty’s in the area than Taco Bell and TB you could be the only person in line and you would have to wait 20 mins for one taco, so the line gets very long because they’re so slow. I’ve also worked at both in high school. No idea how people eat Taco Bell. The odd things we would find in the food from the company was disturbing. It was like one in four bags of “beef” would have some foreign object in it. We got a surprise inspection from corporate and the inspector pulled a clump out of the beef. It had metal and hair in it. She threw it out and said it was fine to serve. I’m very surprised nobody has sued them yet.
  22. Get the RBs going and it’ll make Diggs, Beasley and Davis job that much easier the rest of the year.
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