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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. How is running into the LT and getting wrapped up and put down on every pass rush attempt value to this team. I had high hopes this kid would develop and would be a danger if moved around a bit. I still say play him and let's see if there is any development. If not, I'm with you, it would be addition by subtraction.
  2. Bell should be benched tomorrow. Hang is not the problem and until there is a stud to replace him I wish people would lay off him.
  3. Can't see anyone giving up much if anything at this point. I'd cut him and move on if no team bites. Agree on bringing back Levi.
  4. Kelsay has no business playing OLB. Bench him and play Coleman or Maybin and lets take our lumps now. Why play someone who doesn't fit the long range plan? There's no way a DC can stop every potential mismatch. If we are going to suck let's at least suck while giving our future players some precious playing time. We'll much the better for it next year.
  5. I see your point but Kelsay will never cover a tight end and Green is 33 and awful. Let's move on these guys sooner than later .
  6. You're right, but I think those foundational pieces could well be here - but not yet playing. 14 games is a great learning ground for these young guys and we should suck it up and play them.
  7. It doesn't matter a rat's ass how you feel about it - it just is. And for the record I prefer if they build this team and win on the merits and not cheat like your hero.
  8. The didn't take short cuts to get this bad and there are no shortcuts to getting better. Draft well, build with a plan and turn this around. They have ten years of horrible drafting and management. They are starting from ground zero and brother, it's not going to be a quick turnaround. At least they are moving in the right direction.
  9. I don't need to watch Kelsay lug ten yards behind a tight end running after the catch anymore to evaluate him. Play Anotonio Coleman and Maybin and let's live with the growing pains. Bench Green and play Wang or Meredith - guys with upside. Kyle and Stroud should sit more as the year goes on and Carrington and Troup should take over. We're going to suck this year. Let's use the time to give precious playing time to the kids. We'll be much better for it next year.
  10. That's how we got Hangartner.
  11. Good way to end this Jim, go follow the freaking Patriots and revel in their cleverness and questionable morality. You'll be happier and we won't suffer dumb ass threads like this. What don't you get? They broke the rules, knowingly. Just becuase you think the rule is stupid is moot. They cheated. Deal with it. Now go ahead and enjoy your new team.
  12. Mostly because there a hundred threads like it every week and the same old crap gets boring. Especially piling on one individual player. Just gets old, but hey, that's what TSW is for I suppose so have at it. I just let my anger out about crap posts...so we all make out.
  13. He didn't say that for attribution, he was quoted in an article, or book say Buffalo had a "horsesh*t" line. This of course was entirely accurate. I do loathe the man but he knows the game and is a great coach. Not that Brady doesn't make you a great coach, but on the merits, BB is one of the best. His big worry this week is that his team just can't get worked up to steamroll us. That and Donte may go off the deep end when the Pats laugh at us again in the 4th quarter........
  14. This post is worse than the pathetic thread. Don't mind the thread topic, you just managed to get all the P*ssers and moaners to come out.
  15. Okay..everyone feel better after your little rant and sh*t fest? Donte's no pro bowler but he's a good player and cares. Not his fault he was picked #11 so get over it and whine about Maybin for awhile. God what a pathetic thread.
  16. Sir, I am with you 100% on that.
  17. I think the OP is on the money here. Now I just wish Buddy and Chan would finish the benchings and play our young guys take our lumps this year. With a possible "no season" next year, we should be playing our young guys and giving them prescious game experience. We also may end up with a top five draft pick two years running if there is no season next year. Play the kids.....
  18. Nice reminder of what's really important as we all bluster and argue on this page aobut a game.
  19. I hope they don't stop there. Bench Green and Kelsay and play young guys that have a chance of an upside. With the uncertainty next year for league play, why not develop the young guys? It's a two-fer. They will get precious game experience and we may end up with a high draft slot two years running!
  20. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/ Oops...did a search and still missed it. Mods can delete!
  21. Good call! He was aone old timer that could play today. 270 lbs, fast and powerful. I miss going to Sestak-McGuire's for wings back in the day.
  22. I may do it if the Packers would pick up part of his salary. $10 mil and not a starter? Still, better than what we have. Say what you want about Poz, he can't stay on the field.
  23. The radio boys are just baiting you so you will listen. The two of them are empty headed and really just hate the Bills. So do what I do...don't listen. You know what we need? A new sports talk host draft.......
  24. If you saw my post on Sully, you can just ditto it for Schopp. In fact, Schopp and lapdog pretty much parrot anything Sully says. So Sully writes that Chan is desperate for benching TE after two games, it's a no-brainer Schopp will repeat it ad nauseum on the radio and of course lap dog has no original thoughts in his head and agrees with Schopp more than Ed McMahon agreed with Carson. They just delight in being counter to anything that happens at OBD. That's just their little niche. Do what I do, turn them off.
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